Author Topic: explain difference between shotgun frames  (Read 4849 times)


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explain difference between shotgun frames
« on: August 14, 2019, 10:19:12 am »
hello all,

how are these frames are different?
- Rebel
- Vindicator
- Vagabond

how are these combat shotgun frames are different?
- Sovereign
- Despot
- Tyranny

Which one is the best among combat shotguns?


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Re: explain difference between shotgun frames
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2019, 02:20:16 pm »
how are these combat shotgun frames are different?
- Sovereign
- Despot
- Tyranny

Which one is the best among combat shotguns?

I haven't messed with them enough to tell all differences, but the despot seems to do more base damage, while only holding 5 shells by default and having slightly more spread and less precision. (also has 6 minimum str)
Tyranny does less base damage, holds 8 shells by default, and less spread/more precision. (5 minimum str)
Sovereign seems to be between the two in damage, holds 6 shells. (5 minimum str)


  • Zoner
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Re: explain difference between shotgun frames
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2019, 08:58:30 pm »
Not sure about Combat Shotguns but for the basic ones:

- Rebel is the vanilla model, standard crit and crit damage, average damage spread and firing cone. etc.
- Vagabond has a tighter damage spread and tighter firing cone than average, if I'm not mistaken it also has 1% extra crit (not sure though).
- Vindicator has a wide damage spread, with a very high upper limit, 120% crit damage, and 1 extra ammo per reload, as far as I'm concerned this is the best one by far, since multiple pellets mitigate the usual problems of a high damage spread, though it will make Trainshot and Boarshot less reliable.


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Re: explain difference between shotgun frames
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2019, 09:03:32 pm »
Vindicator has biggest crit damage from non-combat shotguns, and drastic damage spread/range - minimal is the lowest, maximal is the highest.
Spread angle is high, magazin capacity highest - 7 shells.

Vagabond has lower spread angle, medium crit damage and bonus +5% precision, 6 shells capacity, minimal damage spread - minimal is highest, but mazimal is lowest. Good as your "sniper rifle"-style backup wepon, before you got decent Tyranny, because it lose precision with distance slower.

Rebel has no high capacity magazine, no high crit, no precision bonus, damage range - minimal is in the middle, maximal is higher than Vagabond has, and lower than Vindicator has.

Tyranny - highest shell capacity, lowest crit damage, but 4 shells in burst, damage range - minimal is ok, maximal is lowest among combat shotguns.
Very good for when you don't have Full Auto, tested by blood.

Despot - lowest shell capacity, highest crit damage, penalty to precision -5, biggest spread angle, damage range - minimal is lowest, maximal is highest. For when you do have Full Auto and you need final solution, and you don't mind to reload every turn.
Or maybe that extended magazine is for exactly that shotgun, dunno yet.

Sovereign - medium shell capacity, medium crit damage bonus, damage range - minimal is high, maximal is inbetween Tyranny and Despot.

« Last Edit: August 17, 2019, 01:55:17 pm by Fenix »

Coucho Marx

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Re: explain difference between shotgun frames
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2019, 05:12:51 am »
I was curious about this, too, so I did some math. (Well, a website did the math! ;D) I found two shotgun parts of each model (across a few saves at different vendors, so it didn't take long) and compared their base damage at different quality levels. I then fed that data into a two point form calculator - quality & min damage, then quality & max damage, at the two different quality levels. The calculator gave out min & max damage formulas for each shotgun model, which I then tested by plugging in quality levels of shotguns I already had, and the numbers matched (+-1-2 due to formula inaccuracy and rounding errors). I then used to it calculate rough base damage levels at quality 50 and 100 for quick reference. Here's a quick table from my own notes, the formatting's a bit rough but it's clear enough:

Pump Shotguns
                  | Mag | Sprd | Crit%/+CrDam% | Q50 LB         | Q100 LB   | Notes
Rebel          | 6     | 55    | 5%/+100%         | 40-94           | 59-138     | Baseline pump shotgun, average damage spread
Vagabond   | 6     | 50    | 5%/+100%         | 47-75           | 71-111     | Tight damage spread (from Rebel, +20% min, -20% max), precision +5%
Vindicator   | 7     | 55    | 4%/+120%         | 31-113         | 46-166     | Wide damage spread (from Rebel, -20% min, +20% max)

Combat Shotguns
                  | Mag | Sprd | Crit%/+CrDam%  | Q50 LB         | Q100 LB   | Notes
Sovereign  | 6      | 55    | 5%/+100%          | 40-76           | 57-110     | Baseline pump shotgun, tight damage spread
Despot       | 5      | 60    | 5%/+120%          | 32-99           | 47-145     | Wide high damage spread (from Sov, -20% min +30% max), precision -5%
Tyranny      | 8      | 55    | 4%/+85%            | 40-61           | 60-90       | Tight low damage spread (from Sov, -20% max), innate 4-shot burst

(All calculations done with Long Barrels. Short barrels add +20% min/max damage, -5% precision, and +5 spread angle.)