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Messages - Megabiquette

Pages: 1 2 [3]
I did as the wiki said.
Exhausted the dialogues with the mayor of Rail Crossing and Major Clifton from South Railroad Outpost. No "join the protectorate" line :(

I'm talking about the ones guarding the stolen train. I as too weak when I encountered them so I just when to inform the protectorate about them.
Now I don't seem to get to protectorate to hire me.

Bugs / Port Zenith quest bug?
« on: March 28, 2016, 03:43:29 pm »
The guy I'm supposed to bribe doesn't want to talk to me anymore, is it working as intended? I didn't try to bribe him during my first dialogue and now I'm stuck because I don't have the skills for the other quest options.

Bugs / Assassinate Olivia bug?
« on: March 27, 2016, 07:25:13 pm »
Hello, I used my chemical skill to mess her set in her little lab but that didn't kill her, she still has like 5% of her health left.

I'm pretty sure that's a bug, anyone had the same thing happen?

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