Author Topic: Overall game design suggestion.  (Read 1047 times)

Hammer Wizard

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Overall game design suggestion.
« on: March 03, 2021, 08:26:26 am »
By the Discord user Ukupnik, not me.

I played the game for quite a long time and would like to play it more.But more i play the more i notice some balance hindrance or gamedesign blunders.And to keep it more enjoyable to me and maybe some few more determined gamers, i made few proposals.Here some obervations:
*Not all stats born equal.Dexterity have million of correponsive stats ingame, while constitution dont even have anything.
*Some feats seems lacking and utterly underpowered.We speaking about many of crafting feats and a lots other qol feats.
*Uncoventional things happen rarely and the most of the game we kill thugs with guns and sledges.Would like to introduce new intresting encounters
With my major points have been presented, lets look at each problem closer from my pov.
Stats play important role in the game since there no other way to increase your base stats beside leveling.Lets look at each one.

Strenght-big boy stat, with the recent intimidation change seems very solid.Dont have much to say about it.

Dexterity-currently the most powerful base one in the game.Main stat for many builds, even for once that shouldnt work(versatility).

Agility-one of defensive stats, home of sprint which makes every build just better no matter of your ap.Game adds more and more of its check, starts feeling somewhat good.Lacking a
thing or two to start feel relevant.

Constitution-oh man, that thing sucks, its literally here just to make you fatter and that all about it.You will say "But Assblaster, its also helps resist stuns!!!".Did you know that there
like two resistable stuns in the game?Like seriously here the list:
Dirty kick-unresistable
Crawler poison-unresistable?
T.punch-resistable(by will)
Cheap shots-unresistable
flashbangs-resistable (by will)
Here was most common ones you meet during playthrough.Also did i mentioned that this stat has zero correspondive skills?Well if i didnt, now you know.How do we fix those things?Well, devs
already have few ideas, like reducing effects of poison on character but i will say its not enough.First, fix stuns ingame:lets divide all phyical affliction to fortitude and mental ones by
will (wouldnt mind to see new ones such as enrage or fear).Like agility, lacks few things to become viable.

Perception-very simple and common one.Looks inferior to dex(but everything is inferior to it).Would like to see reverse versatility build with per pumps.Also should increase visible parts
of location, since its incredibly stupid that npc further than character with 20 per.

Will-For psi and tanking it (the most annoying part of it) doesnt have much to say about it.Meditate on it on your own.

Intelligence-feels bad to be stupid, but not good enough to be genius.Propose buff to all corresponding feats.
Will cover every feat i think is bad.If i didnt speak about it, it means its ok or i didnt bother to changing numbers around(share your ideas)."*" mean that feat retain its original effect.From the start:

Ninja looter, burglar, interloper,trap expert-mixed into one feats, no one bothers with them while there are on separate, so i decided there are better together to encourage stealty playthrough
without much invest.

Quick pockets*-Once per turn, first changing of weapon or utility will have zero ap cost.

Snooping*-original effect+5 tiles of extra vision to help people see everything.

Armor sloping*-To addition what it does, blades and spikes incure 0 ap on your crafted gear.Blades on armor have separate chance to inflict bleeding, spikes dealing damage to melee attackers(its not part of feat, just how its should be)

All percentage crafting feats-recieve scaling (original base+character base int past the requirement*10% of base value) numbers may vary but i want int characters have they own path of crafting
gamer gear.

Doctor*-reduces ap cost of consumables by 50% stacks additively with doctors belt.

Disassemble*-Disassembling all that stuff let you reverse engineer everything and improve designs by stuffing more stuff in your stuff.Unlocks additional attachment slots to all craftable
stuff.So how it will work?Metal armors will gain ad-
ditional plate or you can craft super pneumatic scoped crossbow.Seems op for some kinds of gear but dont worry i got you covered.
Using of this extra slot will take extra skill, for some gear it will be little, and for some gear it will be huge.Crossbows, headbands, epistols to be precise.
To clarify things i want extra slot in boots for spring and blade combo.Melee weapon will gain choice between extra core or generator.Shield emitters will recieve extra lot for those converters,
amplifiers, you know, that stuff, cant be two of the same tho.

Escape artist-dex requirement replaced with agi one.Is it logical only to me?

Ballistics-your vests gain extra 1 dt for every 30 skillpoints in tailoring.Spec will reduce amount of skillpoints required.

Hypertoxicity*-gains scaling with your biology.1 skill point above requirement will give 1% of extra damage.

Last stand-that more of rework than buff, but i think its buff too.For duration of Last Stand your hp cant go below 1, but you will suffer fatigue and exhaustion for taking any excessive da-
mage.Kinda nutty, yeah?

Salesman,Major supplier-merged in one feat.That was counterintuitive to bring more stuff to sell, but merchant dont have enough money to buy it.Also raise sell price cap on dominating, it
felt bugged.

Evasive maneuvers-will not consume mp, instead once activated turn your distance walked into evasion with same ratio

I didnt cover many feats, but i want to hear your thoughts on other feats, since im bit tired of typing in this wall.

Hammer Wizard

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Re: Overall game design suggestion.
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2021, 02:10:59 am »
some things i forgot to mention in the first wall

Taste for blood*-additional 15% to incur bleed from all sources.Applies 30% more bleed.

Clothier*-works with vests and paddings too now

Precision related feats like expert dodging/evasion/throwing should go over the cap.Or they completely useless.

Paranoia*-changing the part about bonus damage.Now detecting stealthed enemies will incur debuff on them increasing damage against target.
Allows to take advantage of that part for more builds overall.

So that about it with feats.
To the next part:Game design

-Bandages heals % of hp

-More flavor to psi.Like reading someone mind or building bridge over chasm.Give wizard vibes to mortals.And so on, we would like to use
our skills during challenges

-Part of beartraps, caltrops and throwing knifes are lost if you add poison to them.Can you please remove this.

-Make specing into something more generous.And i dont speaking about those damage specs, like crit power or else, but cooldowns and utility
ones, like you really expect me spend 5 points on 10% extra of expose weakness or 15 more mp sprint?

-More uncoventional fights.Some people dont like being thrown emp at them so much, but stuff like that make game what is it.
Also more of dlc weapons into the main content of game if possible.Will diverse some stuff.Unique fight expirience is always appreciated.

-Endgame content.There is not so much truly endgame stuff, where we actually can use our dc acquired stuff.New waterway dungeon had some
good ideas.Would appreciate lvl30 arena fights and so on.

-Consumables changes:some pills give a short effect (twitch,third eye,etc) and there are not worth to use until some rare or metaknowledge
situation, those buffs should be extended for 5-10 minutes.Also some types of food find lacking and should be changed, for example
siphoner tongue should double the effect of extra healing.

-Gear caps.Is there a real reason why effects of some gear should be capped, where finding anything above 150q is already an accomplishment?

-Crafting menu.Add option to "pin" some designs so we would have quick access.Also search option will be welcomed.

That's about it, all ideas that camed up on my mind.Hope someone will actually read it



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Re: Overall game design suggestion.
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2021, 04:36:33 pm »
I read it. I thought Ukupnik made some very good points.
In fact, I had some of the same thoughts myself. Specifically:

"Ninja Looter, Burglar, Interloper, Trap Expert --- all combined into one feat, as no one bothers with them while there are separate, so I thought they would be  better together to encourage stealthy playthrough without  huge feat investment."
With the exception of adding trap expert, I thought the exact same thing. Three feats is a huge investment.

"Salesman, Major Supplier --- merged in one feat. It felt counterintuitive to bring more stuff to sell, but without something like Major Supplier, the merchant doesn't have enough money to buy it. Also should raise sell price nerf on Dominating, it felt bugged."
100% agreed. It annoyed me that Major Supplier was a level 26 feat (!) as well.

"Make speccing into something more generous. And I'm not referring to damage specs, like crit power or whatever, but cooldowns and utility ones. Like you really expect me spend 5 points on 10% extra resistance reduction of Expose Weakness or 15 for more MP from sprint?"
Noticed some of this as well. These are never chosen at these costs.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2021, 05:05:25 pm by KnightShade »