Blueprint: Assault Rifle

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Blueprint: Assault Rifle
Contains instructions on how to create an assault rifle.
Use: Download blueprint into your wristpad.
Weight: 0.05
Value: 1800

Assault rifle is a light automatic rifle designed for mobile individual use.

It can be created from frame and barrel parts. The type and quality of the frame will determine the weapon's overall damage potential, while the barrel will dictate the payload. Not all frame types support all barrel types, however.

A number of optional enhancement components can also be added to further enhance the weapon.
Frame Barrel
Assault Rifle Enhancement
Assault Rifle Enhancement

Produces all types of craftable Assault Rifles. Assault rifles are heavy burst-capable guns with moderate strength requirement.

Required skills

Supported parts

Icon Marauder assault rifle
Icon Huszar assault rifle
Icon Hornet assault rifle
Icon Chimera assault rifle
Assault Rifle Enhancements (optional)

Related feats



  • - The price and weight of a crafted/generated assault rifle will now also take into account the price and weight of the barrel (not retroactive for already crafted/generated items)
  • - Removed composition difficulty from many optional component slots
  • - Introduced