Author Topic: Trap Expert feat improvement: halve carry weight of traps  (Read 1896 times)


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Trap Expert feat improvement: halve carry weight of traps
« on: January 20, 2020, 01:39:05 pm »
The Trap Expert feat is for quicker arming/disarming of traps, and increased detection difficulty.
This is nice for those who like to prepare the battlefield with traps, but in no way essential. There are so many competing feats that are good.

However, a trapper character with decent dexterity and agility (good stealth) who could potentially have a use for Trap Expert, is unlikely to have high strength, and traps are heavy!

Suggestion is to make Trap Expert halve the weight of trap utilities in addition to what it already does, as you are an expert of handling them.
Ex, bear traps: 1 -> 0,5 kg, mines 2 -> 1 kg.

This does not alter the playing mechanics in any way, but enables you to carry twice the amount of traps, so you can actually be a trap expert in practice.


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Re: Trap Expert feat improvement: halve carry weight of traps
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2020, 06:31:27 pm »
I think thatd make it the obvious choice over QT at level 4 for trap characters

QoL like that would be awesome but it might make Trap Expert look OP with three modifiers attached to it


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Re: Trap Expert feat improvement: halve carry weight of traps
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2020, 07:14:41 am »
Yeah, problem is Trap Expert is really weak now. Detection difficulty is marginally useful on paper, but the arm/disarm time is just useless especially now that you can speed up the game.

I can not think of any situation I'd take Trap Expert over any other feat, there are so many better ones. And I love traps.

Being able to carry more traps around, then you can actually be a Trap Expert.

An alternative would be to be able to craft better traps, but that would discriminate against those w/o science skills and homemade traps.

Alice Malice

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Re: Trap Expert feat improvement: halve carry weight of traps
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2020, 04:44:00 am »
I'd like to see this, but I honestly don't think this change would even convince me to take trap expert, much less take it over quick tinkering. If I really need to carry 50+ traps on me, I'll just haul them all over to the area I want to use them, drop most of them on the ground, and then come back to the pile to restock once I run out. It's slow and takes much more time, but I really don't see why I'd want to waste a feat point just to save me some backtracking. It certainly would improve a fairly lackluster feat though, so I'm all for this change.