Author Topic: Transmog Tool  (Read 1002 times)


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Transmog Tool
« on: February 06, 2020, 04:28:58 pm »
Here's a suggestion of mine;
(I don't know how hard it would be for you to implement)

A transmog tool that let you change the appearance of your armor.

I know I've read somewhere that the way you programmed visuals for characters made it harder to chance aesthetic things or something alike. So what about a choice for armor selection while keeping your armor stats ? It should only be unlock after doing a long, late game and even on higher difficulties (hard and dominating) quest. I believe it would be nicer and more rewarding for players that once you unlock this item and completed said game, it will now always be store in your personnel room in SGS (foot locker next to bed ?) for all your next playthrough. Maybe you could limit transmog only for the same weight category to keep it more realistic (Leather armors/Tactical/Riot/Metal Armor/etc...) so you won't see a light armor guy tanking like no tomorrow. I know you have A LOT of armors in the game, maybe you could limit them and exclude Factions/Unique ones for story purpose and add in robes/scientist clothes with no stats for psi and energy pistol users. It will make the game more immersive and add a better RP element for experienced players.

You could tie the transmog item in the story too; an old Faceless technology (becoming a Faceless yourself) ? A broken special fragment from a mysterious pillar found in Deep Cavern ? An unfinished lost Biocorp technology (in the vein of a cloaking device) where you find the missing element ? A new late rift/quest from Dude to get it from another dimension? Something related to Tchort? A simple request to retrieve something mundane at first from someone in the Hanging Rats leading to one of those ? Something in Expedition ? This will be up to you.

Could also be a new achievement to add.

I know the idea sound appealing on paper, but programming it is a different thing altogether.
Let me know your taught on this if you read this Styg.

I know you said you're working for future contents outside the main game and I wonder how you will play this one out if we have to make a new character for it. North Underrail in the Biocorp Era ? Controlling two units in battle (automatically deployable robot pet to upgrade along the way integrated with the self-conscious module oddity? It could fly and be small and sit on on top of you or enemies and not be affected by anything on the ground. Some synergistic skills between you and him creating more tactic options ?  this is just me thinking out loud.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2020, 05:24:38 pm by Jacquemort »