Intelligence determines your character's ability to craft items from components of any kind, as well as the ability to concieve and understand complex concepts such as hacking computer terminals and electrical locks. Intelligence also increases your mercantile skill, allowing you to buy and sell items for better prices. No items require intelligence in order to be used or equipped.
Psi point regeneration scales with will and intelligence: psi regen = 5 + (will+int)/2
Intelligence also determines the number of psi different abilities that can be invoked during combat: 2 + intelligence/2, up to 8.
High intelligence score is important for crafters and psionic characters.
Directly affected skills |
Other effects |
Related feats
See Category:Intelligence feats.
- Increased Intelligence veteran feat increases it by 2.
Related items
Lemurian Engineer Suit E (requires 5 Intelligence)
Technomedic Exoskeleton HD (requires 5 Intelligence)
Tesla Armor E (requires 6 Intelligence)
Remote Control Energizer Glove (requires 6 Intelligence)
Red Dragon E (requires 6 Intelligence)
All-in (temporary -3 Intelligence)
Boolean (temporarily -3 all base abilities)
Junkyard Surprise (temporary random base ability effect, can only decrease Intelligence)
Slackjaw (cocktail) (temporary -3 Intelligence)
Hypercerebrix E (temporary +2 Intelligence)
Intelligence checks
Intelligence occasionally unlocks new dialog options.
- This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
- Zoner Ma, 4 Intelligence (8 base before the Heavy Intoxication debuff) - successfully insult her into allowing you to search her apartment E
- Synesthete, 7 Intelligence - get some money in exchange for the Juice E
- Knuckles, 8 Intelligence - allows to guess the password without finding Note (The Rig) E
- Exiled Mutie Guard, 8 Intelligence - allows to enter the Mutie Refuge for free E
- Captain Grim, 8 Intelligence - allows the player to join the pirates while negotiating for the professor's release E
- Ferryman, 8 Intelligence - unlocks his special merchandise before discussing Philosophy with him E
- Ferryman, 7 Intelligence - required to learn the first tier of the Philosophy feat E
- Ferryman, 8 Intelligence - required to learn the second tier of the Philosophy feat E
- Ferryman, 9 Intelligence - required to learn the third tier of the Philosophy feat E
- Ferryman, 8 Intelligence - get a free towing of the submarine (also requires discussing philosophy with him earlier) E
- Yngwar, 8 Intelligence - required to convince him to draw the Rune Sketch E
- Yngwar, 9 Intelligence - learn about Sjörsr from him without hearing Ferryman's story first E
- Yngwar, 10 Intelligence - be able to understand everything he is saying E
- Six, 12 Intelligence - allows to confront him about his motives in the Epilogue
- psi slots changed from 1+int/3 (max 6) to 2+int/2 (max 8)
- now determines psi slots, updated in-game description
- psi point regeneration scales with will and intelligence