Other statistics

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Overview of the various derived statistics in Underrail and some miscellanous information that wouldn't fit elsewhere.

Action and movement points

  • All characters have 50 AP. They can be used for any action, including moving. Most actions consume AP, but there are exceptions, eg. Special Tactics
Wearing armor without meeting its strength requirement will reduce your action points.[1]

  • Character base movement points equal 30 + extra 3 points for every point in agility above 5. Movement Points can only be used for moving.
Movement points are affected by agility, encumberance and some feats.
Some creatures, such dogs and spawn, have natural bonus to movement points.

Combat and turn-based mode

  • If you initiate combat out of real-time mode, you will not get the first turn after your initial action.
Thus, it is always better to move into turn-based mode first, and then perform your actions to initiate combat.

  • It is not known how combat sequence works.

Character level

  • Level itself does not directly affect the player character's stats.
    • You gain 40 skill points every level.
    • You gain a feat every 2 levels.
    • You gain a base ability point every 4 levels.

  • NPCs have natural dodge and evasion bonus equal to their level.

Status effects

For the main article, see Status effects.

Various buffs and debuffs can affect the player and enemies alike.

Many enemies also have unique buffs or special attacks that cause debuffs unique to them.

Combat stats

For the main article, see Combat stats.

All the stats listed in Combat Stats (keybind: C) menu.