Blueprint: Sniper Rifle

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Blueprint: Sniper Rifle
Contains instructions on how to create a sniper rifle.
Use: Download blueprint into your wristpad.
Weight: 0.05
Value: 2000

Sniper rifles can be created from frame, barrel and scope parts. The type and quality of the frame will determine the rifle's overall damage potential, while the barrel will dictate the payload. Scope will influence the rifle's precision, critical hit chance and other qualities.

A number of optional components can also be added to further enhance the weapon.

Frame Barrel Scope
Sniper Rifle Enhancement
Sniper Rifle Enhancement

Produces all types of craftable Sniper Rifles. Sniper rifles are precise, high-powered, long-range single-shot firearms with low strength requirement.

Required skills

Supported parts

Corsair sniper rifle
Harbinger sniper rifle
Reaper sniper rifle
Spearhead sniper rifle
Sniper Rifle Enhancements (optional)

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