Author Topic: "Shooting spree" feat question  (Read 2054 times)


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"Shooting spree" feat question
« on: July 23, 2019, 07:36:21 pm »
This new feat will reduce CD of aimed shot by killing enemy with sniper rifle, so here is a bit theory crafting, please tell me if I get it right or wrong:
What's in my mind is a build with aimed shot in center, if this feat works like I understand.

1)Spearhead sniper rifle = 2 shots per round (you can make it 3 with adrenaline +blitz, but it will be redundant for this idea, since it would need 4 attacks then)
A)You use aimed shot>kill>CD-1>Aimed shot 2CD
B)Target sure kill enemy>kill>CD-1>Aimed shot 1CD
C)You can use adrenaline to spend 22AP for utility/meds/etc, or use it before B) to soften up the targets, or go stealth to use snipe. End of round>CD-1>Aimed shot recharged
D)Use Aimed shot>kill>CD-1 bla bla bla

So in theory you can spam aimed shot every round if this feat works like that. Add specialization of aimed shot +50%crit power and bonuses from critical power feat, or sharpshooter feat and full equipment bonus. That can be fun))

Does someone already using it? I'm stuck on work, so I have no time to play for the moment((((


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Re: "Shooting spree" feat question
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2019, 10:13:40 pm »
Your steps are pretty hard to follow, but if I understood them correctly, you got it right.

Normally, Aimed Shot (AS for short from now on) has a cooldown of 3 turns. Which means you can use it every 3rd turn, with 2 turns with no AS in-between.

Shooting Spree triggers and reduces the cooldown of AS on every sniper rifle kill (unless there's no cooldown) including the AS kill. So if you kill someone with AS, the cooldown becomes 2 instead of 3 turns already. So AS every 2nd turn, with one turn with no AS in-between, as long as you hit and kill with them every time.

Yes, it is possible to use AS every turn if you manage to kill another enemy with regular sniper rifle attacks or Snipe in addition to the AS kill. It happens from time to time, but not nearly as often as you would expect.

Let's go through an usual scenario with a Rapid Spearhead:

Turn 1: Snipe + AS. Snipe kill doesn't reduce the cooldown in this case, since AS is not on cooldown yet and you have to start with Snipe. AS kill reduces the cooldown to 2 turns.
Turn 2: AS coldown down to 1. Now you have 2 shots to take. If the first of those shots kills an enemy, the other one can be an AS this turn. If not, you have to wait for the next turn. Keep in mind, it's not often that you manage to kill a full health enemy with one regular sniper rifle shot, unless it happens to crit or the enemies are really weak.

Then there's Limited Temporal Increment, which reduces all cooldowns by 1 turn every 3 turns. Or every 2 turns, with Future Orientation. That makes it significantly easier to use AS every turn. But that's a whole different matter, and it's not that easy either.


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Re: "Shooting spree" feat question
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2019, 11:13:46 pm »
Your steps are pretty hard to follow, but if I understood them correctly, you got it right.

Normally, Aimed Shot (AS for short from now on) has a cooldown of 3 turns. Which means you can use it every 3rd turn, with 2 turns with no AS in-between.

Shooting Spree triggers and reduces the cooldown of AS on every sniper rifle kill (unless there's no cooldown) including the AS kill. So if you kill someone with AS, the cooldown becomes 2 instead of 3 turns already. So AS every 2nd turn, with one turn with no AS in-between, as long as you hit and kill with them every time.

Yes, it is possible to use AS every turn if you manage to kill another enemy with regular sniper rifle attacks or Snipe in addition to the AS kill. It happens from time to time, but not nearly as often as you would expect.

Let's go through an usual scenario with a Rapid Spearhead:

Turn 1: Snipe + AS. Snipe kill doesn't reduce the cooldown in this case, since AS is not on cooldown yet and you have to start with Snipe. AS kill reduces the cooldown to 2 turns.
Turn 2: AS coldown down to 1. Now you have 2 shots to take. If the first of those shots kills an enemy, the other one can be an AS this turn. If not, you have to wait for the next turn. Keep in mind, it's not often that you manage to kill a full health enemy with one regular sniper rifle shot, unless it happens to crit or the enemies are really weak.

Then there's Limited Temporal Increment, which reduces all cooldowns by 1 turn every 3 turns. Or every 2 turns, with Future Orientation. That makes it significantly easier to use AS every turn. But that's a whole different matter, and it's not that easy either.

Thx for answer)) So I was right about it. And gonna try to explain my steps:
1st round:
you start with Aimed shot, not snipe >
enemy kill >
Aimed shot's CD 2 >
You target lowest HP enemy/critter/someone you can kill with your 2nd shot >
enemy kill >
Aimed shot's CD 1 >
End of round and aimed shot ready to use.

2nd round:
Use aimed shot > repeat....

Now the snipe is when you can't kill anyone with the second shot in 1st round:
1st round:
you start with Aimed shot, not snipe >
enemy kill >
Aimed shot's CD 2 >
You targets has too much HP to kill with your 2nd shot >
fail to kill anyone >
pop adrenaline and go in stealth >
End of the round with aimed shot has CD 1

2nd round:
Use snipe >
Enemy kill and aimed shot is ready now >
Use aimed shot >
Enemy kill, AS CD 2
Since adrenaline still in effect, use it for grenades/meds/etc
End of round with AS CD 1

3rd round:
Use 1st shot to try to kill someone to reset AS >
And so on...

So this theory crafting was about making AS a primary skill and snipe as a back up. But it's still only a fun theory))