Author Topic: Ideas for psi changes.  (Read 997 times)


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Ideas for psi changes.
« on: August 05, 2020, 06:42:40 pm »
New update at experemencial change psi greatly so maybe some of ideas will be actual.

1) Rebalance Premiditate. Becouse psi bar now more precious and imposible use all psi skills - premeditate maybe also need some changes.Some of psi skils rly ussles to innervate right now like disruptive field.
My idea in adding possibility to use some psi skill withouth "innervate" itself. This skill must be selected before, and his psi cost = 0. Premeditate buff ended (no matter was used recorded psi ability or not) - additonal psi skill also gone.
2) Add aditinal veteran perks based on slots psi or up of premeditate.
3) Reserves regeneration - only out of combat. I dont see fun in inventory where alot of stuff, alot of needed stuff. After some moment just hard to found anything. Also psi in past was like hobo style, you was need almost nothing, so why remove it? Amount of regen of reserves may be low, like 1/2 or 1/3 of normal psi regen, it is will be lore and game friendly in my opinion.
4) Thermodynamic Destabilization rebalance - remove target mode. Skill must apply on terrain where after some moment you can explode it with fire based psi or stuff. More time of skill existing - more dmg. From lore side it is can be explaining by "dragging explosive gas around in one point"
5) Expand psi skills in evry shools. Like psyhokinesis - some sort of telek. punch what have more control sence, what a dmg. (mean changing place of target).
6) And again abouth psi reserves. Maybe have sence perk what boost stats when reserves low? Like stoicism but in different manner?