I am currently trying a pistolero/grenadier build (with, and I have to say it is a lot of fun. I appreciate the simplicity of the 0.44 Hammerer, the crits of the plasma pistol, the stuns of the electrical pistol, and I love Execute too. Sometimes I use the laser pistol as well, eg when enemies have great mechanical resistance and the geometry of the situation doesn't inspire me for electrical pistol use.
What I have trouble appreciating is the chemical pistols. I can find some utility in acid pistols and their entanglement. I also use them against metal armor. But incendiary and cryoliquid pistols have left me scratching my head. Specifically, I have not met any situations this far that would call for pyro/cryo guns.
Maybe part of the problem with pyro guns is the existence of pyro grenades. Throwing is a different skill altogether, but it is a support skill, and what pistolero doesn't use them? With cryo guns, I don't see the utility at all.
Do you guys have any advice on chemical pistols? I do not need them to be absolutely awesome to enjoy them, but they have to be at least situational if I am to carry them with me.
(My current build, I am at level 15, Hard difficulty: STR 3, DEX 10->11, AG 3, CON 5, PE 8->9, WILL 3, INT 8->9.
Skills: Guns, Throwing, Stealth, Hacking, Lockpicking, all Crafting skills, and partially Traps & Mercantile. Later I am going to max out Dodge too.
Feats: Gunslinger, Aimed Shot, Opportunist, Point Shot, Grenadier, High Technicalities, Cooked Shot, eXecute, Critical Power. The rest of them are going to be Three Pointer, Sharpshooter, and three out of Ambush, Uncanny Dodge, Quick Tinkering, Nimble, Mad Chemist, Practical Physicist)