Author Topic: Unique Firearm Pistols  (Read 3087 times)


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Unique Firearm Pistols
« on: September 15, 2020, 04:01:14 pm »
One of the best aspects of underrail is world exploration, Bursting down hordes of muties in Depot A to Crack open a locked Box with a pristine H&K MP6 is very satisfying. Especially when you can then grab all those Mutie acid Glands and convert them into Acid rounds for Bladelings or High armored enemies. However one playstyle that misses out on the joy of finding those unique weapons are Firearm Pistols.

It was truly disappointing to go through the game as a gunslinger, exploring the world, Grabbing all of the unique variants of Pistols found in the game and realizing they actually DETRACTED from my combat effectiveness. There is nothing unique about any of the the pistol variants. Any benefits they have over Base Pistols are negated by weapon mods on crafted guns. Which is fine considering the Skill point sink crafting entails, However can nothing be done to update the "uniqueness" of the found pistols?

The stats of the unique pistols seem to be balanced around an ALPHA version of the game. Before certain pistol feats were even added to the game. How about instead of a few more bullets or flat critical chance/damage, These unique variants could enhance pistol feats.

Anyone else with ideas?


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Re: Unique Firearm Pistols
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2020, 05:29:07 pm »
Gun uniques are generally worse than what you can make, not just pistols.
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Re: Unique Firearm Pistols
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2020, 11:09:04 am »
Gun Uniques are generally worse than what you can make, not just pistols.


Uniques in this game are mostly just gimmicks for flavor with some exceptions of course. Crafted gear is best in slot most of the time.

Do I like it? Naw it feels pretty shitty actually, but I do understand why Styg designed it that way.


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Re: Unique Firearm Pistols
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2020, 03:55:06 pm »
Some melee uniques are better than anything you can make.  The XAL is faster than any chemgun you can make. 
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Re: Unique Firearm Pistols
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2020, 05:37:16 pm »
Some melee uniques are better than anything you can make.  The XAL is faster than any chemgun you can make.
As I stated previously, there are some exceptions.


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Re: Unique Firearm Pistols
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2020, 06:39:29 pm »
Some melee uniques are better than anything you can make.  The XAL is faster than any chemgun you can make.
and if they are not better they atleast have some sort of "flavor" to them. Styg seems to be moving to making uniques live up to their name by giving them abilities or enhancing feats. To me the pistol uniques are very behind in this regard. Unique Mechanical Pistols would be a great candidate for such an upgrade as they have the most feats to enhance, and could also just plain use some balancing.


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Re: Unique Firearm Pistols
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2020, 11:52:07 pm »
Gun Uniques are generally worse than what you can make, not just pistols.


Uniques in this game are mostly just gimmicks for flavor with some exceptions of course. Crafted gear is best in slot most of the time.

Do I like it? Naw it feels pretty shitty actually, but I do understand why Styg designed it that way.

Why? I'm genuinely curious

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Re: Unique Firearm Pistols
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2020, 04:52:30 am »
I've only just entered the mid-game so it's good to know this ahead of time before I spend too much time hunting stuff down. Perhaps we need a way to improve these weapons. I feel like uniques should be important in that they have a special mechanic and not just be a better stat boost. But we should also have some way of improving that unique weapon to keep it relevant to the game's increasing level of enemies and difficulty.

I'd love if we had an improvement bench we could go to to upgrade pre-existing weaponry. Howver, many players love the craft-on-the-fly that we currently have.

Maybe there's some balancing issues here that I don't know about yet. But I feel like crafting, while pretty great, could use some more polish in this game.


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Re: Unique Firearm Pistols
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2020, 07:15:35 pm »
A lot of uniques really seem to be balanced around the early/mid game, and fall off completely by the late game.
Some one them have some actually unique stat spike, like a very high crit rate or higher range, or in the case of guns, using a calibre that no craftable gun of that type can use (KH416 & MP6, N16, etc.).
But yes, only with expedition do we see the "out there" stuff, like the lemurian spear and sonocaster.
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