Author Topic: Make a Monster  (Read 2777 times)


  • Zoner
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Make a Monster
« on: September 02, 2021, 07:59:55 am »
I always enjoyed reading similar posts in Dead Space forums about necromorphs so I decided, "Why not start one here?".

Basically, think of or make-up your own non-human enemy you believe would be cool to see. Simple animals, horrific genetic aberrations, robots, psionic ghosts, go wild. Only rule is it has to make sense in Underail.


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Re: Make a Monster
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2021, 04:12:26 pm »
I just want big monsters
Everything in underrail fits in one tile, even the last boss is just several different tiles. 
*eurobeat intensifies*


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Re: Make a Monster
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2021, 09:51:18 pm »
Giant armored centipedes that encircle and strangle their prey


  • Zoner
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Re: Make a Monster
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2021, 01:54:12 am »
i had this dumb idea of a BOSS hopper that referenced the Holy Grail killer bunny, with expert sprint, uncanny dodge, evasive maneuvers, taste for blood, decapitate and escape artist, found in a hathor cave, and would let you tell a story of how you hunted it to the dudes that mention jumbo, obviously no-one would believe you,


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Re: Make a Monster
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2021, 03:29:48 am »
A robot death stalker with at least 60 movement points (normal ones have ~100) a electroshock generator on its tail (chance to stun on hit) a EMP lobber (like the flashbangs of the sentry bots) and either stealth (unlikely possible for a robot) or high initiative (at least 25+), bonus points if it has a chance of exploding in a EMP burst on death.

Logic behind this is that other robots can be mostly tanked by shields and are rather slow (even the plasma sentries, and kamikaze bots are pretty much irrelevant in my experience due to their low hp and initiative)
« Last Edit: September 03, 2021, 03:32:08 am by xnmh »
Im working on maknig a guide for new players on DOMINATING. Help needed. Do not PM me.


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Re: Make a Monster
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2021, 06:33:55 am »
i had this dumb idea of a BOSS hopper that referenced the Holy Grail killer bunny, with expert sprint, uncanny dodge, evasive maneuvers, taste for blood, decapitate and escape artist, found in a hathor cave, and would let you tell a story of how you hunted it to the dudes that mention jumbo, obviously no-one would believe you,

You had better bring the Holy Handgrenade then.


  • Oculite
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Re: Make a Monster
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2021, 05:06:11 pm »
A giant sentient psionic mindshroom that can heal and use supportive psi abilities on nearby psi beetles like Psuedo-Spatial Projection, Temporal Contraction, Temporary Rewind, Precognition, Cryo Shield and Exothermic Aura. It’s stationary and can only use Entropic Recurrence to attack, but it also provides Psionic synergy equal to 2 regular psi beetles to all beetles in the area.


  • Oculite
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Re: Make a Monster
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2021, 01:45:26 am »
I just want big monsters
Everything in underrail fits in one tile, even the last boss is just several different tiles.
Everything except locust hives and pulsating roots.


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Re: Make a Monster
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2021, 03:45:03 pm »
A giant sentient psionic mindshroom that can heal and use supportive psi abilities on nearby psi beetles like Psuedo-Spatial Projection, Temporal Contraction, Temporary Rewind, Precognition, Cryo Shield and Exothermic Aura. It’s stationary and can only use Entropic Recurrence to attack, but it also provides Psionic synergy equal to 2 regular psi beetles to all beetles in the area.
Ohohoho! Then slow melee are even more screwed 😆😆 Can you imagine - Contraction enhanced Goliathus - 6 of them or more. Already PSP'd for 4 rounds, blast you with Imposion and that Shroom puts Entropic Recurrence on you..
I am still waiting for a Hammer vs 6 Goliathus video. Some one, please! 😆😆


  • Zoner
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Re: Make a Monster
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2021, 03:32:42 am »
Alright, my turn. Got quite a few actually.

Bear: I figured if there are regular pigs, warthogs, bison, dogs, rats, cats, bats and roaches living in underrail (along with all of the crazy mutated stuff), bears aren't that much of a stretch. Basically, they are the epitome of the more "normal" creatures in underrail. Pretty tough, They have decent mechanical and cold resistance and immunity to fear effects. They also have a powerful bite attack, an attack with it's paws which can daze the player and a roar ability which is similar to the yell feat. For feats, they have Conditioning, Bone Breaker, and Pain Suppression.

Screecher: One of the ferry captains mentions rumors of screaming bat monsters while talking about the black sea and that is where the inspiration for this one comes from. The screecher is an oversized, mutated bat with atrophied wings so it can no longer fly. It can do a sonic scream attack that ignores damage resistance and passes thought targets, like attacks from the Sonocaster but also has a chance to deafen the player, which decreases perception and weapon accuracy. It also has a bite attack which inflicts anticoagulation.

Behemoth: I can't be the only one who did the forsaken island quest and now really wants to fight one of these. A big, monstrous lizard that has high health, powerful attacks, and a few feats like Taste for Blood, Expose Weakness, and Cheap Shots.

Mutated Rathound: A rathound that was exposed to potent mutagen gas and horrifically twisted into an abomination. Has less health than an augmented rathound but much more than an alpha. Bleeds acid and is immune to acid and bio damage like other mutants and also has pack hunting and rend like Rathounds. Instead of an acidic spray or acid glob attack, it has a spit attack that releases toxic gas. They also have the Vile Weaponry feat and are not afraid as of fire as regular rathounds.

Mutant Amalgam: A boss that I thought of, kind of like a proto-Tchort if you will. The result of at least a dozen people being exposed to mutagen and fusing together into a huge, crawling, hungry monstrosity. Has barely any movement points but has more action points to compensate. It can spit acid, pick up and throw barrels and rubble, and smack you with it's tendrils. It also has the ability to cast Telekinetic Grounding, Implosion, Psychosomatic Predation, Plasma Beam, Telekinetic punch, Bilocation and Neural Overload. Like Jet Eater, when it's health starts getting low, it will disengage from combat and try to devour one of the several piles of mutant corpses scattered throughout the area. This process takes a couple turns but when finished, it heals 30% of it's health and passively regenerates 50 health per turn for 6 turns. The amalgam bleeds acid, is immune to acid and bio damage and fear effects and it has a lot of health. It is vulnerable to JHP rounds, it's psionic abilities can be knocked out, and the corpse piles can be destroyed so that they can't be eaten.