The requirements for acquiring body weight training are unreasonable when you consider and compare the acutal benefits of the feat with, say, nimble.
Body Weight Training requirements:
-10 strength
-Level 26
-10% decrease in armor penalty.
Nimble requirements:
-15% decrease in armor penalty.
-grants a 15% bonus to both dodge and evasion if your armor penalty is zero.
As you can see, nimble not only has literally no requirements, it also severly outclasses BWT in terms of effect.
This is very nonsensical, considering that BWT is a veteran feat, it's effects are very lackluster, and it's requirement is too high.
In conclusion, I think BWT should either have it's requirments reduced(Demoted to regular feat/Lesser strength requirement/etc), or it's effects should be increased(more significant reduction of armor penalty/secondary bonus similair to the way nimble gives a boost to dodge and evasion/etc).