Author Topic: [SPOILERS] My first run, hot thoughts about decisions making  (Read 1229 times)


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[SPOILERS] My first run, hot thoughts about decisions making
« on: April 29, 2020, 07:30:09 pm »
This is hot reaction, just after closing the game. I wanted to use my actual state of mind, cause it's funnier :D

After 163 hours, I've finally *almost* finished the game (and Expedition).
It was great. It was hard. I loved it. What I wish to discuss here may be critical, but keep in mind that I recommend this game warmly.
(and also keep in mind that my english sucks, so I'll try to make myself understandable :P )

All in Underrail is matter of choices : which faction you support, what action you do... It's a RPG, with lots of things to do. I won't learn anything to whoever is reading this, but hey : hot reaction, I said :D
For my first run, I decided to support Tchort. Because beside this detestable religious aspect, Tchort's cult is evolution, science (hey, it's a scientists-blob !) and go-forward. Maybe it was the best choice to conquer surface, because mutation is good (tentacles, chaos, flesh... Don't judge me :D ). And maybe, later, create another character more conventional. Anyway, that was my avatar's choice.

But the scenario pushed me SO HARD in *not* helping the cult, that I gave up and gave back the cube to the Faceless. Maybe I'n weak, finally.

Anyway, whatever you do, you empty the deep caverns :/ All NPC disappeared. Even the prisonners that Faceless-bighead said to me "we can release them after youy work done". Like "you finished the scene, all appearings went home, pass by my office to get your fee and get out".
And no answers. "We won't answer". [later, give the cube] "You had time to ask, no we won't answer anymore"... Get your ass cooked, Facelesses ?
Same with that cryptic bloody Six : "- Go kill Tanner" "- But for what ?" "- You don't need to know" "- So go smeg yourself, for example ?"

So I stopped here, let my mind cooling before finish all of this.

My point is : did the end was rushed ? What are my character's motivations if I have no one ? If Six can crush your mind despites some stun immunities, why he didn't help facing Tchort, that bloody cryptic contemptible coward ? What the point with Tanner, damnit ? I like SGS, my adventure started at SGS, everyone was kind to me, I kept my room here 'cause it's home for me, Tanner is nice with me.
GIVE ME A REASON TO FOLLOW YOUR ORDERS, YOU WEIRD ALIEN ! Nothing says to me you're the nice guy here !

I think at this point, it's a reasonable choice to *not* do his quest. But also not finish the game ? I want to see some ending :P

So. Maybe I'll get answers later, maybe I overreacted, maybe I'm just annoying (yeah, this point is already recognized :D ). But the emotional lift between 160+ hours of great game and the deflating souffl


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Re: [SPOILERS] My first run, hot thoughts about decisions making
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2020, 09:14:55 pm »
I feel you brother. I really do. Your annoyance and hatred toward Faceless and Six are totally justified. A casual search within this and Steam forum will show you similar sentiments are often repeated here and there.

I said this before and I'll say this again - Faceless are arrogant pricks; I hate Six because he's a condescending, demanding, withholding, less than useless fucker. I'm especially hoping the player will have the option to kill Six in a future sequel, consequences be damn.


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Re: [SPOILERS] My first run, hot thoughts about decisions making
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2020, 09:26:30 pm »
Come on, just break his knees. We're not monsters  8)