Author Topic: What type of player are you?  (Read 17253 times)


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What type of player are you?
« on: August 28, 2012, 05:32:50 am »
Well I was wondering how other people on forum play their RPGs. I've find it interesting since I was wondering does my OCD when it comes to collecting stuff, doing everything that can be done and *FINISHING ALL THE QUESTS!* works or not for others. Also psychic powers are cool (like mind/emotion reading).

So, like I mentioned my character is usually in a middle ground - rather rounded stats, mainly ranged/stealth build (I got screwed by this many times, believe me - like in NvN where ranger is... questionable sometimes). It's not like I'm really strong at it hiding skills (when roleplaying...). Also crafting - simple and interesting crafting system is what also tends to break my game (since I put my points in them, not in combat skills). Pickpocketing is another ability I love to use... just robbing merchants and random people blind. It's the sense of exploration I guess.

While I'm usually interested in lore it need to be useful/finely done (Divine Divinity did it mostly correct), otherwise I get bored really soon. Hints hidden in some texts are really interesting to use... of course Baldur's Gate had a lot of flavor text which was useless in game (items descriptions).

Collecting stuff... I always haul healing potions, scrolls, blessing potions, special items... which *may* be helpful some time in the fututre. Then there comes a moment when I sell every piece of useless equipment (ie. I haul reserve armor or sth which gives different resistances and never switch it to battle...).

And I NEVER do the main quest if there are some sidequests/interesting locations to do. Which sometime breaks the game. Figures, huh?

How do YOU play?


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Re: What type of player are you?
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2012, 05:23:30 pm »
After playing Spec Ops: The Line, I am very different player than I was before.

I will try to sneak, hide, or persuade to avoid any bloodshed. I will not kill any NPC, unless it's critical situation, and shooting is necessary.

Sure, sometimes I just go on a rampage in a Team Fortress 2/any-other-online-FPS, but that's completely different matter - I shoot entirely for fun and competition.

As for other aspects of games - I collect all items, going to town and selling, then going back, if I can't carry them all (Oblivion, Fallout 3+). I also create tons of characters, most of who don't even reach level 2. Designing characters, that's what I enjoy the most.

Also I love lore, playing with lore rules, immersing myself in the world (Being Imperial Vampire in Oblivion) et cetera.


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Re: What type of player are you?
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2012, 01:22:58 am »
I tend to try to craft loner forces of nature that are oddly pragmatic and try not to take things personally, but still maintain some lines that are not to be crossed.  This kind of character won't fire the first shot, but will fire the last.  And for the most part, that character will not judge the situation until it is fully understood.  You can have villagers pleading that their is town under siege by bandits and this character will walk calmly by himself right up the bandit leader and ask what their plans for the town are.  He'll try to reason and negotiate some kind of solution.  If that fails, the character will calmly walk away into the woods.  The next day, the entire bandit force is missing, except the the leader trying figure out where all his forces went.  The character will walk up and inform the leader he had best take his leave while it was still available.

The Deus Ex and Fallout series really allow you to have fun playing this way.


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Re: What type of player are you?
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2012, 11:01:53 pm »
^^^^ no. in fallout new Vegas, instead of doing that BS negotiation shit, i walked 'calmly(as in including large firearms and larger explosives)' into Cesar's fort, drop kicked him, and left. because who i always play is... well... hm... ever see 'zombieland; my characters are like Tallahassee. blunt, powerful, and to the point. but with a horrible tragedy motivating it all... always the horrible motivation... always...
Words, I don't know.


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Re: What type of player are you?
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2012, 03:07:48 am »
Exploring - it is what I like the most. Character creations is a second.
Battles is a barrier on the way of exploring.
So - I always take lockpicking, hacking, stealth, pickpocketing. High Perception, and something not OP to fight, like melee or psi.


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Re: What type of player are you?
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2012, 08:55:59 pm »
discovery is my thing, i love finding new ppl, items, weapons, skill, upgrades....i love the storyline as well even if i have to cheat sometimes to get there....

Flying Kites

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Re: What type of player are you?
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2021, 08:12:26 pm »
Monarchist, ethno-nationalist, traditionalist. XD kek