Author Topic: I wanna do a build that's like a Starcraft Ghost  (Read 5729 times)


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I wanna do a build that's like a Starcraft Ghost
« on: November 25, 2019, 03:54:42 pm »
'Ghosts are feared terran covert operatives. Originally created by the Terran Confederacy, the majority of ghosts are currently trained by and operates primarily under the authority of the Terran Dominion. They are known for their assassination skills, psionic powers and ability to cloak.' - Starcraft wiki

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I'm new to this game and I saw that snipers and smgs as well as Psionic's are in the game and I was wondering is it possible to make a build that would resemble a ghost from Starcraft.


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Re: I wanna do a build that's like a Starcraft Ghost
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2019, 04:18:45 pm »
As a matter of fact you'd be able to make a build that better resembles specters than ghosts, to be honest.

To be more precise - snipers need a lot of Perception to ''work'' and won't pair too well with functional Thought Control and Psychokinesis - the two schools that, in my opinion, would ''match'' SC psionics. The base stats would be spread kinda in all directions, and I don't think it will be very enjoyable... Especially when you mention SMGs in the mix, as well.


You could make a pretty decent representation of Gabriel Tosh. Shotguns kinda resemble Gaus Rifles - lower range, a lot of damage, no snipe. But they also need less investment in terms of stats and feats to be good. That will free more base stat points, skills points and feats to make your Psi better as well. Some crafting won't hurt, as well. Home brewed assortment of grenades, caltrops, weapons and armour are a game-changer in this game. With Locust of Control and Thought Control Psi you'd literally be able to ''stun'' a group of enemies. Because you will be spread a bit wide I'd recommend focusing on Thought Control more and using only 45 points in Psychokinesis and 55 points in Temporal Manipulation. You also have shields and some other interesting gadgets to use. Available through crafting, though.

One of the latest updates brought us the Vanishing Powder Grenade which literally allows you to ''cloak'' during combat. But in Underrail you always reveal yourself once you attack. The game has a sound system, but that does not mean you can't use functional stealth to make your way through.


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Re: I wanna do a build that's like a Starcraft Ghost
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2019, 05:46:38 pm »
Is there anyway you could show me the stats or feats that would work with this spectre build?


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Re: I wanna do a build that's like a Starcraft Ghost
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2019, 06:39:26 pm »
You'll need Guns, Evasion, Stealth, Mechanics, Electronics, and Tailoring. You'll probably also want Traps, Throwing, Hacking, and Lockpicking, though nowhere near max for those skills.

You'll need good Perception (start with 10), reasonably good Intelligence (start with 5 or 6), some Strength (5 or 6, also), and probably some Agility.  You can safely put Will and Constitution to 3, and depending on how much Dexterity you want, you could probably dump it as well if you needed to.  You'd want to add at least two of your six level-up stat points to Perception, and maybe as many as four, but there's no need to have 16 Perception, so you'd have a few stat points to raise other stats as needed to get certain feats.  If nothing else seems necessary, you could dump leftover stat points into Con to make yourself a little less glass-cannony, but Ghosts were never much able to take hits, IIRC.

You'd want to build as a stealth sniper; Interloper if possible, Snipe, Ambush, that sort of thing. Your crafting will let you make cloaking devices and stealth gear so nobody will ever see you, and tasers so anyone who gets close ends up stunned and helpless.  Spec Ops and Grenadier will help if you plan to use a lot of grenades, but you'll need to find some Dexterity for Grenadier.  Traps will let you set up deadly killboxes on a field of your choosing, and also disarm&collect the enemy traps that your high Perception will let you see.

Snipers only really need four or five feats to work well, and stealth doesn't actually need any though Interloper isn't a bad QoL feat.  You'll have plenty of spare feats to play around with.


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Re: I wanna do a build that's like a Starcraft Ghost
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2019, 06:48:19 pm »
Yeah, sure.

This is what I think young Tosh would like at level 1:

At level 4:

At level 8:

At level 12:

At level 14:

After level 14 you've basically taken everything you want to make a Psi hybrid character. You can take it from here and further diversify in whatever direction you want.

You can put a point in Dex and take Escape Artist. Spec into Assault Rifles for really tanky enemies. You won't need to keep Stealth maxed at all times - there is stealth gear available to you to help with that. You could also put some points into Constitution. Putting another one or two points into Perception later on will also help. You can also look into some more Psi feats, as well. Force User is of particular interest. You could even put some points into Metathermics for additional explosion. While it's not exactly a specter things, per se, it will still help a lot.

Don't ignore Crafting. Although it's generally low at the beginning, as the game progresses it will give you custom weapons and armour to survive better and also the best shotguns. You should look into getting a shield emitter ASAP. MK III Frag 'nade will be available to you very early on, as well Gas 'nades. Those will help a lot, especially with Force Field. Try to catch up on Biology as it will give you better chems. In Underrail sometimes having the right type of armour can mean that you can breeze through an encounter.

Try taking Psycho-Temporal Contraction as early as you can, basically after you open up the global map. That's what those 55 points into Temporal Manipulation are for. There's also another very important skill - Limited Temporal Increment. That one will allow you to throw two consecutive frags.

Always try scouting the enemies under stealth to better see what you're dealing with. Your high Detection will help with seeing other stealthed enemies and/or traps. Always try starting combat yourself - it will help a lot when playing a generally squishier build like that.

Mercantile is there to help you with all of that. Lowering prices and opening up special shops is very important in this game.

Since you're a ghost type, you should get in touch with Oculus ASAP. Those Vanishing Powders will be useful.

There are a lot of different tools that can help a build like that. While it isn't as straightforward as some other builds it doesn't mean it's no less powerful. 

« Last Edit: November 25, 2019, 06:51:51 pm by HulkOSaurus »


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Re: I wanna do a build that's like a Starcraft Ghost
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2019, 04:24:33 pm »
Man, Ghost is my favourite character build (as you can see from my avatar).

Character planner (max lvl)

Character planner (lvl 1)

Pro tip: you can set up ambush with telekinetic proxy.


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Re: I wanna do a build that's like a Starcraft Ghost
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2019, 04:27:14 pm »
Pro tip: you can set up ambush with telekinetic proxy.
Is this for real? It'll make setting up Ambush much more easier and reliable than (((90% hit chance))) with high throwing flares


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Re: I wanna do a build that's like a Starcraft Ghost
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2019, 04:37:34 pm »
Is this for real? It'll make setting up Ambush much more easier and reliable than (((90% hit chance))) with high throwing flares
Yes, but it might not work in very dark places, like unlit metro tunnels.


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Re: I wanna do a build that's like a Starcraft Ghost
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2019, 08:29:58 pm »
Yeah, sure.

This is what I think young Tosh would like at level 1:

At level 4:

At level 8:

At level 12:

At level 14:

After level 14 you've basically taken everything you want to make a Psi hybrid character. You can take it from here and further diversify in whatever direction you want.

You can put a point in Dex and take Escape Artist. Spec into Assault Rifles for really tanky enemies. You won't need to keep Stealth maxed at all times - there is stealth gear available to you to help with that. You could also put some points into Constitution. Putting another one or two points into Perception later on will also help. You can also look into some more Psi feats, as well. Force User is of particular interest. You could even put some points into Metathermics for additional explosion. While it's not exactly a specter things, per se, it will still help a lot.

Don't ignore Crafting. Although it's generally low at the beginning, as the game progresses it will give you custom weapons and armour to survive better and also the best shotguns. You should look into getting a shield emitter ASAP. MK III Frag 'nade will be available to you very early on, as well Gas 'nades. Those will help a lot, especially with Force Field. Try to catch up on Biology as it will give you better chems. In Underrail sometimes having the right type of armour can mean that you can breeze through an encounter.

Try taking Psycho-Temporal Contraction as early as you can, basically after you open up the global map. That's what those 55 points into Temporal Manipulation are for. There's also another very important skill - Limited Temporal Increment. That one will allow you to throw two consecutive frags.

Always try scouting the enemies under stealth to better see what you're dealing with. Your high Detection will help with seeing other stealthed enemies and/or traps. Always try starting combat yourself - it will help a lot when playing a generally squishier build like that.

Mercantile is there to help you with all of that. Lowering prices and opening up special shops is very important in this game.

Since you're a ghost type, you should get in touch with Oculus ASAP. Those Vanishing Powders will be useful.

There are a lot of different tools that can help a build like that. While it isn't as straightforward as some other builds it doesn't mean it's no less powerful.

what kind of gear am I looking for  also


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Re: I wanna do a build that's like a Starcraft Ghost
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2019, 09:38:22 pm »
what kind of gear am I looking for  also

Tactical single fire Shotgun - that is a Shotgun of the Vagabond, Rebel, or Vindicator variety with forward grip. Vindicator works better with 20p ammo. Vagabond is suitable for with 6p and 3 p ammo. Rebel is somewhat if a jack of all in between. 

I think it will be quite easy for you to take Concentrated Fire later on in the game, in which case you might want a Rapid 8.6 Muzzled Hornet with W2C bullets as a backup weapon. That is an Assault Rifle with 8.6 barrel, Hornet base, Rapid Reloader and + 2 Burst Muzzle.

Some form of High Frequency Shield Emitter.

For the head slot you can go for Muffled Unipsi Headband - that will reduce the cost of your Psi, or Seeker Goggles for ranged weapon + Crit. Having both and seeing which ones you prefer is best, but I think reducing the cost of Psi might be the better choice.

There are a lot of option for the body slot. Tactical Vest with Psi Beetle shell will give you some protection as well as boost Psi, but will also give some armour penalty as well, meaning it will reduce Stealth. Still possible to sneak around. Infused Rathound Leather Overcoat will boost your Crit chance and also give you very low armour penalty, so you might prefer that in the end - it will be easier to sneak with it. But that is not to say that you shouldn't pay attention to what enemies you will be facing. Sometimes having the right type of armour alone trivializes the encounter.

For boots I think it's best to have Ninja Tabies for extra MP and Stealth.

As for the quick items slot - you will see a lot of things to use here so you better get acquainted. I'd recommend getting Gas 'nades and MK III frags as soon as possible.


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Re: I wanna do a build that's like a Starcraft Ghost
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2019, 04:41:06 am »
I have been playing Ghost type PSI Snipers since release and they work well overall, only really struggle with Death Stalkers if you are reluctant to rely overly much on cheese play. I have not played a PSI Sniper in Expansion content but I had no problem clearing Hard with him. Dominating needs careful play though due to 3 Con. Not recommended for reckless or inexperienced player but loads of fun. Only type of enemy that is a real pain to deal with are aforementioned Death Stalkers, have to cheese those disgusting creatures. 7 Agi,max stealth and Interloper lets you circumvent a lot of enemies. Recommended to kill Lurkers on the Map with Blaine's shop and on the map east of his shop after you are done reclaiming the outposts. I only ever play Oddity, no idea if this plays well on Classic.
This builds biggest advantage is that it can do almost anything including silently killing entire maps without ever alerting any opponents thanks to TC and it can pass most persuasion and mercantile checks. With buff food and items can pass most attribute checks except dexterity. There is very little this character cannot do. You can opt to swap one of the feats out for Paranoia to maximize detection levels. With it, level 16+, 100%+ Detection goggles, Stuffed Bat food and 250+ Sneak you have a shot at detecting Death Stalkers before they can open up. Your Snipe and Aimed Shot damage won't be as high as a pure Snipers but those two abilities deal such absurd damage that shaving off around 10% damage from non-maximized perception has no real noticeable effect anyway except a few super high HP targets.
If you want more PSI and less Aimed Shot you can swap out Shooting Spree and Critical Power/Sharpshooter which only really help Aimed Shot and nothing else. The biggest problem I had since the beginning is that Aimed Shot and Snipe scale completely differently which makes Critical Power and Sharpshooter not high value feats like they are to other purely crit focused builds. Though it is nice that there are builds which are not just about stacking crit and crit damage which far too many builds are.

Level 1

Early levels you should get a Vigorous belt and use HP buff foods. Those 40-50 hitpoints go a long way to alleviate your biggest weakness, survivabilty. Later you switch to Medicine Pouch and 40 HP food from the expansion. Being able to use your medicines with only 2 AP is just too good to pass on with this build which struggles most with AP management. Due to lack of a good rifle at the start of the game you are much more reliant on PSI which is why the build starts getting Tranquility and Force User Feat first. PSI beetles in warehouse need some bear traps and caltrops. Caltrops are very effective against them by the way. I do not like to use molotov cocktails without having a shield. They can misfire easily and if you start burning yourself you can effectively reload.
First two attribute points into perception for Snipe at level 8. Next two points into into will for LoC at level 16 which is when you can relax a little. Getting Hacking to effectively 60 without Haxxors to hack into security computers is hugely benefitial in Depot A. Adjust lockpicking to the current levels you want to pick buff with eel sandwich and Jackknife in hand.

Level 30
More PSI heavy variant with Paranoia. Aimed Shot becomes a filler ability when you are out of stealth, out of PSI and PSI booster on CD. Stronger against crit immune enemies like Bladelings since Aimed Shot is utterly worthless against them but Neural Overload is quite strong against them.

Level 30 build feats are not in perfect order since I have not played a PSI Sniper yet in the expansion. As you can see this build only really needs Mechanics and Electronics to make guns, shields, stealth generator, taser, etc. Vital to make are NV goggles with enhanced damage for special shots. Also craft sniper rifles with smart modules and rapid reloaders. Use the standard scope for extra precision. If you feel you do not need it you can use the crit damage scope, though those do not benefit Snipe at all. There are enough leftover points that you can invest into for example biology if you want to make some medicine. Though due to Snipe and Aimed Shot your PSI consumption is not nearly as high as a pure PSI builds so going early into biology for PSI boosters is low priority. This of course leads to the fact that PSI cost reduction is of little value. Nimble comes late because it is then that the 10%/15% penalty from your overcoats start taking a serious toll on your overall stealth value. At around 200+ sneak you effectively gain 20+ or 30+ stealth, depending which type of overcoat you are using. If you feel that it is not worth it you can get Ambush instead. While the crit is fairly pointless the reduction in opponents Evasion is what makes this feat interesting to this build.
Buy ninja tabis and balaclavas, your self made ones are not that much better than bought ones anyway. You can get really good stealth overcoats from the Black Crawlers, the guys you are taking out together with Gorsky. If you want to do those missions, then push your persuasion to 70 with pie food and go in via Bob's credential which is much easier than going through retarded Death Stalker infested underground. Bear traps are your best friend, have at least 5, better 10 even, at all times. Either use them to deny certain areas, or set them around corners so enemies cannot detect them before walking into them. Kiting is vital to this build. Do not let melee enemies come close. High priority targets are enemy PSI users, crossbow users and snipers. Other weapon types are not nearly as dangerous thanks to your shield and overcoat. Stealthed enemies are almost never a problem unless you bump into them. Except for Death Stalkers of course. Hate those fuckers in case you have not noticed ;)
Arena can be a bit tricky. You cannot start in stealth and are prone to go second. Get again Vigorous belt and HP buff food and adjust your armor to the enemy. When in doubt ask Garry, he gives you a basic rundown of your opponent. Oh and turn on your shield before arena. It helps having it up right at the start.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2019, 06:34:19 am by Sykar »