Author Topic: Versatility Build - Crossbow + Chemical Pistol  (Read 8601 times)

Quidam Craft

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Versatility Build - Crossbow + Chemical Pistol
« on: February 13, 2019, 02:01:56 pm »
Long ago, I was thinking of a build using Deadly snare and Acidic Entanglements from chemical pistol, but it never past through the idea. But with the latest update and the addition of both cooked shot and Versatility feat, I was thinking I would make the idea.

Basicaly, here is the build :

Concerning the skills, I have a lot of free points that I will use that way :
Everything I can in crossbow to get more precision and damage a decent level in melee and gun via versatility
Everything I can in Evasion to have proper defense against ranged attack, but nothing in dodge since with traps, quick tinkering and acidic entanglements I plan to avoid being hit a close range.
Stealth as it work well with traps, and silent crossbow kills.
Crafting wise : Chemistry and Mechanics mainly to builds good acid gun / Crossbow. And later Biology mainly for corrosive acid bolts and ammo. I plan not to use tailoring as I want the chemical assault unit armor and it’s cooked shot bonus, and not much in electronics, although i’m not sure.
Enough in traps to get the needed feats and be able to disarm what is needed.
If I have spare points, I’ll take mercantile for the better crafting material of vendor.


I started this character yesterday on hard difficulty, and nearly reached level 6 and Depot A. I was ready to have a tough time in the beginning of the game but actually no … It went really well. Mainly due to Versatility.

I’m not sure if it’s liked with the game knowledge I have or else, but versatility really help in the first part of the game. I’m using a crossbow and a knife or a SMG as backup and it rocks. The knife is really good to finish off enemies who got in close ranged or to silently finish a wounded target after a aimed shot. SMG burst shoot is strong as well, even if it need planning to equip it instead of the knife before a fight. Plus a wise usage of caltops and bear traps and everything is smooth even against bots or lightly armed bandits.

And even the mutants of Depot A, i’m not really afraid of it. With quick tinkering, stealth and the 40 bears traps I just made, it will take time, but I’ll manage without much issue. Already done it with a crossbow + trap build.


Here are my questions now :
I’m not sure about mad chemist, I do not know the feat well but it says it make on hit effect of chemical pistol twice as strong ? What does it really mean ? If it only double the damage, it’s not that great, if it also double the chance of getting an acidic entanglement … Then I’ll take it for sure. Otherwise, I think I’ll take a defensive trait.
Versatility … Even if it’s great and helped me a lot. Maybe it’s possible to not need it and take something else just by also leveling up guns as well as crossbow. I won’t get the ability to use a knife as well, but maybe I could get another defensive trait ?
Agility over Constitution. Agility seems obvious to take as a defensive stat (For evasion, movement and stealth), but maybe get 7 constitution instead is valid if I change a bit the build, do you have any ideas ?
Tailoring. I plan to not use tailoring since the armor I want is the chemical assault unit armor since it’s good, is good with the lore of the build, is good looking and have a huge effect on cooked shot I also want. But maybe, tailoring can be good as well, i’m not sure ? What do you think.
Quick pockets. I might need this trait (I’ll be most certainly using an advanced catalyst belt and have an issue using special bolts as a result) and it’s a good trait overall. But I do not know what to remove to get this.
Unique XAL 001 chemical gun. this gun fire really fast, and might be good with cooked shot. But I do not understand the disadvantage of this gun ? Is it worth it to try to use it anyway or is it a bad idea ?
I plan to use a fast firing Cyclon Pneumatic Crossbow as anyway damage will be high enough on targets in a trap or in acidic entanglements with Deadly Snare, Bowyer, Sharpshooter, anatomically aware scope, opportunist, high damage from high perception, and even deadly critical acid bolt that even is made stronger via the bonus from catalyst belt. So I Think I will oneshot anything that is snared anyway, even with a less damaging crossbow, and using a pneumatic crossbow will give me the posibility to also be able to Cooked Shot + Shot my crossbow in one turn. Plus shooting more using adrenaline shots.

Finally, maybe it’s possible to think of that build without aimed shot and/or quick tinkering. only using acidic entanglements to get critical strikes. But it does not seem wise to loose that much versatility. What do you think ?

Ok, that message is way too long … Thank to have read until here, and thanks for your answers and idea !


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Re: Versatility Build - Crossbow + Chemical Pistol
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2019, 03:32:55 pm »
Mad Chemist increases damage of acid and fire pistols' secondary effects and duration of cold pistol's secondary effects.

Take Quick pockets.

XAL 001 is totally worth at least trying. This weapon destroys. My favourite unique in this game <3.
But for Cooked Shot specifically, it may not be better than high quality standard acid pistol. It's a speed/chance tradeoff. You'd need to test it and see what works better for you.

I would keep Aimed Shot since it is required for Sharpshooter.

Quidam Craft

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Re: Versatility Build - Crossbow + Chemical Pistol
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2019, 07:06:33 pm »
Thanks for the answer.

Right, Mad Chemist is not that great in my case, since I do not need that much damage anyway with my acidic entanglement. I'll just change it for something else.

I will certainly take Sure Step for two reason : First I really started to love caltrops and want to make a good use of them in this playthrough, it will give me the opportunity to put caltrops at my feet without worring much. And, of course it will also protect myself from the acid (And early in the game, wich is not the case with other possibilities) i'm gonna spread everywhere through shots, cooked shots and even leaking out the XAL 001. And I can not wear both metal and acid protection boots.

Quick pockets as well seems a very valid choice, which I will take instead of opportunist at level 12 that I postponed until very late (20) as an additional damage bonus on snared targets.

Some more question about the XAL, what does it do exactly ? It spread acid around me when I shoot only (Which is actually great with sure step, since it also put passive defenses around me)? It damages me when I shoot ? It can Entangle me as well ?

If it only leak and damages me I can resolve the situation with a good acid armor and surestep. If it entangle me, well ... It sucks and will certainly lead to my death.

Here is the new build :
« Last Edit: February 13, 2019, 07:10:52 pm by Quidam Craft »


  • Oculite
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Re: Versatility Build - Crossbow + Chemical Pistol
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2019, 09:02:51 pm »
Sadly, XAL has a chance to entangle you as well. There used to be a way to counter that - infused siphoner boots, but they got changed and no longer give immunity to immobilization.

There's still a counter, but not that good - Escape Artist.

Quidam Craft

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Re: Versatility Build - Crossbow + Chemical Pistol
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2019, 09:10:20 pm »
Well ... A feat, just for this would be way too much ...

Then I'm not sure about Surestep, but we'll see, I'll try this way anyway !

Quidam Craft

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Re: Versatility Build - Crossbow + Chemical Pistol
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2019, 03:53:41 pm »
Hey guys ... Actually, this build totaly rocks and is really fun to play !

Made a steam guide that explain precisely the build if some of you are interested in using it :