Me and my friend have been trying to solve the Mutagen puzzle for hours, I've been using the Mutagen puzzle helper and its been a really big help but now I'm at making the compound and no matter how many of the different modifications I try I cant get the final compound, any suggestions? Here's the chemical sheet if you can make sense of it, any help it appreciated.
Exitus-1 sequence: TD DZ AB QI IF NW AY YV CS CI IX AJ
Echo-1 sequence: EG IX AJ -AU
Echo-2 sequence: LO AY DZ AU -IF
Echo-3 sequence: FR TD MF DZ -QI -CI -AU -IX -OW
Echo-4 sequence: QI YV CS CI OW -AJ
Helicon-1 sequence: MF FR YX IF WK YV -AU -CI -CS
Helicon-2 sequence: EG IF AJ -CS
Helicon-3 sequence: QI IF MF NW AU AY -CI -FR -WK
Io-1 sequence: CI YV AU IX -OW -CS -AB
Io-2 sequence: NW IX AU CI AB AY -QI -AJ
Io-3 sequence: AJ AY TD MF DZ -CS
Ovid-1 sequence: AB AU TD QI -CI -MF -AY
Ovid-2 sequence: MF CS DZ TD NW -IF
Ovid-3 sequence: QI AB TD IX -LO -EG
Solis-1 sequence: LO DZ EG YV -WK -OW -MF
Solis-2 sequence: TD MF LO AU CI IF -AJ