Author Topic: Add new feat: Quick Re-innervating (just like "Quick Tinkering/Pockets")  (Read 600 times)


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I like the idea of new psi innervate system - making psi characters/players think and prepare the upcoming battle. Characters now should wisely choose a limited number of psi abilities (and psi schools) that most benefit themselves in the upcoming situations, just like what we do with combat utilities: prepare Taser & EMP Grenade for bots, Throwing Net for melee enemy, Molotov for Rathounds, Frag Grenade for leather armor raiders, HE Grenade for heavy armor soldiers...

But currently characters can not change their "psi ability slots" once the battle begins (haven't try the exp branch yet, but it seems like this based on the dev log).

I think if characters can change their psi slots during the combat at a reasonable cost (like 25 AP, same as "Quick Tinkering/Pockets"), it will make them not only THINK BEFORE the battle, but THINK THROUGHOUT the entire battle. It opens much more options during the combat and characters will be more resourceful and adjustable during a long and large battle or being surprise-attacked by enemy (like crawlers, hidden cut-throaters...).

So I write this feat based on (copy) the two existing and well-designed feats, Quick Tinkering and Quick Pockets. Hope you find it as a good idea to tune the new psi system.

Quick Re-innervating
"You are not a psi scholar, you are a psi fighter. Sometimes you need to quickly react to the quick changing battle situations."
Grants you an ability that will allow you to change 1 of your psi ability slot instantly, even in combat in which case it will cost 25 action points and burn out quite a lot of your psi points and reserves (much more psi reserves will be burnt out if you re-innervate an additional psi school).

Function: Change 1 of your psi ability slot in combat.

Action points: 25
Cooldown: 5 turns
Psi cost: 25
Psi reserve cost: 50
Psi reserve additional cost due to re-innervate a psi ability of an additional psi school: 50

Will 6
Any psi skill 40
Feat: Psi Empathy


The function and data above partly come from Quick Pockets (25AP to change 1 slot in combat), Quick Tinkering (25 AP and 5Ts CD) and Premeditation (Req: Int 6, Any psi skill 40, but I change Int to Will).
The psi (and reserve) cost represents the chaos caused by rapid change in your psi "field" or "brain" or something (I just don't how to call it) within seconds and during this rapid change, you inevitably lose control of some of your psi potential (which possibly disperse through your ears). A new psi school will cause more change and more chaos so there is an additional reserve cost for it.

There is two more versions of this feat below. Which version is better is debatable.

Version B (one-time version):
Function: You can use your next psi ability without the limitation of innervate.

With Version B you can active a psi ability and don't change your psi slots.

Version C (0 CD version):
Action points: 25
Cooldown: 0 turns (5 -> 0)
Psi cost: 25
Psi reserve cost: 100 (50 -> 100)
Psi reserve additional cost due to re-innervate a psi ability of an additional psi school: 100 (50 -> 100)

Version C removes the cd limit (Quick Pockets) but increases the cost of psi reserves.