Author Topic: Questions about fist opportunist versatility  (Read 2435 times)


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Questions about fist opportunist versatility
« on: August 02, 2020, 04:06:55 am »
Hi, as in the title, i have a few questions.

I want to make a fist build capable of using a crossbow and/or a chem pistol (and maybe other sorts of pistol and damage dealing weapons)

maxing dex like the furious left clickers that we are, i supposed that chem pistol was the way, but with  as much feats (only marksman, no aimed shot) and less  points, a cyclone could use 17 AP only  making it a very interesting  and versatile weapon.

but being abble to cook shot everyone sounds pretty nice too

i only have 2 slots for weapon, i could get quick pocket and get super  v e r s a t i l e  but is it really necessary?

 cheap shot/combo/pneumatic fist of the north star seems to be the way for ou  anime enthousiast  (is wrestling worth it? same for elec gloves?)

Stre : 3

Dex : 10

agi : 6 (i like being quick)

Con : 9 we want to take more than half a shot and  still have functional limbs

Per : 3 no aimed shot here, we kill with our little fingers

int : 6 we need a lot of point so int is necessary

this stats burn my eyes too but i do not know what to do, i play on hard but do i need this much con? maybe less? and switch it with agi  since i could go with evasion? more int because i will not have all the skill points?

should i do something else with the versatility feat (like taking other damage feats?)


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Re: Questions about fist opportunist versatility
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2020, 05:57:02 am »
9 Con is so close to being able to take Thick Skull, though.  Do you really need 6 Int?  It sounds like you could get by with 5; that's enough for Versatility, Cheap Shots, and Expose Weakness, and 6 isn't enough for any crafting feats you'd want anyway.

Wrestling is only worth it if you intend to leave your targets alive at the end of the turn.  Rather than worry about getting your Strength up, maybe worry about getting one more point of Agility for Fleet Footed, since you'll be getting a lot of attacks per turn and probably will want mobility.

Remember that Int doesn't actually increase your skill points, it only increases your effective skill in the crafting skills plus Mercantile and Hacking.  I wouldn't worry about going higher than 5, from what it sounds like you want to do, unless you want to go to 7 Int for crafting feats.

Quidam Craft

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Re: Questions about fist opportunist versatility
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2020, 10:52:20 am »
I recently tried a build that use a crossbow with versatility and markman, it is really nice. Accuracy should'nt be an issue as long as you put every point in dex. (it was not an issue on Dominating, so i'm kinda confident for you)

Note that you should also use a bolt quiver, to get the AP cost to 14.
You'll be using tranquilizer bolt a lot, along with shock bolt and incendary one for extra CC. You can also make black dragon poison bolt when dealing with psi user.

Note that with your dex, you should also get a bit of throwing, and it could overlap your special bolts. You'll need carefull planning in regard of utility slots and quick pockets should be mandatory.

However, if you acknoledge these things and plan accordingly, you'll manage. The tranquilizing bolt + Flashbang combo should give you Plenty of long duration CC that will ease your life.

Also, you have a light move and shoot and close quarter penalty with crossbows, be aware, it won't be easy to use both in some occasion.

On the other hand, chem pistol is a really nice combo with versatility. But you should certainly think about cooked shot if possible, will help you a lot and maybe even sure step, wich will allow you caltrops abuse as well.

Chem pistol is certainly a bit more straightforward for your build, but crossbow might work as well. I would go for chem pistol as you'd benefit from dexterity and utility slots won't overlap with nades.

You can look at this play through in dom with a very similar build to yours.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2020, 10:57:32 am by Quidam Craft »


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Re: Questions about fist opportunist versatility
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2020, 05:02:50 pm »

Wrestling is only worth it if you intend to leave your targets alive at the end of the turn.

and we cant allow that can we?

For intelligence i am not sure... i could get 7 constitution instead of 7 intel, but this build is already feat heavy so idk + constitution  make it more skill heavy and maybe less dps i guess

i guess you mean fancy footwork? i guess it could be cool, idk when i could put it since i need a lot of feat already.  what are the bests gloves i could have? unique ones or is it better to craft'em myself?

ThanksQuidam you gave me the confidence to run this build! im going to use the Xbow, with quick pocket! i tihnk i might change weapons a lot in midfight, since i will be quick i could hide myself and change weapon for new tactics and i might use the 2 slot belt since i will need a lot of them, its ok if i lose 3 AP per bolt

is throwing knives good?? and when you say a bit of throwing you meant a bit like 50 or a lot like 160?

and jeez it is similar than mine!