Author Topic: Regrouping your most fun builds in this topic  (Read 8835 times)


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Regrouping your most fun builds in this topic
« on: October 14, 2019, 10:22:02 am »
Hey, with all the possible builds in this game, i would like to have a very fun build, but im a noob and i don't know what will be fun in this game.

so i wanted that you come over this topic, post a build you played and that you had a lot of fun with, so in one topic, people could easely choose there build .

So tell us, which build was the most fun for you?


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Re: Regrouping your most fun builds in this topic
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2019, 01:49:29 pm »
String Lord: Crossbows (Zephyr+Cyclon), some Melee for Expose Weakness applied with Jackknife for minimal AP cost; Quick Tinkering, Kneecap Shot and Psychokinesis psi for even more crowd control with Forcefield/Imprints, Dirty Kick instead of Taser for more special bolts, crowd control combos
Chimeric Cleric: Assault Rifle (9mm Chimera frame), throwing max-level grenades and incendiaries, all burst feats, very high mobility, medium stealth, gear and stats all maximize crit chance to over 50%
« Last Edit: October 14, 2019, 01:51:34 pm by ciox »


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Re: Regrouping your most fun builds in this topic
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2019, 02:38:20 pm »
I really love tri-school or quad-school psi because it provides so many options. It's easy to get bored of it, if you only optimize your action sequence (that'd be Premeditation -> ThermoD -> TK Proxy -> TK Punch -> Cryokinesis/Cryo Orb depending on what's left -> Pyrokinesis if necessary; all easily manageable in one turn with Thermodynamicity).  But if you self-limit and treat each combat as a puzzle and look for elegant or novel ways to get through, then psi allows you to play a game while you're playing the game, dawg.  It's boringly powerful if you let it be, but it's delightfully varied if you make it so.


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Re: Regrouping your most fun builds in this topic
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2019, 11:13:51 pm »
Two interesting builds I've been working with is a tanky machete user with the versatility feat to use shotguns as an alt weapon. It works as an alternative to using grenades and is about as good with some pros and cons by comparison, definitely worth it on like a second playthrough if you used grenades a lot the first time. The other one is a crossbow traps stealth user, especially after a non stealth first game. Traps are super interesting in this game and again, special bolts replacing using grenades makes the whole build feel fresh. Finally someone else said it but pure psi is plenty fun. Now I said second playthrough and stuff a lot, as my first was a tin can assault rifle and grenades guy and I'd say it's effective and stringing together multikills on turns with commando free bursts is nice but it isn't the most "fun" build. One that I haven't had any experience with is going for a stealthy spear thrower and silently stabbing people.


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Re: Regrouping your most fun builds in this topic
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2019, 05:07:23 am »
What difficulty are you planning to play on? I really don`t recommend dominating for first playthrough, but hard is doable and arguably more fun if you are experienced in similar games.
Also what would you consider fun, does the build need to be thematic? OP? Tanky or sneaky? Have a lot of abilities that you use constantly or a lot of oh-shit options? Dependant on cooldowns for maximum damage? Crit or minimize RNG?


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Re: Regrouping your most fun builds in this topic
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2019, 08:20:00 am »
yeah i saw that Dominating is another level x), idk if i shoud do hard, its not my first RPG tho, well i wanted that everyone post their favorite and fun build.
if someone want a build with the objectif of not be overpowered, but with the main obj. of having a blast with that build even if it dies a lot, he could find it here with the help of everyone just by checking this post, so it was not for my pleasure too, but if you're askin, well i would like to try something like a stealth + Spear +Traps + something else if really needed.

i would like to play a build with sledge hammer + versatility Shotgun or something like that and with a little something for making him very "jack of all trade" like one of the guy made for a shotgun spear build

the string lord and the 3th or 4Th school psi boi is nice but yeah, gonna restrain myself on the spells, doesn't want to buy the most opstuff in the game if its for playing a point &click xD

is the knife cool and fun to play? i mean with stealth, on the paper it looks interesting, how is it in real situations? and is it more fun Knife+ stealth

one thing that i like is having multiple possibilities in a fight, thats what makes me having fun, being capable of having an emergency button + having a plan B because you got another weapon or psi stuff feels fun, i love having a strategie that relly on multiple stuff.


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Re: Regrouping your most fun builds in this topic
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2019, 06:40:37 pm »
Here is a template for a versatile melee build that uses crossbows, traps, grenades and also has PSI support that you could easily remove/ignore but I would not recommend it.

LVL 10
Notice 10 unspent ability points. You will use those depending on what weapon you choose.
You can craft Shock Bolts and Molotovs, have PSI abilities Limited Temporal Increment, Force Field and Electrokinesis. Buy Tabi Boots. All of these you can get from shops and trainers as SGS and another town you visit during "tutorial".

With Premeditation+Electrokinesis and Special Tactics+Shock Bolts, you can stun 2 enemies at the start of the fight and do some nice AoE for 0 AP. You can wall yourself with Forcefield, when it expires you will go first again, effectively gaining 2 turns at the start of the battle. With Grenadier and Limited Temporal Increment you can throw 2 grenades in the first two rounds. You can place bear traps in combat to create choke-points. Then just mop up with basic melee attacks.

When you finish SGS missions and world map opens up you can find/buy the other two important PSI abilities relatively soon (Electrokinetic Imprint and Psycho-temporal Contraction). The last PSI ability, Stasis, comes much later.

LVL 30
14 free ability points and 3 free feats between Quick Tinkering and Increased Dexterity (that you actually take at level 26).
Pick a weapon, fill the weapon feat and STR requirements and pour the rest into DEX, or put a point or two into CON if you don't want to be paper-thin. Ignore defensive weapon feats, you are playing to not get hit at all, also all RNG based defense sucks. Be sure to check the wiki Dexterity page for AP reduction on light weapons (knives and unarmed / fist weapons).

Expose weakness in mandatory to deal with super tanky enemies, Cheap Shots and Critical power are general damage increase abilities, and Versatility is there to raise crossbow skill. The last two feats are Marksman and Elemental bolts (level 28&30), at that point in the game you should have good gear and you can even play this as Elemental CB build, just spam Shock Bolts, Premeditation+Electrokinesis, stun everything and mop up with melee or grenades. Other elemental bolts are great too. Every melee weapon can work with this but unarmed (pure unarmed) and knives are much weaker than fist weapons and hammers. I don't have experience with spears, and swords are by far the best.

Specialization points only Quick Tinkering AP reduction is mandatory, the rest spend on CD reduction of important abilities or just pour everything into Critical Power/Versatility.
For gear Infused Rathound Leather Armor, Tabi Boots (check the wiki page and pick infused leather that has a bonus you like, does not really matter), Doctors/Lifting/Quiver belts as situation demands, best energy shield you can get your hands on, Blast Cloth Balaclava/Seeker Goggles, melee weapon of choice and crafted crossbow.

I don't know if you played the game so I didn't want to spoil anything, there are a lot of things that raise crafting, lockpicking and hacking, and also they are synergies to each other so I left that part for you to figure out as you play, or just check the wiki and forums and play around. If you want I can post finished build.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2019, 06:43:26 pm by Apostrophe »


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Re: Regrouping your most fun builds in this topic
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2019, 09:34:10 pm »
wow, just finished to watch it, crazy build it look really fun, hummm maybe i want to fill the blank myself but jeez thanks a lot its great, now just gonna see what kind of melee weapon i do want+ thanks for the build at level 10 really helps me here.

its really great. i know what is my new char! thanks to you^^

i played until you go to depot A i think i was level7 and my monk psychokinesis died, i wasn"t happy at all to see all the traps x)


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Re: Regrouping your most fun builds in this topic
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2019, 12:36:37 pm »
My most fun build is 3 CON pure psi tranquility tbh. It's not as OP as Psychosis, and you could do more stuff per turn while thinking not to get hit by anything, making the fight more of turn-based puzzle than straight up murder. You could also put your points on all social skills (up to  Effective 75 Intimidation, 105 mercantile and 115 persuasion, I think). You don't have to invest too much in it, since you have lots of Wil that gives bonus to it, and you could enjoy lots of additional lore and story.

Alternatively, psi-monk which focused on both melee and psychokinesis and basically becomes JoJo reference and doing Ora-Ora all day w/ 4 AP punch and deadly [stand] TK punch


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Re: Regrouping your most fun builds in this topic
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2019, 01:03:35 pm »
hahahaha nice build xD i feel like to make a very fun build with Psi, you have to leave metathermics spells for that. or maybe just the stuff that use  non damaging spell? what do you think? + a shotgun and "all" the psi support spell with tranquility for doing puzzle game looks fun too! what you think about it?


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Re: Regrouping your most fun builds in this topic
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2019, 03:32:51 pm »
For hybrid, it's usually better to not touch Tranquility / Psychosis, since usually your weapon feat took priority, and you don't really use psi that much to justify those two. For buffing only, you just need Temporal Manipulation 45 for Psycho-Temporal Acceleration (or 60 for static). You could adds 45 psychokinesis for Electrokinetic Imprint and 50 Metathermics for Thermodynamic Destabilization

Tbh the big dick of psi is Psychokinesis, due to Force User' TK punch + telekinetic proxy and later, implosion. It could pretty much melt everything outside of the big b0is