Author Topic: Feat Suggestion: Slinger Enhancement  (Read 795 times)


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Feat Suggestion: Slinger Enhancement
« on: July 26, 2019, 12:51:07 pm »
 Pals, for a long period I've been frustrated by a simple mechanism in the game: no matter how your dexterity score goes GODLY high, you receive no AP cost bonus when throwing nets and 'nades. Yes, I know 'nades are really heavy in real world and should not be messed with. I only think a devoted slinger should get some mastery experience to make he/she throw better, far better than those "30 point-Grenadier" folks.
 Generally I want a lvl 14 mid-game feat to fill some gap, because IMHO Grenadier (lvl 4) is good and Three-Pointer (lvl 8) is simply GOD, but Split Spare is a god darn joke.
I don't know why "level 8" in short becomes a sticker. But you can understand me, don't you?
So this is my original thought:

 Feat: Action Slinger
 - 5 Strength (A master slinger cannot be a feeble one, especially in physical & muscle power. But the art of slinging was focused in balance and coordination, not distance or speed)
 - 10 Dexterity (Merely basic score, Easy for light weapon based melee and SMG spec operatives)
 - 75 Throwing (Maybe higher)
 - Feat: Grenadier (Mandatory, of course)
 Grants you two abilities, "Steady slinging" and "Storm slinging". Activate "Steady Slinging" will cause 5 additional AP cost of all throwing utilities, and grant 5% extra precision for throwing (addictive), reduce cooldown of all throwing by 1 turn (minimal 1 turn, cannot affect cooldown before activating the ability). Activate "Storm Slinging" will reduce AP cost of all throwing utilities by 5 (minimal at 10), but increases cooldown by 1 turn. This feat affects flare, and does not affect Throwing Spear. Both of the abilities last for 3 turns.
 Cooldown: 13 turns (sharing).

I am still imagining its working mechanism in comparison with other lvl 14 core feats (E.g. Commando,  Locus of Control, Critical Power). The conclusion (thus far) is, Action Slinger is quite OP, if you can gain two complementary abilities and change cooldown by only picking one feat.
My second design was stated below, weakened twin power:

 Feat: Storm Slinger
 - 10 Dexterity (Designed for heavily-devoted throwing build, so they can relatively overcome the precision penalty)
 - 75 Throwing
 - Feat: Grenadier
 - Restricted Feat: Steady Slinger
 When throwing anything (except flares and spears) you gain a two-turn "Whirlwind" effect which reduces 2 AP cost (minimal 10) and 20% precision (multiplicative) for further throwing action. Stacks for 3 times.

 Feat: Steady Slinger
 - 7 Strength
 - 6 Dexterity (Designed for heavy weapon based melee, give them reliable distant power. Could make commando-type guys too OP.)
 - 75 Throwing
 - Feat: Grenadier
 - Restricted Feat: Storm Slinger
 You slowly gain an "Buzzerbeater" effect (2 turn each stack) when you don't throw anything (except flares and spears) for 10 turns, which adds extra 1 AP cost and 3% precision (addictive) for next throw. Stacks 10 times. Every 5 stack increase your maximum throwing range by 2 (Maximum at 14, same as the optimal range of SR). Each throw removes 2 stack of Buzzerbeater, and prevent them to stack in next 10 turns.

 Now I have another idea, this one is focused on roleplaying so it becomes an veteran feat!

 Feat: One-hand Slinger
 - Level 26
 - Dexterity 13
 - Throwing 120
 When unarmed or holding one-handed weapon (without shield), reduce all throwing AP cost and precision by 20%.

 Any criticism and suggestion are welcome! Let me know your opinion!
« Last Edit: July 26, 2019, 01:26:24 pm by paulkirikawa »
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