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Messages - Riggs

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Suggestions / Re: Unique Firearm Pistols
« on: September 16, 2020, 05:37:16 pm »
Some melee uniques are better than anything you can make.  The XAL is faster than any chemgun you can make.
As I stated previously, there are some exceptions.

Suggestions / Re: Unique Firearm Pistols
« on: September 16, 2020, 11:09:04 am »
Gun Uniques are generally worse than what you can make, not just pistols.


Uniques in this game are mostly just gimmicks for flavor with some exceptions of course. Crafted gear is best in slot most of the time.

Do I like it? Naw it feels pretty shitty actually, but I do understand why Styg designed it that way.

You must be new here. Usually the experimental branch just merge into the game after most bugs are ironed by beta tes...unpaid gullible players :)
He's not new here, and you've completely missed the point of his post which brings up a quite valid concern due to how controversial the changes to psi have been thus far.

For me the issue with the new system - which I haven't tested, so this is just by looking at the changelog - is that it looks new player unfriendly. It's easy to discuss the usefulness of schools & abilties when you've played a ful psi at least once. But for a new player? Psi, while not a new sci-fi concept, is not very intuitive, at least compared to weapons.

I'd rather have changes to how abilities work (e.g. being able to destroy force fields is a great idea, because enemies were unable to do anything against it before), and changes in enemy ai and usage of skills (does anyone even use temporal for example?).

Half of the fun with my very first character was experimenting with all the psi schools and abilities. But it looks like the upcoming changes are aimed mostly at experienced players and don't take into account how a first playthrough usually goes.

Yes, perhaps the single biggest issue with the changes to psi is that it takes a game that is already quite unforgiving to new players by design and further reduces the accessibility of one of its major features to said new players. Simply put, newcomers are going to be far less likely to try out (and more importantly stick with) a full psi playthrough. It's just too convoluted and tedious now to be considered over something tried and true like a tin can SMG build for example.

Suggestions / Re: New Update
« on: July 23, 2020, 10:44:28 am »
I'd like to add in, if I may, rather than start another thread.  Hopefully the devs will read what y'all have said in this thread; some good constructive criticism.

I'd like to float a couple other ideas I feel are really important right now for pure psi:


These are solid ideas that would help immensely. I hope the devs see them.

51 cryokinesis is quite a lot.

You're missing the point entirely.

Good lord this update is a bit heavy handed, no? Taking what was widely considered the most dynamic and versatile build in the game (pure psi) and reducing it to this frankly pathetic level of one dimensional rinse and repeat drivel is pretty sad to see. I really don't know exactly what you were going for here Styg, but if your goal was to make new players hate Psi and old players ignore it completely in favor of other more tried and true viable build methods then you've most likely achieved that goal with these changes. I'm glad you're still invested in updating Underrail, but this... this just seems like some hamfisted blundering here, not a nuanced refinement of a system that was admittedly a bit overpowered but still absolutely enjoyable to use. I hope you rethink these changes because they don't seem like they do anything but restrict the options available to the player, which in a single player  role playing game is very rarely a positive thing.

Builds / Re: Looking to make a Spear build need help/tips
« on: July 16, 2020, 03:58:22 pm »
Until you leave depot A you see 0 new psi abilities besides feats. and the acid and rooting was the biggest issue. didn't matter how many barriers I threw up. I was not stopping being rooted and eventually slowly melted to death. also half of the time psi abilities were not doing enough damage to reasonably kill the mutants. I was using a build I got from this forum too so unless there was some magical thing that could change my mind. I don't like psi. Even the doppelganger ability was bad.
All the psi abilities that are available pre-Depot A are more than enough to get you through it. This all just sounds like you entered Depot A too early and without adequate gear. What level were you when you attempted it? I'd be curious to see what build from these forums you were using as well... got a link to it?

Builds / Re: Looking to make a Spear build need help/tips
« on: July 16, 2020, 01:06:34 pm »
I am very unsure about using psi at all in this build. TD looks nice and so does LTI but I am not really a fan of psi after running a psi build to core city... (depot ruined my opinion of psi) Taking psy emp and losing max HP does not feel very useful if the next roadblock after dealing with the first set of rat hounds in the generators is the beetles... Those beetles very easily caused me a headache in multiple saves I have made. Depot is usually where the builds I have tried out die regardless if I make it through or not. Maybe there is a huge thing I don't know about PSI prior to depot but It was nice for a moment when I was able to easily deal with problems but then got to be annoying when literally anyone could kill me easily or my psi damage felt super low.
Considering that full psi builds are by and large considered the strongest and most versatile builds in the game, you were definitely doing something very wrong with yours. I'm no expert but I've played through the game enough times on Hard/DOMINATING with full Psi builds to know that when built/played correctly it's far easier to be successful with one than most other builds. Furthermore, Psi in Underrail (at least as it stands in the current version, we'll see how badly it gets nerfed in the future) is almost always worth adding into a build if there's room for it because the utility you can get out of it is hugely helpful in almost all situations. The guy to be asking your psi related questions to is TheAverageGortsby - he will definitely have answers for you as there aren't many others around these parts who have as much experience with the ins and outs of Psi in Underrail as he does.

General / Re: Stealing from Ray's Shop
« on: June 17, 2020, 01:39:44 pm »
It took me around 50-60 hours to get 10+k coins.

 ??? Uhhhhh, you're doing something very wrong if Charons are that hard for you to come by.

General / Re: The Endgame Sucks Too
« on: May 06, 2020, 11:19:34 am »
I don't blame you for being upset, and you're certainly not alone. I've sunk a LOT of time into Underrail and Expedition but I've never bothered with any of the content past the elevator. Why? Because it's not worth the trouble to me. The payoff isn't enough to put in the effort required to deal with all of the bullshit involved in making it through that content. I'd rather just spend the time rerolling a new char instead. It should be said that I play on DOMINATING, and I don't have a problem with "difficult" content. In fact I gravitate towards games in general with punishing difficulty levels and unforgiving mechanics - I cut my babyteeth way back in the day on games like Angband and Moria and still love them to this day. The issue isn't that DC and the final boss of that area is "too hard". It's that the entire process of getting through the content is simply tedious and uninteresting to me. Aside from post elevator content, Underrail is a game I adore so I choose to ignore the elevator and what lies beyond it entirely.

I think he was talking more about the immersion in so far as the game world is concerned, the fact that the fort being wiped out should have characters reacting to it, as it'd be a major event politically and socially in the context of the game.
Yeah that's what I got from his post as well.

General / Re: A little puzzle for you with a huge reward. ;)
« on: October 13, 2019, 07:15:20 pm »
Although I would be more interested if you would provide your photo as a prize  :)

General / Re: A little puzzle for you with a huge reward. ;)
« on: October 07, 2019, 08:58:51 pm »
Tipp :

J _ _ n _

I don't use cheated/edited files in UR but I'll take a crack at your name anyhow: Is it Joane or maybe Jenna?

Bugs / Re: The Juice crafting
« on: August 28, 2019, 02:08:54 pm »
Recipe you recieve from Dude requires
Mushroom brew
3* Unsaturated psionic catalyst
2* Gyromitrin

But when you ask Dude to craft you one he needs
2* Mushroom brew (he specifically states one brew is for him, so thats ok)
Unsaturated psionic catalyst

Is the difference intended? It might be explained by Dude somehow, because at the moment its just strange.
It's because he's like, The Dude, man. Like, he's THE Juice supplier, like c'mon now man. You may be like able to make The Juice if you like try hard enough man, but The Dude... The Dude makes The Juice flow man.

General / Re: So what improvements would benefit Underrail 2?
« on: August 26, 2019, 05:45:05 am »
This is something I'm quite puzzled by and I searched the forums and didn't come up with anything so here goes:

Muzzleflashes? Where are they? For a game with such an enormous amount of gunplay I would think they would be included in some capacity. I know Styg has said it was never his intention to go for realism in UR and I respect that, but it breaks my immersion when engaged in a large scale firefight to never see any muzzleflashes whatsoever. I'm not expecting things to look like a John Wick movie, but witnessing (tens of) thousands of total rounds fired over my playthrough(s) without a single flash occurring is just sorta weird. I'd love to see them included in the sequel. Aesthetics matter a lot in role playing games, at least to me. Thoughts?
You might get this sooner than you think.
This... this pleases me greatly, Godman.

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