Author Topic: Yet Another Impressions Thread  (Read 4095 times)


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Yet Another Impressions Thread
« on: August 27, 2012, 10:25:12 pm »
So I played your game, and I liked it. I want to make this clear- I'm loving the game so far (I did the cave quests and am now exploring the GSM base). Because I'm going to bitch and whine for the rest of this post.

1. Fast travel. This game needs it- combined with the leisurely walking speed of the the protagonist, going through all the same empty space is a considerable bore. Some areas seem deliberately set up just to delay you. Like the entrance of level 9, which will keep you in the airlock for a few seconds whether you're going in or out (it's atmospherics, I'll admit it, but once the novelty fades, it's just time spent waiting).

2. Not a fan of the crafting. You work on something for 2 seconds, without even using any tools, and suddenly you get a better item then the whole engineering department can make? I smell a rathound. It also messes with the economy. But everyone else seems to like it, so I guess I'm just a Negative Nancy.

3. More Ezra.  I know this is the alpha and not in any way a finished game, but I found Ezra to be really disappointing. First you get him built up as this mysterious practitioner of the nefarious art of mind control, then... nothing. He just gives you a bunch of spells. He should either be ebil and make you do immoral stuff for the powers (quests) or on the contrary he should be the sensei of mind control he is now, and other people need to bother you about associating with him. That's not an exclusive "or", by the way (though it takes some of the sting out of option B if it's well deserved).

4(?) what's with the indestructo-rocks? If we're not meant to harm them, why are they there? If we are (and I'm just not clever enough) why are the methods we are explicitly shown the SGS personnel using not the ones we get to use. (there is some Fridge Brilliance, of course in that they never make any progress using their methods either)

5. Combat starting. If I attack something, that should be the beginning of my turn (with the appropriate amount of AP getting used towards the action). In the same vein, if I end my turn instead of ending combat, that means I want combat to go on- don't just end it willy nilly. And then prevent me from starting combat at the very time I need it most. (Gah! So many dead PCs because of this. They have families, you know.)

6. Did you fix the Gorsky armory quest in 0.1.4? Because I'm pretty sure I didn't fire any shots during my second play-through (I got killed right away and didn't have a save) and the quest still resolved after turning on, adjusting and turning off the console.

7. Also (at least) one of the air vents in GMS only works from outside (the non-air duct part of the level), and can be neither seen through, nor climbed through if open from the inside. It's on level 1 (the one where Gorsky and the hacker are).

8. The bandits (spoiler?) will confront you whether you have the package or not (but picked up the relevant quest). This opens up a great opportunity to troll them by demonstrating you really don't have any packages, which is missing from the game. I feel there needs to be some bluff/intimidate check involved to allow peaceful resolution too (most parts of the game can be beaten with a non-combat build anyway, so it's sad that it's missing here). 
« Last Edit: August 27, 2012, 10:32:43 pm by a1s »