doctor should fill the role of being a doctor better.
Well, you can bandage any wound. That can be pretty helpful in the fights where you have NPC support. For example, Broderick on Silent Isle can be pretty helpful if you go at a fairly low level. However, he can also get chewed up pretty hard, and if you can't reverse-pickpocket some hypos onto him, he may just die off. But if you can bandage him back into regen range? Well, he'll stay alive and get you off the island. Similarly, you can bandage up the NPCs who help you in Expedition, or if you took the CoreTech route, the NPCs in the warehouse, between waves.
If I'm remembering correctly, Doctor used to have a unique outcome that it would allow in a (minor, to be fair) NPC interaction. Knowing that you could only get that outcome with that one feat made it feel somewhat special. However, for the last couple years it seems you can get that outcome even without the feat.