Author Topic: Need help with dominating sniper build skill distribution  (Read 2181 times)


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Need help with dominating sniper build skill distribution
« on: May 20, 2021, 12:07:00 pm »
So, this is that i thought of so far
The feat order isn't as tight as in the other builds, that i'm really concerned about is metathermics/throwing dilemma.
Because throwng seems to be the only reliable way to proc ambush in dark areas and i picked metathermics only to ThermoD "bosses", but iirc bosses dont usually stand close to a lot of other enemies.
Should i just drop it completely, or maybe just having like 70 effective will do it for bosses, and that way i can also have throwing?
Want to use shotgun/electroshock pistol as a sidearm if that matters.
P.S. I know pickpocketing that high is (kind of) useless, but i never played with it and just want to have it, i know it is possible to substract like 20-40 points from it, but thats to be seen further into the game.

There's also this option, which i'm leaning towards, since i'm not sure if all the locations in the game have dark spots, and all i need from snipers are crits, but there's still a possibility to craft high quality gear using all-in.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2021, 04:15:11 pm by Karvev »


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Re: Need help with dominating sniper build skill distribution
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2021, 01:48:31 pm »
I take it combo you have in mind is [stealth in close ->TD Boss -> snipe down boss-> TD zaps adds in immediate area -> pick off stragglers]. I think that works against the strength of a sniper build since activating TD will break stealth (a requirement for activating Snipe) and take you to 10 squares away from the boss at max range- that's half the max range of a sniper, 4 closer than the optimal range, and more than enough distance for the adds to close the gap on you if they survive TD, or are just outside of its range. idk if there's a known synergy between snipers and metathermics abilities that Im unaware of here but Im unsure it's the best choice for a sub-school in combo with snipers; MT is moreso a damage school and snipers rarely want for damage once their setup is in place. I personally prefer TC with sniper since it requires minimal point investment (outside of an Overload build) and provides some great utility even at 3 Will. Throwing is also handy for consistently landing torches and flashbangs/stingballs, so I think extra points not spent in MT would do better in throwing.
As for trimming pickpocketing, youre completely right. ~90 effective is enough to multisteal from everyone who isnt Coretech or Aegis, and for them ~110 should be about enough to grab one from each. You could also trim lockpick a little; the highest modifier items can give to your lockpick is +22, and with certain clothes that becomes +32, so the effective skill doesnt have to go any farther than about 110.
One last thing, about All-in; maybe Im just stupid but I had a run where I was depending on grabbing one to meet an INT check and no matter how many times I checked back at DnD it was never being sold, so I wouldnt depend too heavily on it showing up.