Dev Log #10: Lockpicking and Hacking


Lockpicking and Hacking

We're expanding the lockpicking and hacking systems significantly. Find out how in this dev log.

Dev Log #9: New Combat System


New Combat System

The classical turn-based combat system of Underrail is replaced with more fluid and faster-paced roguelike system in Infusion.

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Built on top of the almost completely re-hauled Underrail engine, Infusion is the next step in the evolution of our vision of RPGs.

It features visual improvements such as per pixel lighting, particles, dynamic 3D character models that display everything you’re wearing and highly detailed pre-rendered environments.

The gameplay improvements are many as well, including more fluid and faster-paced, but still tactical, roguelike combat system, full verticality, improved damage and armor system, and much more.

Read the Infusion development log for more details.