Special Tactics

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Special Tactics is a feat, an ability and a status effect.


Special Tactics feat icon Special Tactics
Grants you an ability that when activated will remove the action point cost of your next special bolt attack. This ability can only be activated while out of combat.

Cooldown: 6 turns.


Special Tactics essentially allows you to open combat with three crossbow attacks on your first turn.

Combine with Marksman for three or more special bolt attacks.


Special Tactics icon

Special Tactics
When activated this ability will remove the action point cost of your next special bolt attack. Can only be activated while out of combat.
Cooldown: 6 turns (30 seconds)

It can be activated in turn-based mode (costs 0 AP and doesn't break stealth) but only as long as you are not In Combat. The cooldown of Special Tactics starts as soon as the ability is activated.

Status effect

Special Tactics icon

Special Tactics
Character's next special bolt attack will cost no action points.
Duration: 3 turns (15 seconds)


  • Special Tactics (2 levels) — Reduces cooldown by 1 turn for each specialization point.


Underrail Beta

  • - dexterity requirement removed, new icon

Underrail Alpha

  • - dexterity requirement increased from 5 to 6, crossbows requirement increased from 25 to 50, intelligence requirement added
  • - feat introduced