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Messages - WolveNZ

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Suggestions / Trip Wires? advanced traps!
« on: February 01, 2014, 11:49:12 am »
Heya everyone
just a few trap ideas i just thought off, not sure if been suhhested before

maybe using some logic to select what direction to face, taking up a 2x1 space, or even more?
would allow user to ambush patrolling enemys, prevent enemys from getting behind you from another direction

i could see it as having a built in explosive charge, smaller aoe (one radius) and very low damage, in he, frag and emp. Alowwing the user to disable sentry bots, or string up with a proper mine  to cause more damage

the only forseeable problem in my eyes would be how to determine facing without multipule objects or bluprints

Suggestions / Re: Heavy machine guns? Miniguns?
« on: January 30, 2014, 08:51:41 am »
Machineguns would be cool, High ammo use, Maybe no ability to single shot (balance wise) and have them like other weapons, with 5mm, 7.62, 8.6, 9mm, 12.7 in different chassis, use the AR sprite? (as I remember reading ages back that its quite expensive getting new sprites made) and have high weights. Making them practicably the only weapon you can carry without less loot space/armour?

Christ, first post in a lonnng time

But, I think asbestos could find its way as a early fire resistant component, trading off effectiveness and maybe making the user more vulnerable to bio damage, or if possible inflicting whatever % bio damage when hit (as Asbestos is only bad if inhaled, so if you get shot, would flake off, causing a slight damage?) or maybe just degrading quite fast

We already have the burst attack that allows targets, not targeted to receive damage, else could also use some of the grenade logic as well? with it being % chance that anyone inside the target AOE gets 1-5 shot causing XX damage
Also, would be nice to see act as a crossbow, for pure firearms characters, being able to load slugs, Shot, Explosive (With a smaller AOE than grenades of course) and maybe even some more Improvised things like Incendiary Slugs etc...
Also, would be cool to see sawnoffs, using pistol buff's maybe? Low ammo, say 25AP use (so two shots a turn about), high Close quarters damage, and Small AOE. Would be very nice to have if you get swamped by Rats/Spawn etc.. But leaving you at a disadvantage as very low effectiveness at range, and only two shot

I can see Swords, along with other improvised Type thingys, but with Axes I would think Hatchets would also be good. Like Knifes but heavier, more AP use, more damage? And Maybe axe's having slightly lower AP than sledge hammers, but less damage and bleeding wounds?

Seam out of place, maybe in the hands of some Mutants or something, but else, I dont think it fits personally

Blast Suits
Explosives use Heat and Mechanical, so I guess high Mechanical resistance/threshold? as we already have heat things. Also with very high Armour Penalty and weight? Good for taking on Rathounds and other Beasts?

I think rubble would be good as a Armour extra, adding in some Mechanical (not much, rubbers quite easy to perice if not with steel inside. like tyres have) and some electrical but decreasing stealth, increasing weight?

General / Re: Padding quality values?
« on: April 08, 2013, 05:52:40 am »
I would *Guess* that it goes upto 100, im sure ive seen ~75 Value items around, where 100 is like the best their is, 50 being Good, 0 being worthless

General / Re: Stealth, Pickpocketing, and a few other things
« on: March 21, 2013, 05:11:53 pm »
Ok, just adding in my little bit here:

It does have some advantages, I pretty much had it on all the time when I thought their might be danger, it just allows you that Second to go "Oh shit theirs someone down this corridor, ENTER"

Persuasion, Intimidate, and Mercantile:
I think I would have a few points taken from my Crafting skills and chuck then into here if I knew they would be usefull, right now its iffy as I know having a nice set of armour, grenades and a gun is better than a couple of little bits where I can get though the area without going gun-ho. If we had allot more, and Styg told us that it is a Game changer then I would put some in

There are of course setbacks (no knee shot, STR requirement, etc.) but if you're building your character based on assault rifles, then it's not that big of a loss.
I think Weapon (effective) Ranges should be Increased, as Right now even with an Assault rifle you only get a couple of extra shots off in an engagement, if that, Before you have some Dick with a Hammer in your face.
Also, .44 Pistol (Or was it .40?). Not Effective over 7.62 or 8.6. AP Cost is just a tad to High, Or the Damage needs to be Buffed just a Tad to make it usefull, Right now its very "Miss, Your Fucked"

Suggestions / Re: Cover system
« on: March 20, 2013, 03:28:53 am »
Donno if it would work (Would probs require fuck loads of Re-Doing Maps) but how about how the burst fire system works, with targets that arnt targeted having a % Chance of being hit if they are in front/Behind. Would work if Objects were done in the same manner as Entities I guess? Would be good to even out some of the harsher fire-fights, being in cover, luring people into traps etc...

General / Re: Carrier Vests
« on: March 19, 2013, 03:52:35 am »
I think I found them around the Garbage, Look for a 'Tactical vest' that has no Mechanical Damage resistance properties I think....

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #14: Taking from the Rich
« on: March 08, 2013, 04:29:09 am »
Thinking about it, I think a Limited Innovatory would be nice, if done realistically. This would also maybe lead to more dynamic survival elements such as sleeping, eating and drinking that i think would work really well in this game. Making it more Survival based rather than combat based. Feeding the use of Cave Hoppers for meat (And with Item Degradation, for Cheap clothing)

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #14: Taking from the Rich
« on: March 06, 2013, 03:27:55 am »
Haha, So true, and yes, I got the Greed.

I hated it though, I just felt really bad leaving all those guns out to rust!. Most of the time when I picked up Guns and ammo I didnt need I sell it off to NPC's to be nice! "Like heres a new gun dude, would give it to you but I cant 'cause game mechanics"!

But I think tile based systems are less annoying. and Weight limits arnt all realistic, unless you add stages of encumbrance due to weight.

But to be honest, I played Fallout.2, I didnt like it at all, the only other RPG games like UnderRail Ive played was Dink Smallwood, and fuck that was a great game! Dont remember a weight limit in that game.

Its all about balancing fun and realism. I know I just cant stand leaving stuff lying about. And having weight limits just makes it so you have to visit the same area time, and time, and time again to clear out any stuff gets bloody annoying.

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #14: Taking from the Rich
« on: March 05, 2013, 05:59:52 pm »
Oh god, please dont do that...

I remember playing STALKER, running back and foward for ages picking up guns and ammo and selling them.

if anything was to be done, I would have it so you have a set number of tiles in your Inventory, and some things take up more tiles. Would also allow for some cool looking flashy sprites for the bigger items as well. This would also work in well with having the accesable shelfs at your 'appartment' as well, being able to store items. But it may be a bit iffy and could cause the game to be bloody annoying

Ill just have a look at what i had Styg

Ok, no rapid fire perk

my guns were at 50, Grenade at 15, crossbow at 31 and melee at 44.
Strengh was at 6, Dex at 4, Aglity at 4, Con at 6, Perception at 7, Will at 7 and Intel at 8

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #14: Taking from the Rich
« on: March 01, 2013, 07:49:41 pm »
The game is not really balanced around having a complete non-combat character, nor is that in the plans. You should still get plenty of benefit from going crafting, but you won't be able to generate money from nothing.

As for Old Junkyard areas, I never really saw anyone struggle there. I think the major problem was the low movement speed of mutants and some glitches in their AI so that should change now. Btw, what build were you use when you fought them?

Running with a 8.6mm AR, Mk.IV Grenades, Mk.II traps, No points in PSY skills. about 40:40:20 Ratio of points spent in crafting : Combat : Other

Suggestions / Re: Additional Strategic Elements.
« on: March 01, 2013, 08:38:41 am »
Some great stuff, a 'Noise Maker' would be real nice for traps, having a timed delay before it started making noise. and Turrets would give you a nice bit of help in the currently really outgunned firefights :p

we already have those spiked things that you can put on the ground (Cant pronouce, spell or whatever the name) but so I think the types of throwable you listed should be possible, the cryo grenade might be a bit differnt thou'

But I think it would be great additions to the game! :D

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #14: Taking from the Rich
« on: March 01, 2013, 08:33:49 am »
Reduced the value multiplier for certain crafted items (e.g. leather armor) in relation to their components; purchasing components from vendors and crafting them into finished items and reselling them should not be profitable (this would either force me to reduce the amount of components the merchants have or to reduce the restocking frequency and I don't want to do either); finding components and crafting them into items before selling them is profitable

Dont really like this at all, dosnt sound realistic to me and will prevent characters based less on gains though combat from progressing

Added more mutated dogs to Old Junkyard because why not
Increased the health of Mutated humans and restored them their normal movement points (was too easy to kite them)
Increased mutant dog health

Was I the only guy that really struggled to face off against these guys, even with the best gear I could get my hands on? I remember multiplier saves, traps and grenade spam :/
Might it be a bit much having more Mutant dog health, more Mutant Human health and more dogs?

When placing traps with AoE effect, their range will also be displayed; this should make it easier for players to prevent chaining their own traps and blowing themselves up Wile E. Coyote style.
This will be useful, used to have to use a Grenade AoE UI to setup mines as a work around

Increased base psionic power of psi beetles and their synergy bonus; also their armor and health a bit (hopefully I get to watch them actually kill someone now)
This should be nice, I hope. I remember them being easy prey on their own but if you got cocky and chased after one, and got a few on you you were in for a decent fight. But I think a slight boost will really help but might make the silent isle a bit tough'er

General / Re: Fists + Force Emissions
« on: February 22, 2013, 07:28:55 pm »
I remember with the Mutants, I just used Mk.4 Grenades and finished them off with a 8.6 Burst from my AR. Im guessing it should work the same with your setup, apart from the face that you will have to 'nade, Stun, Run in, Bash instead of just 'Nade and BANG xD

General / Re: Underrail wiki?
« on: February 19, 2013, 03:27:21 am »
Nice, not a clue on Web-based shizmo myself! But im sure theirs a community member that knows his way around, somewhere...

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