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Messages - Qiox

Pages: [1] 2
General / Re:
« on: December 29, 2020, 06:32:47 pm »
I get a suspended domain page when I try to visit the site.

*EDIT*  and now a couple minutes later is working fine.

Suggestions / How about some love for crossbows?
« on: September 17, 2020, 06:58:42 pm »
I don't think anything new has ever been added for xbow builds.   I say it is about time!

- cryo bolts for cold damage and debuff
- armor penetrating bolts crafted with graphite
- aoe boom bolts crafted with hexogen

And add a new unique xbow that players would actually want to use.  Something I would like in my offhand would be a xbow that fires 2 bolts.  To balance it, give it a capacity of just 2 bolts so that you have to spend the ap to reload after every shot.  Would be a nice offhand option for when a heavy hit is needed.

Please and thanks :)

During the long winded introductions, our opponents have their energy shield drain down to as little as 10% to 20% left by the time the fight start.  Sure it would be nice not to have ours drain as well if we turn it on before entering.  But having our opponents essentially nerfed that much should be fixed.  The game auto-turns on our Energy Shield for the Gorsky quest when the big fight starts.  The same should happen with arena fights for both us and our opponents.

Bugs / Crash to desktop when using Force Field near Crawlers
« on: July 28, 2020, 03:56:40 pm »
First crashes I've ever had.   Every time I try to use a Force Field in a fight with Crawlers, the game crashes on the Crawler's first turn.


Build variety for PSI usage is going to take a huge nose-dive.   So many of the abilities will just never get used now.

General / Re: Energy shields
« on: June 16, 2020, 07:30:57 am »
An important point to consider is that no bullets are Very High speed.  None!

Bullets from SMGs and Pistols are Medium.  I would guess Shotguns also.

Bullets from Sniper and Assault Rifles are High.  Explosions are also consider High Speed.

Very High Speed is for Laser, Plasma and Electrical attacks only.

Xbows and Cold attacks are Low Speed.

And Melee is Very Low.

General / Re: Combo feat, is it useful?
« on: May 29, 2020, 05:06:56 pm »
The higher the number of attacks per turn you have the value you get out of Combo.  On my Time Monk build with 30 attacks per turn this Feat adds a lot of extra damage.

General / Re:
« on: May 27, 2020, 11:13:36 pm »
After all this time using this great build tool I just noticed that it allows you to setup a level capped character in a way that is impossible in game.

You can set your attributes in a way that forces an impossible level 1 situation.  For example, having 18 in one stat from 10 + 6 levels ups + 2 vet feat, and second skill at 11 or higher.   The tool allows this but it is not possible in game since there's no way to get that second attribute to 11.

You could fix this by having an internal variable that keeps track of unspent AttributesFromLevelUps.

Any time an attribute is raised above 10 in the tool, decrease that counter and if it is zero, don't allow them to increase the attribute.

Builds / Re: Which jetksi to pick
« on: April 19, 2020, 06:32:26 pm »
I have bought a Glow on every run through the game since jetskis were added to the game.

Builds / Re: First time player in 2020
« on: April 19, 2020, 06:26:13 pm »
Hello DerivateZero

Just back from fighting against "The pulverizer" for 1 hour. Real old school fighting. I have to win initative so i can drain his shield with a EMP grenade.
Then I have to stun him. Then I have to use my level 1 chill ability to build up stacks to kite him while he's stun immune. During aldrenaline rush
he sometime's still catches up, and gets the hits in. 4 hits I'm positively dead.

Managed to get him down to 30% a few times, but still no kill

Compare to that time monk killing him in the first round of combat...

I got a appropiate ql circular wave modifier, and I can build a laser pistol - Is that where the 400% critical damage is coming from?
Is it from the higher quality of the item? Mine capped out at 220%

Hello, I'm the one who posted the Time Monk videos :)

Well the first thing to point out is that I was level 19 in that video!   That is a huge difference from your level 12 character.

Personally, I don't do any questing in the Core City Area until around level 18.

After finishing the Depot quest for the drill parts I follow this order of quests:

- Battery Plant
- Camp Hathor Mine
- Rathound King
- Rail Crossing Buzzard's Shop
- Rail Crossing Missing Train
- all of Foundry area quests
- Dude's quest

Then I go to Core City to finish it all off.   This typically has me right at level 18 at this point.   However, depending on the build, and current crafting investments, and crafting related feats taken so far, I sometimes do enough Core City stuff to unlock the faction vendor, but even that is generally never before level 16.

Just because you can go somewhere does not mean it is the right choice at the time.  Repeated failures is the game's way of telling you to come back later.

Suggestions / Re: I am disappointed this is not an option
« on: August 26, 2019, 12:59:45 am »
Well you already can mount The Beast.  That's the first one I got mounted.

(ok not the best choice of words lol but you know what I mean)

Suggestions / I am disappointed this is not an option
« on: August 25, 2019, 07:49:26 pm »
Why can't I mount Todd's Arm on the wall of my home as a trophy?  :(

Suggestions / Small QoL suggestion for Global Map
« on: July 24, 2019, 08:07:19 pm »
It would be nice if the orange connection indicators appeared as soon as you spotted a zone transition point.  This way, at a glance at the world map you could see where there are connections you had passed by, but not explored yet.

General / Re: Oligarchs in CC
« on: March 05, 2019, 02:48:15 pm »
One of the main reasons for picking one over the others is the vendor you get from them.  Each of the three has a different type of vendor.

Coretech = Electronics vendor
Praetorian = Guns, Melee Weapon and Heavy Armor vendor
JKK = Crossbow and Stealth Gear vendor

General / Re: Expedition release date.
« on: February 28, 2019, 02:45:55 am »
It is a new area that only becomes available around the mid game.  Generally you would not go there before level 15 on Easy or Normal difficulty.   If playing on Hard or Dominating you likely would wait until even later.

When the DLC comes out you can jump into it on your current save.

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