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Messages - drealmer7

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You can achieve the same just by using grenades, except they are a much cheaper than psi because:

Yeah, I considered grenades/like throwing and will do them likely if I do a 2nd build.  Metathermics appeals a lot more and does more damage to more things and I've got the utility covered from the grenades for the most part, sure nothing beats an emp grenade, but, I've got bolts and traps and do okay against bots with this setup (so far.)

I haven't had a chance to play much but I'm about to head out to do the first few quests in junkyard (damn, I wish I would have remembered to do more fishing on the way.)

I tweaked my projection a bit more accurately for what I'm aiming for after I did a little looking into skillcheck reqs and realized I should drop my INT + WIL to 10 so I can pop my PER to 10 and open up the rest of those feats for xbow (somehow I missed them before having 10PERC, otherwise it'd have been a no-brainer for it from the beginning, oops), here's what it's looking for being around at 20, if anyone cares:


I'll check back when I hit level 14 if I'm able to without notable difficulty (well either way, I'll let it be known.)  No idea how long that will be, playing is intermittent, I hope to be able to get back to it tonight for a handful of hours though.

At what level do you think I should start encountering issues?  or with what mobs or at what encounters?

The game becomes very non-linear after Junkyard/Depot A...

The game is huge.
yep, I know it ( : mega-huge now with Expeditions!  but I'm looking for specific things where you are thinking "man, you're going to have so much problems with/once you hit _____" so that when I do get to that/those points, I can tell if my build is actually doing okay when you think it is not going to, so I can gauge if it does actually suck (and come back and be like "no, in that encounter I did fine because _____.)

I've been pumped for this game for a long time - putting it off and putting it off waiting for the expansion because playtime is limited (I'll be able to finish it all, no problem, I just almost never replay a large RPG anymore, and if I do replay this, it won't be for many years that I actually finish it a 2nd time, even if a start a 2nd character before finishing with the 1st.)

I forget how far I got in the last time I played through - it was either done + past or mostly done with junkyard ?  I might play now and find it was quite a bit farther, I didn't play tons, I just wanted to play enough to get a feel for different abilities and how the skills worked in the game overall to see what I liked (I was pretty sure I was going to do stealth but until I actually used the system I couldn't be sure, I wanted to make sure I didn't absolutely hate crafting, etc.)

I hadn't run into any problems.  and this time through is even easier

I might take my INT + WILL down to 10 and up the PER for bow damage (I had gone back and forth several times in my initial starts playing through part of junkyard a few times with 10PER or 7PER and didn't care for the difference at all, feel much better using those stat points in dex+will+int boosting)

but then, you ask why another offensive in metathermics - it's because it gives me different damage type/attack options (along with some AoE) and effectively supplants that damage you are saying I'm missing out on from the lower PER xbow, doesn't it? (that's how it has seemed so far in playing, when I encounter an enemy that doesn't get hurt so well by bolts, I use more thermics.)  My will+int are high and thermics is pretty effective so far - add on traps and I barely take a scratch if I am smart when going into combat.

that much crafting?  really?  do I really need the uber-tier crafted goggles?  what exactly am I missing by not being able to?  You know how much I was considering doing zero crafting? hahah

At what level do you think I should start encountering issues?  or with what mobs or at what encounters?

I'm willing to dump 20-25 hours into this build and find it to be a bust and start over, but I am skeptical that it will be.  I have played other 'niche' games (geneforce, Age of Decadence, Arcanum, etc.), and I have been told before that my builds are trash but then either done okay, well, or excellent with them.

I don't take the feedback personally (I take being talked down to or negative karma-d a bit personally, but, it goes away easily enough, given this is the internet and all)

somewhat considering just ditching intimidation and putting those points into thermics+crafting though - as much as I want the 2-prong social skills in 1 build, mayyyybe UnderRail requires too much combat/craft spec for that? (it'd more be crafting, as if my combat is inefficient it's from PER not from lack of skill points/skill point distribution), but I would like to play it this way a while and at least find out before too long if it is (usually in a harder RPG you get indications before tooo long that the build has a problem for whatever reason)

Quote from: bati

Thanks for your input - what "everything" am I trying to do at once?  I am picking 1 combat style and sticking to it.  My perception is too low you say?  you do notice in the link it's only a level 16 character, right?  What would you recommend it should be for bows at that level?

I understand this means you think I'm spread too thin skillwise.  I'm seriously not a game-idiot, but I really don't see how.  as you say

main skill (1) :


support skills (3) :



you give your recommendations for crafting
I don't see how me going for crafting bows, special bolts+some extra utility stuff is a bad idea (picking 2 crafting, which seems reasonable) - you say I don't have enough invested to make them worthwhile, but I've looked at the crafting wiki stuff and it seems I should be good if I keep it scaled pretty much how I have it in the link - what am I missing?

most of my feats are stealth+crossbow combat oriented

Quote from: TheAverageGortsby

Honestly, you're not giving us much reason to spend time on you once more.

What would you think about it if I dropped intimidation completely and put those points into higher mechanics+electronics and maybe some chemistry, maybe gave metathermics some more?

The part you are quoting is a response to a guy who didn't have the slightest interest in trying to understand anything and just wanted to push his own build idea.  Like, I clearly want crossbow, and he's suggesting I take up guns and just, do a fundamentally completely different build.

I did go back and read the thread from before - main things I took away were that my metathermics was too weak and I needed more crafting - those are the things I changed

Why did you come into this thread just to be an ass?  you could have just ignored it altogether

I just started and am wandering around the starting caves - with how horrible this build is, when should I start to notice things just aren't going well and get frustrated with it? 20hrs?

Just because you can't articulate very well doesn't mean there aren't words.

Perhaps someone with better knowledge of the game could actually tell me why it is so awful?

it'd go something like

"your build is bad because there are enemies that will be nearly impervious to all crossbow bolt types and also traps and you have no other real damage dealing aside from metathermics which in itself isn't enough to take on those enemies"

or something

the feedback I got last time was also not telling me much of why it's SO bad - I got some decent feedback and tweaked a good bit.  I think part of what had you so upset in the previous thread was that you didn't realize that I was giving a general build - I'm not going to be spending 120 points in intimidation if all I need is 75, etc.  The levels I had my crafting at were without looking much at blueprints to know what levels I'd really need to do certain things, etc., it was just to show "I want a medium-low range for these, I'm not looking to be a crafting master" etc.

My gaming time is extremely limited, and I certainly don't want to get partway through and realize I'm fucked (that should be somewhat difficult to do on normal difficulty, shouldn't it?  1 main weapon type maxxed with some secondary damage dealing and some utility - seems pretty basic)

Well, I started and played through junkyard a couple times a while ago, but then have been waiting to play (and start over) - waiting for the expansion.  I had a thread before this 'builds' subsection, about the sort of build I have been planning to play with, but figured I'd come over here with it.

Now that the expansion is here!  and I can begin!  (I am going to wait until a couple more patches before I allow myself get to mid-game, but, will get the beginning going!)

this is the sort of build I'm going for, will tweak a bit as needed and I level beyond this.  I'm not sure what the max skillcheck reqs are with expansion, so I might be able to slip some points into chemistry or do higher mechanics (not sure how high I need to make good bows that remain effective to endgame either, so might have to tweak for that) if I can free up some points from persuasion/intimidation or elsewhere that I won't need, chemistry would be nice to have, but I don't want to miss even 1 INT or PERS skillcheck that I might come across in the game.

I'll be playing on normal and have a good amount of experience with this sort of game.

feedback welcome, though I prefer to avoid too much grief over the choice to go metathermics with the rest of what I have ( :

Looking and sounding good!  I've only played up through a portion of the Junkyard and have been waiting for the expansion to start over and play all the way through, since replaying it is not likely something I will be doing any time soon after I play it once.

Is there an average hour amount determined on this yet?  If the basegame is 100 hrs, Expedition is ___ ?

General / Re: I've played through the beginning so often
« on: October 17, 2018, 01:43:56 pm »
An NPC that sells respecs would be more comfortable, don't you think?
NO!  Ugh!  Geez.

General / Re: Steam Score Woes
« on: October 17, 2018, 01:39:26 pm »
Not much you can do about that except the old/new trick, balance the difficulties differently so that Normal is very easy, and there's more difficulties after Normal or they're tougher.
Definitely NOT the thing to do.  /puke !

General / Re: The surface
« on: September 25, 2018, 07:58:46 am »
The frozen tundra thawed and millions of tons of methane gas was released into the atmosphere forcing the uber-rich and their willing slaves to take shelter in the massive underground bunkers (you may think of a modest hole in the ground, these were enormous multi-leveled underground castles equipped with state-of-the-art and unknown technologies to allow them to perpetuate well into the future and live completely underground for centuries if necessary) they'd built for such a sort of obvious and eventual contingency.

They did it piece-meal over a period of three years during which time the general population became aware of the uber-rich's facilities and their actions of moving down into them and an all-out global strife began consisting of massive amounts of populations everywhere slaughtering each other deluded into thinking they could vie for space in the safe havens.  Neighbors killed neighbors, certain groups began to form alliances for security against other groups and then would tear themselves apart from within leaving few left to form new alliances with other groups that would then kill other groups and eventually fall apart from the sheer inability for anything to sustain on the dying surface.

The de-oxification of the earth took almost 10 years and after a point was a slow and painful suffocation for all those who survived the previous chaos.  Those that lived through perhaps wished they hadn't.

Those underground shut themselves off forever and pretended to forget what they'd left behind.

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