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Messages - Elhazzared

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General / Re: Al Fabet
« on: February 19, 2016, 01:55:56 am »
Fenix, the quest itself is a reward the first time you do it. After doing it one time, no one will care and it is possible some people will not even care to do it even once cause there is no incentive to do it. What you are going to gain as an advantage for your character is completly lost because you cannot do anything with the loot you get not to mention you can't even haul possibly a huge part of it.

I understand that you like the system as it is. but the system is bad and encourages you to just ignore a big part of the content that was created since there is no reward fr doing it. You say just doing it is plenty reward. Sorry, that's just a waste of time from most peoples perpective. People don't tend to do something unless they have something to gain from it.

General / Re: Al Fabet
« on: February 19, 2016, 12:15:53 am »
Elhazzared, dude, it seems you've been into this game for a time now. surely you understand there's more to it than collecting loot and selling it to merchants for shiny coins.

Perhaps to you this isn't an important part of the game and as I said rpeviously, this will just make players not want to go explore and do side quests. Basicly, they will ignore a large part of the game because what is the point? You can't sell it anyway!

As for me, there is more to the game than looting, but if the looting aspect of an RPG isn't good then the RPG is dead to me. I tried to play several times during early access after this horrible system was implemented. Almost all times I wouldn't go past taking the outposts because I couldn't even sell that tiny amount of loot. The one time I went further than that and I wasn't enjoying it very much I went as far as the SGS at which point I rage wuited over not even being able to carry the loot that is on SGS. Not to mention I knew even what I had I couldn't sell probably sell half of it.

The game just loses all the fun once you turn loot into trash. It's kinda the same thing neverwinter did. You spend the whole game, beggining to end in shitty green gear and that poor progression killed the game for me.

Now let's compare when I started playing the game before this system was implemented? Aside from providing good feedback, I classified this game as being the best RPG I had played since fallout 2 and fallout 2 is the RPG of RPGs. Nothing even comes close to it. I made a vid that I put on my Youtube channel showing off the game and giving a few tips as to how to deal with the dificult enemies early on (something probably not needed now as the dificulty was lowered early on). I even started a let's play series which I had to stop doing mostly because I stoped having the proper envoirement (read, too much noise around) to do it, however the patch came relatively shortly after I started doing it anyway so I'd have canceled it anyways. I also advised everyone I knew hat if they wanted a good RPG the likes they haven't seen since fallout 2 to give this a try.

So this is how the game changed for me. From best RPG made in the last decade to the most horrible RPG I've ever played, all thanks to a couple changes. Carry weights which are ridiculously low even on 10 str, mostly because things like metal armor and sledge hammers weight a ton which realisticly make sense, but the truth is that from a gamming perspective they should be lowered for a better playabillity. And the merchant changes which was by far the most weighty thing and made the game completly unplayable for me.

In a game like this, looking for that better piece of gear, killing more enemies for XP and you know, if the next awesome piece of gear doesn't drops, what the enemy drops is what you use to buy it. This does not exists anymore. The world isn't fun to interact with because the most important thing in an RPG was made into trash. Loot! Go play any RPG and loot is the major aspect of the game.

General / Re: Al Fabet
« on: February 18, 2016, 06:49:59 pm »
As far as I'm aware, I was not the only one complaining. There were several people who did complain about this system. So it was far from being a "lonely crusade". Also I never derailed topics into that. I've specificly posted on topics about this situation and if I was constantly going on about it it was simply because I wished for Styg to implement the option as soon as possible and not save it as a lat minute thing because I wanted to keep being involved into the early access and that system completly ruined the game into unplayability for me. I cannot enjoy the game one bit because of it.

If Styg decided against it because of my insistence then there isn't much I can say about that other than he deliberatly chose to make the worse than he could have especially when it would take no development time at all to keep the old system, it was already designed and working, it only needed the option to switch in between. It's not even a case of additional development time needed.

I've always said that it's ok to experiement with a system which might be deliberatly bad. Much like the oddity which I dislike. it's ok to have the option there, so long as it's an option. Not that I think the oddity system is bad but the merchant system certainly is as it removes all incentive of exploration since you don't care about extra loot that you cannot carry nor sell. It also pretty much does the same for the side quests though I guess you might take some just to level up quicker.

Right now people play their first time, explore everything, do the side quests. On other playthroughs, how much exploration do you think they will do? How many side quests do you think they will take? I imagine most will ignore exploration except go this specif place or that specific place for a specific item that is there or take a specific side quest for a very specific reward or just wanting to be X level before tackling the next main storyline quest.

The game teaches you to ignore what you don't need by leaving it behind, it's extra weight, it might not be worth that much. The side effect is that it teaches you to simply ignore a large part of the game because what you will get you won't need. This is a very real problem whether or not some harcore fans of the new merchant system want to recognise it and more importantly, whether or not Styg wants to recognise it.

As it is, Styg pretty much didn't cared for it. It's his game, it's his right to say how his game is made. But at the same time as total biscuit once said. A game is not the developer's but it's the player's game. They play the game the way they want it or they won't play it at all and this is very true for me and many others. Right now I'm waiting someone can make a mod that will make the game good and once someone does that I will not atribute the game being good to Styg but to the mod autor.

Similarly, because of this issue, myself and people who feel similar to me to this horrible system will not have any good will towards Styg in the future so whenever he makes a new game, we are the people who won't consider buying into early access.

General / Re: Al Fabet
« on: February 16, 2016, 11:51:02 pm »
Out of everyone who has ever complained on the forum about the problems with carry weights and limits of merchants buying things I was by far the most active and constantly going over this every time (well, up to a point anyway) a new patch came out or someone made a new complaint about this.

It isn't also coincidence that the name is somewhat close to mine.

I don't feel offended on a personal level by this. What bothers me is that rather than taking a valid complaint about the system seriously, Styg chose to instead make a mockery of a customer.

To contextualise this more. Before the patch which introduced the changes to carry weight and merchants I really loved the game, gave pelnty of feedback which was generally well received by otehr people and Styg.

After that patch I stop giving any feedback except about this and this happened for a very simple reason. The game is unplayble to me as a result of these changes. I cannot play the game if I'm not looting everything and selling everything. In my opinion this system creates 2 problems.

First, it removes the pleasant part of getting loot, you just cannot carry it all and heck, even what you can carry you can't sell everything anyway. Yay another gun dropped... If only they'd buy it anyway...

Second, it removes the whole point of exploring. Going of the beaten track to get more loot is the major point of doing it. Sure you can do it once just to see everything, but after that exploration is useless. Similarly, it is unnecessary to even do side quests because again, what you can carry is extremely limited even on 10 str and then again, you cannot sell everything that you can carry.

Styg chose to ignore this problem. Despite the fact that no one complained with the previous system, only the new system had complaints even if some people lked it. He also said he'd think about adding an option to remove these limits, something he chose not to do but he never promissed anything anyway.

But the real point is. Rather than taking feedback to heart and at least add an option like he did with the oddity or classic system. He not only decided not to listen to the feedback, but he also decided to make a mockery out of that feedback.

Again I don't feel personally insulted, but it's a very bad attitude from the Dev.

General / Re: Al Fabet
« on: February 16, 2016, 01:32:34 pm »
The sad part about Al Fabet is that rather than listening to valid feedback from players the developers instead chose to make a mockery of siad players. Goes to show how much they respect people who actively try to help the development of their game.

Suggestions / Re: crafting of rifles and shields are useless
« on: January 20, 2016, 04:39:42 am »
I would ask how exactly did you managed to craft that? Extremely high intelligence build?

Also considering the price of the items it would indicate to me that all the components must have been pretty expensive/hard to find. I can only imagine you cannot expect to be do that on every playthrough.

And while I haven't played in years, there is someone here complaining about something I reported to be a problem all those years ago!

Suggestions / Re: crafting of rifles and shields are useless
« on: January 19, 2016, 09:20:19 pm »
Thias is basicly what I've said to be the problem of crafting back a few years ago. Crafting has the problem of not keeping youahead of the curve. When you get to end game, you can craft better stuff than you can find or buy, but until end game, you're just accumulating points for nothing as you'll always find better or buy better than you can sell.

While I won't deny that end game crafted stuff is better, I would debate the usefulness of crafting throughout the whole game. Do we really want crafting to be used only for the small percentage of the end game or do we want crafting to be what it is expected to be, to ALWAYS keep you ahead of the curve in reguards of what you can find/buy?

General / Re: Custom Portraits
« on: January 08, 2016, 07:19:23 pm »
Definitly a couple pictures there that I really like! When someone mods the game so that merchants buy everything I'm definitly taking the top right one for my first playthrough.

It's a problem called. The game doesn't has acidental fire detection!

I do agree, I remember the first mission about retaking the outposts. I never talked to the guy since it would lose me the initiative, i'd just attack him.

General / Re: alternative map
« on: January 06, 2016, 11:26:59 pm »
The map looks really compreensible, I find it to be really good.

General / Re: Crowd control for non psion/crossbow users?
« on: January 05, 2016, 05:16:40 pm »
Stun nades, mk5 nades (if everything dies, everything is under control :P), emp nades (for bots), shock bolts (for crossbows).

General / Re: Design Query
« on: January 03, 2016, 09:02:10 pm »
Honestly I don't see this as a problem. Shotguns weren't put in exactly for the same reason I believe.

Still, I'm sure that new weapons, psi abillities, feats, and extra story content can easily be added later with either modding or DLC.

If you take my sugestion, go with psi + crossbows. Grenades are nice but ultimatly, unless you want to throw very far you probably won't miss by much anyway. Besides you won't need grenades that much The stun are nice, EMP too, that's mostly it and situational. So just take 7 perception, get the perk that gives you 3 perception for detecting secret passages and you'll find all secrets. Also crossbows don't need strength so you can just go 3 str.

As for the 2 things that you put instead of lockpicking and hacking. I've always been a fan of diplomacy. Having more dialogue options tend to be great. As for the last. really, whatever you'd want. Mercantile if you want more money, throwing if you really want the throwing accuracy.

I'm not sure how viable it is, but it should be viable to do so.

In the early access, quite early in fact, when as far as you could go in the main quest was the junkyard. i made a build that crafted nothing. Granted I used lockpicking and hacking because hey, loot. However I didn't needed to craft anything back then. I just did a tri psi build with crossbows (cause stun bolts are the shizz) and stealh. Removing the lockpicking and hacking leaves you 2 other skills. Since right now you don't really need extra loot at all because just what you kill is probably going to give you more than you can sell already, I don't see a need or these anymore other than the ocasional tactical advantage of unlocking a certain door to possibly go aroud the enemies.

Of course I don't have much knowledge of how the game is right now because I'll not suffer the current economy settings to live, but I doubt you'll need crafting to win. Also PSI was majorly nerfed so you probably can't do the good combos you used to be able so I don't even know if PSI is even viable at all right now. My guess is no but again, can't say for sure without playing.

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