Author Topic: Katherine in Junkyard sells very few micro dischargers  (Read 865 times)

Red like Black

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Katherine in Junkyard sells very few micro dischargers
« on: January 10, 2023, 12:42:33 pm »
Compared to Ezra who sells 20-23, Katherine sells around 1-3 at a time, thats around 1 shock bolt every 3 minutes which is far from being enough to sustain a crossbow builds fire rate even at 2 bolts per turn and makes dealing with the security robots and mutants in junkyard a painful experience, especially if you didnt have enough points for acid and incendiary bolts.

Greeble Yeeter

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Re: Katherine in Junkyard sells very few micro dischargers
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2023, 09:40:52 am »
That's definitely an issue that should be fixed, especially at junkyard given its nature as scrap capitol of underrail. That said, with one emp grenade for the group of 2 outside, and another to stun the two in the room downstairs with the key (you find another one in a locker to get you out safely if you hide behind boxes for grenade cooldown to reset) (which I think is an optional key anyway, the key in the room with the muties is the only one you really need), you should be able to complete the mission without destroying a single turret. A bolt or two for the room with 2 near the ladder, since one is easy to avoid with walls you can just stun the other and close the door behind you for easy passage. Let me know which one in particular  is giving you trouble and I can screenshot and explain my approach more specifically :)

Greeble Yeeter

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Re: Katherine in Junkyard sells very few micro dischargers
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2023, 09:42:38 am »
On Dominating, those are plasma turrets with 800, tons of resistance and are almost guaranteed to one-hit you. Destroying them is definitely intended to be optional, except maybe for super slow tanky sledgers.


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Re: Katherine in Junkyard sells very few micro dischargers
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2023, 11:50:32 am »
Added some fixed micro electroshock dischargers to her inventory. Depending on RNG expect 20+ per restock.