Author Topic: Another Stumped N00b Thread  (Read 8551 times)


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Another Stumped N00b Thread
« on: December 31, 2020, 02:19:25 am »
Hi everyone,

This is probably only the thousandth time this thread has been made here, and I'm sorry to be another clueless helpless newbie, but I have to restart the game for the fourth time now because I just can't seem to make any of my builds pass the Depot A test (I know it's supposed to a deliberate hellhole of a character viability test, but GODDAMN). None of the guides or advice I've found and tried so far has been helpful, and the thought of spending yet another five or six hours crawling through the beginning just to get wiped out at the junkyard again has me burned out. I know I'm not really smart or skilled enough for this game, but I really want to get better and see the rest of what it has to offer.

It seems like a stealth build with throwing and traps is essential to succeed in the game (I've never been good at stealth in RPGs, but I guess I just gotta git gud at it). I wanted an energy weapon main with melee and psychokinesis as secondary, but I'm thinking about cutting out psionics from my next attempt since it's too much of a drain on my character's health and skill points (and I could just swap out energy pistol parts to get whatever damage type I need in a moment). Was gonna go with medium riot armour, but it seems like leather armour's gonna be what I'll have to use. I know average jack-of-all-trades builds just don't work, but I cant figure out what to give up, or how many points in a skill/stat are too many points to put into it (feels like it's always not enough lol). No matter how focused I try to make the character build, I either find myself not equipped enough to handle most situations or I'm somehow too thinly spread anyway.

I'm still trying to puzzle out the character builder and the feats I need. I wasn't expecting to need to plan out every single point allocation for the first twenty or so levels before I even started the game, but any advice on how to do this correctly would be much appreciated. Specifically what feats or stats and skills are useless to invest in (after a certain level), but I don't want to spoil much of the post-Depot game for myself. I really want to keep playing, but I'm so stumped


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Re: Another Stumped N00b Thread
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2020, 04:27:39 am »
I am also not a pro but maybe the problem is not just the build but also how you approach the game. Depot A isn't all that hard:

* There is traps: Can be dealt with 2 approaches, having a high perception character and maybe motion tracking googles. Or a blast/alymnized overcoat to tank the damage.

* Muties and bots/turrets: they are just regular human enemies, deal with them them same way you have been dealing since the GMS compound. The gunners (includings bots and turrets) will do almost always 0 dmg if you crafted a reinforced tactical vest.

* Mutants and mutant dogs: these are the worst parts of depot A. Near the entrance of the Junkyard there is a place wich spawn enemies called siphoner(they are a bit strong but manageable), kill a few of them and use the 2 better leathers to craft a body armor and a boot/tabi. You can also use mutated dog leather instead but that require ~10 chemistry besides the biology requirement.

* Having a few grenades even with 0 skill is really usefull for dealing with group of enemies.

All in all, take 2 set of armors: 1 tactical vest for dealing with gunners and 1 leather armor made of siphoner/mutated dog, have a siphoner/mutated dog leather footwear too. Have a way to deal with mines either by tanking the damage or detecting them. Also take some combat utilities like frags, molotovs, taser or flashbangs, traps can also be used if are into that.

Following the above is guaranteed to finish it on normal and almost guaranteed on hard.


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Re: Another Stumped N00b Thread
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2020, 04:38:11 am »
You could finish Depot A with a simple abuse :
MK II Grenade.
Throw em, it usually kills mutant dog in 1 hit.
You could stock up through scrapper merchant and Blaine.
Another tips I have is to plan your build on

There are few key tips to plan a character
1. Decide between melee, guns, crossbow, or Psi
2. Plan your feat first
3. Adjust your base stats according to feat you take
4. Put all base stats you don't need to 3, never have 4 on your base stats. No exception.
5. Max base stats you used for your main attack (STR for heavy melee, Dex for light melee and pistols, Crossbow for Crossbow (duh), Will for Psi)
6. Max skill points for your main attack of choice (recommended to only put 1 of the attack skills, for pure psi, 3 school max is recommended)
7. Open this guide and plan your crafting, throwing, and Social skills (persuasion, Intimidation, mercantile. It's very optional, but you need it to get more story fluff) to reach top threshold. Keep in mind that having too much of those skills means a waste of skill points.
8. Disable "save during transition" on option, manually quicksave a lot. Before combat, after combat, before talking to NPC, etc.

Optional : Google "underrail speedhack and unlimited weight". Trust me, it makes the game MUCH BETTER.


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Re: Another Stumped N00b Thread
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2020, 04:44:26 am »
If you do want to play with pistol and melee, you could put PER and Guns skill as much as your feat needs, and max Dex with Melee, then pick Versatility.
Melee scales with Dex, and dex reduced pistol AP cost.
Keep in mind that firearms (normal pistols), chemical pistol, and energy pistol might not share the same feats. Although its very clearly stated on each perk it has.
You can finish Depot A with 0 tailoring, stealth, and lockpicking/hacking, but investing on them is usually better for newbie.

Also,you don't need to put Trap skills to detect them. You could use motion-tracking goggles to increase your Detection skills. PER also increased it btw.


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Re: Another Stumped N00b Thread
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2020, 10:54:24 am »
How to enjoy the game if you are a somewhat new player:

-Do NOT play on difficulty above normal. This is the most important thing.

-Do not listen too much to guides. Most are made by half-crazy guys like me who have 2000+ hours in the game, and play in strange ways.

-Set your Constitution score to a decent level. Not 3. (Many guides tell you to do this.)

-To detect traps, have either:
A a decent perception score
B a decent traps skill

-For Depot A, craft or buy or find either a mutated dog or siphoner leather armor. They reist acid damage from the mutants. For robots/turrets, a tactical vest is good to use.

-Stealth is indeed great for exploring, if you use light armor. If you prefer heavy armor and tankiness, you can neglect stealth.

-You do NOT need to plan out your character in every detail!!
This is only true for maniacs like me who play on hard mode or worse. Have a rough idea of what you need and take it from there, and take advice with a healthy dose of scepticism.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2020, 10:56:01 am by Bruno »


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Re: Another Stumped N00b Thread
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2020, 01:07:14 pm »
Well there's a lot of possible strategies but, when i want to rush depot A and not bother too much i :

- get grenadier and spam molotovs on muties with guerilla tactics (or mk III grenades if i have already 50 chemistry) :
- get 55 effective skill in lockpicking so i can use all vents and open some doors ;
- fight only the muties for the keys, the robots with EMPs and some turrets in the penultimate area (they are immobile so just cheese them by not letting them shoot at you), but avoid all the mutants (60 effective stealth seems enough for avoiding them in the last area, just rush to the door, other areas with mutant are entirely optionnal, of course more stealth help as well as tabis (but sometimes you can't get tabis at that point).

TLDR : fighting mutants is not required at all provided you have some stealth.

You can post the build you wanted for some more advice, but a first playthrough without stealth is probably gonna be hard, "no stealth" requires a pretty strong build to not get wiped at every encounter, and pistol + psychokinesis seems hard to play (it could probably work but i never tried it and i see how it can make you character a bit weak at the beginning).
« Last Edit: December 31, 2020, 01:27:42 pm by Ploluap »
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Re: Another Stumped N00b Thread
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2020, 07:21:55 pm »
How to enjoy the game if you are a somewhat new player:

-Do NOT play on difficulty above normal. This is the most important thing.

-Do not listen too much to guides. Most are made by half-crazy guys like me who have 2000+ hours in the game, and play in strange ways.

-Set your Constitution score to a decent level. Not 3. (Many guides tell you to do this.)

-To detect traps, have either:
A a decent perception score
B a decent traps skill

-For Depot A, craft or buy or find either a mutated dog or siphoner leather armor. They reist acid damage from the mutants. For robots/turrets, a tactical vest is good to use.

-Stealth is indeed great for exploring, if you use light armor. If you prefer heavy armor and tankiness, you can neglect stealth.

-You do NOT need to plan out your character in every detail!!
This is only true for maniacs like me who play on hard mode or worse. Have a rough idea of what you need and take it from there, and take advice with a healthy dose of scepticism.

Agree and disagree with the above:
-Do NOT play on difficulty above normal. This is the most important thing.  <- absolutely correct, Underrail easy difficulty is what's usually considered Normal/Medium for other games.

-Do not listen too much to guides. Most are made by half-crazy guys like me who have 2000+ hours in the game, and play in strange ways. <- nothing wrong with playing blind. However the learning curve is actually pretty steep and could be overwhelming for a new player: no respec; need to understand how effective base abilities, skills and feats interact w/ each other; class specific good and bad feats (prime example: how would a new player even knows Perfect Scattering is garbage?); good (not even optimal) gear setup; armor penalty, resistance and damage reduction, etc, etc. A guide will point you in the right direction and and allow a newbie to ignore irrelevant aspects of the game related to a build. I will admit most guides are made by half-crazy guys, play in strange ways and yes, I'm one of them.

-Set your Constitution score to a decent level. Not 3. (Many guides tell you to do this.) <- strongly disagree, with the current most effective tactic available (META) being killing things as fast as possible generally the pro of having extra HP is not worth the reduction of damage output. Newbie with a high CON build will probably get CC to death and lacks the damage output to kill things as fast as possible.

-To detect traps, have either:
A a decent perception score
B a decent traps skill <- A good Motion Detection Goggles can allow you to have good detection score despite having low PER and zero traps skills.

-For Depot A, craft or buy or find either a mutated dog or siphoner leather armor. They reist acid damage from the mutants. For robots/turrets, a tactical vest is good to use. <- good advice

-Stealth is indeed great for exploring, if you use light armor. If you prefer heavy armor and tankiness, you can neglect stealth. <- even a tanky, low AGI char can be stealthy if you use a stealth armor set.

-You do NOT need to plan out your character in every detail!!
This is only true for maniacs like me who play on hard mode or worse. Have a rough idea of what you need and take it from there, and take advice with a healthy dose of scepticism. <- while true, a pre-made/recommended build will allow a newbie to ignore the char building part of the game while learning how Underrail plays - what works and what doesn't, general tactic, game mechanics, and gain foreknowledge for subsequent plays. The learning curve is significantly lower even when the player abandon the pre-made build half way throu the game and decided to play his/her own build. If you are starting everything blind it's very likely the player will be frustrated, overwhelmed by information overload, overly relying on cheese (caltrops, grenades, bear trap just to name a few) due to playing an unoptimized/bad build or even abandon the game.
<- Agree about taking advice with a healthy dose scepticism <- very true, please take my advices above w/ barrel of salt.

Some very general tips:
- Current Underrail meta strongly reward offense over defense. You want to kill everything as fast as possible. When presented w/ a choice between offense and defense, always go for offense. You want to hit as hard as possible while using minimal amount of resources, whether it's action point, movement point, ammo and what have you.
- The game is designed to have the odds stack against you. It's always a fight of many vs. you, all alone. To avoid dying, you want to scout any new area under stealth to learn enemies' type, positions, their patrol route and area layout. Most creatures cannot open door and you can attack rathound unmolested behind a closed fence. There's usually some sort of cover that will allow you to dodge enemies' line of sight, so use this to your advantage by ending your turn hiding behind walls/corner/rocks/etc. Running far, far way is another viable option - range enemies will now have decreased precision due to them being outside their weapons' optimal range; melee enemies can't hit you unless they are within melee range.
- Darkness range penalty: range precision takes a huge hit when attacking a target sitting in darkness. You can take advantage of this by ending your turn sitting in darkness. You can check yours and npc's darkness level by observing their portrait. If you are using range attack, make sure to use night vision goggles and/or have source of light such as fire near your targets.
- prep the battlefield, a few well-place bear traps and/or caltrops can significantly alter the flow of battle. There are three levels of fire burning on the ground, level 1 (incendiary grenade), level 2 (magnesium grenade) and level 3 (Napalm grenade). Enemies will usually attempt to go throu level 1 fire in order to attack you but are generally reluctant to walk pass level 2+ fire on the ground.
- learn how noise attracts enemies: use this to misdirect enemies to stealth pass them, or lead them into your traps/kill zone prep w/ caltrops, gas grenades and bear traps. You need to understand what weapons/attacks are silent, make low level of noise and stuff that are LOUD and act accordingly.
- Having a bad/unoptimized build can end up making combat a lot harder unnecessarily, make sure you are getting the most out of your class, try to maximize your damage output w/ your weapons, feats, skills, combat ulitities and traps. You can be soft-locked by playing a bad build.
- Split up your enemies and take them out in individual small groups. On maps with large amount of enemies, if possible, always try to take them out in small groups instead of fighting them all in one giant fight. Learning and understanding the noise system, NPC AI (how they will always try to disarm discovered traps and gas grenade within sight) behavior are viable assets.
- Understand NPC types: strengths and weaknesses will allow you to prioritized your attacks: your priorities are usually, in order starting from most dangerous to harmless: Psi > Sniper/Crossbow > Grenadier >  Range > melee with exceptions here and there depending on your build and gear. You'll eventually learn this from experience and start hating on specific types of enemies ... *cough Death Stalker *cough
- Use crowd control: bear traps, caltrops (especially crawler caltrops), incendiary (fire on the ground area denial), toxic gas, flashbang, tasers, throwing nets, stun, acidic entanglement, etc. If you can CC an enemy standing right at the doorway and you are sitting inside a room you are completely safe. You can also use fire on the ground (fire everywhere except a one tile wide clear path) to control NPC behavior and make them take the long way around to you instead of a direct short path to attack you. Toxic gas grenade is worth a special mention as it's exceptionally effective in increasing your damage against organic targets
- Lastly, you don't need "cheese" to beat the game. sheepherder for example already posted lots of dominating viable build with the self imposed restrictions on not using grenades, traps, caltrops and any weapons that doesn't fit the theme of his build. However this is only possible when you completely understand how Underrail works, which, by definition, is out of reach for a new player. For me personally, I don't mind "cheese" as the odds are always stack against you and there's nothing wrong using tools available. However using too much cheese is a pretty unfun experience and I try to play by using damage grenade as an opener and than use class specific weapons/attacks to finish up fights while using flashbang, bear traps, caltrops sparingly, YMMV.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2020, 08:23:01 pm by destroyor »


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Re: Another Stumped N00b Thread
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2020, 09:57:36 pm »
You've got a lot of tips, but there's one I feel is missing: Underrail in general, and Depot A in particular, is like a big apple.  You probably can stuff the whole thing in your mouth in one bite, but you probably shouldn't. Take a few bites around the edge.  Spin it around and take a few bites from another side.  There's no rush, you've got enough time to eat it at a normal pace.

So do the starter quests for both Eels and Scrappers, and do Abram's quests too while you're at it.  Explore around Junkyard and see what's to see; there are several small side quests.  Go kick a few siphoners around and do some fishing, then check out the caves to the south.  Clear out the Junkyard Mutie levels before playing with the serious real mutants, and clear out the mutant dog level where the entire level is set up to give you escape options from the enemies (dogs can't open doors; turrets can't move - you can abuse this forever).  Combat in UnderRail is like a puzzle; there are ways to brute force the puzzle, and there are ways to finesse it.  If one approach isn't working, look around for other options - they almost always exist.


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Re: Another Stumped N00b Thread
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2021, 12:53:26 am »
It's really just the mutant dogs that have me stumped, but I have nothing in my stealth, traps, or throwing, and I buggered my lockpicking by making myself unable to access vents (not that that helps with the mutants) and my tailoring is too low to craft acid resistant armour. Plus I buggered that one entrance with the doors because I left after killing a couple dogs, so now I always roll last in initiative and get pinned by their acid every time I go back. I never saw mutant dog leather armour in any of the shops when I was looking for better gear, and idk if their inventories change much at all or if so how often, and it never occurred to me to check for quests from the Black Eels or Scrappers (I figured picking one to get into Depot A locked me out of the other's content, and that they wouldn't give me more quests until I finished with Depot A). I've already explored everything I could access at my level ( 8 ), cleared out the lurker tunnels and that cave area south of the SGS lower underrail tunnel, but I still couldn't find enough oddities to level up again.

I'm torn between trying to salvage this character (idk if i can, i've invested too much in skills that turned out not to be useful and too little too late in ones i really need) and trying to make a new one (idk if i can do that five or six hour beginning bit another time, im so burnt out on those stages omfg). I know I can't invest in everything, but I can't even tell which skills are essential and which I can do without, and how to balance the crafting skills and the offence skills even after three failed attempts. Basically I can't figure out how I want to play the game ^^" I can't find if this forum can let me make a hidden spoiler box, otherwise I'd put my current character sheet in that and see what you folks think of it
« Last Edit: January 01, 2021, 07:00:13 am by Olan-Zi »


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Re: Another Stumped N00b Thread
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2021, 02:50:58 am »
It's really just the mutant dogs that have me stumped, but I have nothing in my stealth, traps, or throwing, and I buggered my lockpicking by making myself unable to access vents (not that that helps with the mutants) and my tailoring is too low to craft acid resistant armour. Plus I buggered that one entrance with the doors because I left after killing a couple dogs, so now I always roll last in initiative and get pinned by their acid every time I go back. I never saw mutant dog leather armour in any of the shops when I was looking for better gear, and idk if their inventories change much at all or if so how often, and it never occurred to me to check for quests from the Black Eels or Scrappers (I figured picking one to get into Depot A locked me out of the other's content, and that they wouldn't give me more quests until I finished with Depot A). I've already explored everything I could access at my level (8), cleared out the lurker tunnels and that cave area south of the SGS lower underrail tunnel, but I still couldn't find enough oddities to level up again.

I'm torn between trying to salvage this character (idk if i can, i've invested too much in skills that turned out not to be useful and too little too late in ones i really need) and trying to make a new one (idk if i can do that five or six hour beginning bit another time, im so burnt out on those stages omfg). I know I can't invest in everything, but I can't even tell which skills are essential and which I can do without, and how to balance the crafting skills and the offence skills even after three failed attempts. Basically I can't figure out how I want to play the game ^^" I can't find if this forum can let me make a hidden spoiler box, otherwise I'd put my current character sheet in that and see what you folks think of it
All the problems you mention could be fixed with one or two levels.  Can you go do other stuff?

You can kill siphoners and use their skin to make decent light leather armor with acid resistance that will give you enough of an edge to kill the mutant dogs which will give you skins you can use to make heavier, stronger leather armor which will give you the edge against mutants.

If you're level 8, you absolutely have not done nearly all there is to do before Depot A.  On Oddity, you can easily make level 10-11 before hitting the Depot; on Classic, level 12-14 is possible depending on difficulty.

edit: you can show us your character by linking to the builder.  Go to and adjust the level, feats, and skills to reflect your character, then press that button that says "link" and the URL in the address bar will change.  Copy that URL and paste it into your post, and we can look at your character.  For example, if I had made a sledge character that was level currently level7, I could show you by mocking up the character and posting the following link:
« Last Edit: January 01, 2021, 02:58:17 am by TheAverageGortsby »


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Re: Another Stumped N00b Thread
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2021, 03:19:27 am »
" On Oddity, you can easily make level 10-11 before hitting the Depot"

Maybe it's possible but not easily, i have pretty good knowledge of the game and i don't remember to have ever reach lvl 9 beforce entering the depot.
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Re: Another Stumped N00b Thread
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2021, 09:55:51 am »
" On Oddity, you can easily make level 10-11 before hitting the Depot"

Maybe it's possible but not easily, i have pretty good knowledge of the game and i don't remember to have ever reach lvl 9 beforce entering the depot.

My best result is 8 and a half.  I think 9 is possible. But 10-11 on oddity before going to the depot A ? No way in hell.


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Re: Another Stumped N00b Thread
« Reply #12 on: January 01, 2021, 12:54:45 pm »
Yeah around 8 is when you enter Depot A, usually getting to 9 and then relatively close to 10 by the end of Depot A but never reached 10 once that is with murdering dozens of Cavehoppers just for the damn oddity.


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Re: Another Stumped N00b Thread
« Reply #13 on: January 01, 2021, 04:28:10 pm »
I just helped the Black Eels take Depot B from the Scrappers, and I'm still a couple experience points shy of Level 9. Blaine didn't have the mutated dog leather, but I reloaded to a save file from just before I leveled up to 8 and dumped a bunch of points into tailoring, so hopefully I can make some siphoner armour (plus I lucked out with one of the scrapper thugs dropping some mutated dog leather boots). I might be able to gain those experience points to level up if I clear the south entrance area of muties and regular dogs. I'm realizing a little too late two "fatal flaws" with my character: one being that I misinvested my initial stat points so my dexterity is way too low (in other words, I tried to diversify my offence as much as possible out of indecision for how exactly I wanted to approach the game), and the other that I didn't put enough into the subterfuge skills that would help me open locked containers or detect hidden areas that would contain extra oddities in them. The second one's an easy fix with just one or two levels, but the low dex stat's making my main weapon (energy pistol) hard to use; I can get one, maybe two shots out of it per turn, maybe three if it's a laser pistol and I'm lucky enough not to spend AP on any other action. I have ideas for how I could redo the character build (maybe stealth-based energy pistol with metathermic support), but I REALLY don't want to start the game over again if I don't have to


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Re: Another Stumped N00b Thread
« Reply #14 on: January 01, 2021, 05:17:26 pm »
My best result is 8 and a half.  I think 9 is possible. But 10-11 on oddity before going to the depot A ? No way in hell.
I've gotten to 12 on Oddity before the Depot, since the introduction of the new content.  You have to do everything, but you can get it.  10-11 allows you to miss things, and not have certain events spawn, and is certainly possible every game.  I know I'm not the only one to see 12 on Oddity before the Depot.  I believe some people even got to 12 on Oddity before the expansion, when there was noticeably less exp in the game - nowadays, it's downright easy.  You just have to do everything.

I just helped the Black Eels take Depot B from the Scrappers, and I'm still a couple experience points shy of Level 9. Blaine didn't have the mutated dog leather, but I reloaded to a save file from just before I leveled up to 8 and dumped a bunch of points into tailoring, so hopefully I can make some siphoner armour (plus I lucked out with one of the scrapper thugs dropping some mutated dog leather boots). I might be able to gain those experience points to level up if I clear the south entrance area of muties and regular dogs. I'm realizing a little too late two "fatal flaws" with my character: one being that I misinvested my initial stat points so my dexterity is way too low (in other words, I tried to diversify my offence as much as possible out of indecision for how exactly I wanted to approach the game), and the other that I didn't put enough into the subterfuge skills that would help me open locked containers or detect hidden areas that would contain extra oddities in them. The second one's an easy fix with just one or two levels, but the low dex stat's making my main weapon (energy pistol) hard to use; I can get one, maybe two shots out of it per turn, maybe three if it's a laser pistol and I'm lucky enough not to spend AP on any other action. I have ideas for how I could redo the character build (maybe stealth-based energy pistol with metathermic support), but I REALLY don't want to start the game over again if I don't have to
You can change anything you want to change about your character if you use Cheat Engine.  I don't know how to use it, but I know it's an option.

Did you clear out the Burrower dungeon south of the Siphoners there by Junkyard? Did you clear out at least the easier of the two Lunatic groups, and then go into the three screens opened up by that?  There's another Burrower cave that you'll get access to that way, also.  Did you get the key from Gorsky and clear out the Burrower room in GMS1?  Did you make sure to unlock all the boxes and doors in the Underpassages? That one may require to revisit areas since a few of those are higher skill checks than you could probably pass at level 4 or so when you probably went there first.  Did you clear out the bandits in the caves in GMS3?  Did you go fishing?  Did you get the cave hopper oddity?  Did you get the psi beetle and siphoner oddities that you can easily farm?  Did you check out the rathound maps north of SGS1?  Did you do the optional Abram quests up to Free Maura?  There's good loot in that if you clean out the prison, and a couple oddities.

There are a lot of optional places you can go and things you can do that will get you loot and levels.  If you're hitting an impasse, turn that apple and take a bite from somewhere else.