So i want to make a character more or less focused on a spear throw, but it just doesn't seem useful at all.
All i can see generally is 2 options:
Full dexterity for throwing knives last hits and grenade feats, but three pointer and grenadier are just more than enough (especially if you spec into three pointer) to obliterate any encounter and if not, do it on a second turn. Which makes it sort of pointless, since you want to last hit enemies with your knives.
Or just a strength build based on crits, in which case spear throw is not needed since you're a glass cannon and (imo) should one shot everything anyway, meanwhile not maxing dex will result in low thc for non-incapacitated(or similiar) targets, and using ap to increase your thc and not cc seems a waste.
All in all i just cant think of any build that utilizes the spear throw effectively and not just for the sake of it being used.
Have anyone played it or have an idea of that such build should be like?