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Messages - ShoggothWhisperer

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General / Re: Tchortist crit hypos
« on: July 26, 2021, 04:29:32 pm »
There is no downside to crafting the enriched hypos except for not getting the other rewards, so it is worth it if you are a bio build.

General / Re: Utility Station 6
« on: July 26, 2021, 04:27:35 pm »
You aren’t supposed to kill the proxies, since they respawn. You have to kill the overwatchers to stop the proxies from spawning. You can use vents and stealth to sneak around and individually kill all the overwatchers, as well as recharging the industrial bots.

Why not drop per to 6, pump dex to 17 and str to 5, and use versatility? You lose sharpshooter and scrutinous, which isn’t really a problem since you take them very late, and you can replace scrutinous with steadfast aim, which gives a higher crit chance since it scales off base ap (+8% crit with no downside on a rapid .44 hammer). It also help you achieve the 17 dex combo sooner, since you only consistently get 2 SSD before DC. If you spec versatility (at the cost of losing hit and run spec, fatal throw spec, and reckless) you get higher base damage and accuracy then with 11 per, while also boosting throwing damage for fatal throw from the high dex.

General / Re: West section of the new Lost Vault
« on: July 24, 2021, 01:35:04 am »
White dude and cave hopper armor + boots gives +5 agility, so you don’t need all in. Vitality powder+ Regalia+BBQ+ Power fist gives +7 str as well.

General / Re: Did Metathermics really need a nerf?
« on: July 24, 2021, 01:34:10 am »
Warmed is only a problem early game when the extra cold DT matters. Later on you hardly notice it on psychosis builds since crit cryo orb still obliterates everything, and tranquility builds don’t really care about cryo based abilities anymore when you can spam up to 6 1k damage plasma beams in a single turn with the proper setup. Plasma beam more than makes up for the warmed status effect.

Builds / Re: Mind cracker build help
« on: July 23, 2021, 09:00:03 pm »
there is no need to commit, spear can be used in hammer build, its just better option against crabs, serpents.Your autistic yelps  have nothing to do with it
Spears aren’t great without spear feats, and you probably wouldn’t take spear feats on a hammer build. Serpents can be dealt with using electroshock module on a hammer and expose weakness, as leper and heartbreakers can be one shot with hammers and the jet ski melee bonus, while most sea wyrm encounters on Dominating only feature 2 wyrms. Regular Crab damage can be neutered with metal armor and Psi crabs can be tanked with Tesla armor, and the damage difference between spears and hammers against crabs is negligible. There is never a scenario where you should run spears over hammers on a hammer build.

Suggestions / Re: Make Hard and Dominating Harder (Spoilers)
« on: July 21, 2021, 07:13:10 pm »
you can surely do this, but what if i want do it other way, or my build dont want use utility name, all you suggest will be fit only for few builds and just reduce options in building character
When you say stuff like that you sound like a bigger wussy than Newton.

Builds / Re: Mind cracker build help
« on: July 21, 2021, 04:50:33 pm »
im not sure, that you can beat that many stealthed goliaths right outa depot
You don’t have to beat them, you just have to get past them. You can stealth past the silent isle goliathus fairly easily with just 60 effective stealth, and you should have access to even stealthier gear past depot A. Goliathus only have 83 detection, so they aren’t a challenge to stealth past. I just recently did the mind cracker dungeon on a character with ~100 effective stealth and it only took me a couple of tries to get through.

Suggestions / Re: Make Hard and Dominating Harder (Spoilers)
« on: July 21, 2021, 04:26:23 pm »
most of the changes are retarded, like alpha rathounds not afraid of flares or premed beatles.Very cool now my level 3 character cant walk to gms because i cant physically deal with rathounds anymore, or beatles casting psp out of sight or maybe worse they will start cast doppels because everything costs zero.Resolve has nothing with cheap shots, they are unresistible.I can continue debunk most suggestions, but you got my point:there are no second thought to your suggestion and those make sense only for guys who have more than 1k hours into the game.
I swear I’ve had master skull smasher resist cheap shots incapacitation before, and things like pneumatic hammer incapacitation can be resisted, so I assume that cheap shots can also be resisted. I couldn’t find any info on the wiki or from the discord that cheap shots always incapacitates, but you could be right. If you can deal with dominating Find Newton, I’m sure your build can deal with early alphas by using choke points and doorways to prevent alphas from attacking you, or you can use Molotovs to disrupt their path finding and scare away their lesser companions. For beetles, their AI makes them always cast PSP as their first action, using up premed, and they will typically follow that up with psi interruption and/or disruptive field. Bilocation requires 2 other goliathus beetles with open brains, has a range of 7, and costs 35 ap, so unless you get detected in stealth Goliathus won’t cast dopples on you on the first turn. Premed also has a 5 turn cooldown, but if you manage to survive 5 turns against 3+ goliathus without killing them all, your build needs to focus more on damage.

Builds / Re: Mind cracker build help
« on: July 21, 2021, 04:01:59 pm »
Mind cracker is great as a mid game weapon, since you can grab it immediately after depot A now. It’s also nice against psionic bosses like the styganian exorcist or the sisters on Forsaken Isle since they have enough health that the inhibition matters.

General / Re: Crystal Mainframe vision requirement
« on: July 20, 2021, 04:51:54 pm »
Speaking of the mainframe, I only realized this playthrough that it says that only 3 "Godmen" remain. I wonder if one of them is staying on their moon to be ready to fire at Leviathans that get too big, or if we'll get to see all 3 in sequels.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I think the 3rd Godman is dead. Tchort talks about how their thoughts are like cool pure water from glacial springs, implying that he has previously encountered and consumed a Godman, probably from killing one himself. The faceless imply that Tchort’s influence is more toxic to beings with complex minds, and since the faceless are part Godman, this would mean that Tchort’s influence is especially toxic against a regular Godman. It also provides a reason for why Six doesn’t help you more with killing Tchort.

Builds / Re: Rasophore build
« on: July 20, 2021, 04:43:41 pm »
Rassophore Armor? -  - what's so good about it to "rush" it? That armor won't even trigger Juggernaut. You will get melted by everything with 0 Stealth and 11 Initiative. This is for Normal right? But even there... Or am I missing something?

It seems that you want a Tin Can build, but with ultra low Gun skill and some Melee. Well you could get away with 18 STR and un-specced Versatility, but then maintaining higher CON and WILL becomes a problem. If you don't want MP, just go with Triple Reinforced Tungsten Armor and Boots and maybe 6 Dex to get Paranoia and Trigger Happy to get at least 26 Initiative without Soda. Otherwise, Armor Sloping, Nimble + Springed Boots and Super Steel.

Basicly, doing Triple damage sources, each with different derived statistics and being any good at it + Survivability is not how this game likes to roll.

He is using the new Vasophore Armor, which provides a lot of good buffs, has decent resistances to acid, bio, and mechanical, and has no strength requirement.

Suggestions / Make Hard and Dominating Harder (Spoilers)
« on: July 20, 2021, 05:29:40 am »
I've been playing a lot of Dominating recently, and was struck by a bit of a revelation; the hardest part of Dominating is the early game (pre Depot-A). In the early game, your options are limited for gear and experience, and many of the enemies have been replaced with significantly harder versions of themselves, such as in Silent Isle. Once you get past Depot A you are presented with a plethora of experience and easily obtainable high quality gear, which makes the rest of the game a breeze. I've compiled a list of changes that would make the later stages of the game more interesting than just rush Constantine and buy cool stuff.

Hard Specific Changes

NPCs have a 125% health modifier and 115% skill modifier-Right now there is a huge gap between Hard and Dominating, in large part thanks to the health and skill modifier. This provides more of a gradual transition to make combat more challenging, sine otherwise the main difference between Normal and hard is extra enemies and the stealth and EMP changes.

Dominating Changes

Mechanic Changes

This section is mainly focused around various methods that can be used to cheese combat encounters.

  • No Zone Transitions during combat-Any area with multiple exits makes combat fairly easy, since you can camp out near an exit, retreat when health is low, and reenter from a different exit without having a swarm of enemies immediately attack you. This is most noticeable in the native villages, where you can pull all the melee enemies to one side of the map, circle around, and then kill all the ranged enemies. You can also cheese the Praetorian security warehouse mission this way by throwing a gas grenade next to the window, leaving the zone, and then entering the walkway outside the area to pull the enemies into the gas grenade, or to pull them away from the entrance. 
  • Enemies gain temporary resolve after each incapacitation- Right now it is very easy for melee builds to stunlock enemies with cheap shots, mental breakdown, flashbangs, and stuns, which can allow players to access endgame areas right after depot A with a little luck (example: stunlocking arena gladiators or stunlocking the greater coil spiders in Hecate labs for an early power fist, stunlocking the three masters with the powerfist and cheap shots). Giving enemies a 30 resolve buff after each incapacitation would make it a lot more difficult to chain incaps and cheese enemies.
  • Have Merchants only sell items above a certain quality after certain story checkpoints- Most experienced players rush Constantine immediately after depot A to get high quality items very quickly such as knives, energy shields, ect. Merchants should only sell up to a maximum of q120 before helping rail crossing, q140 before the coretech research facility, and have no modifier after the research facility.
  • Eye of Tchort is permanently active near the gate leading to Tchort and the areas behind it-Most Tchortling encounters can be easily skipped, even on dominating, and this would make it feel more climactic as you approach Tchort.

Enemy Changes

This section is mainly focused around making some mid and late game enemies more threatening.

  • Azuridae Goliathus Int raided to 6, gain premediataion- This is mainly to let them cast PSP without expending action points, which in turn gives them a bit more movement on the first turn to increase their chances of landing a disruptive field or psionic inhibition.
  • Alpha Rathounds are no longer afraid of fire- Alpha Rathounds are fairly rare early game, but become much more common late game. Giving them fire fear immunity makes their encounters a bit more challenging, so they can actually pose a threat to weaker characters.
  • Ancient Rathounds gain the Taste for Blood Feat- This makes encounters with these enemies much more tactical, as preventing bleeds from alpha rathounds becomes much more important.
  • Burrower Warriors gain Charge-Burrower Warriors currently suffer greatly from a lack of movement, and giving them charge would let them temporarily overcome this weakness and let them threaten faster characters
  • Greater Coil Spiders gain tranquility-This lets the spiders shoot off 2 electrokinesis instead of 1 when at full health. This also makes combat more tactical by encouraging the use of crowd control such as grenades to lower the damage capabilities of these enemies.
  • Cuttlesnails leave behind a trail of toxic gas and acid puddles- This would work similar to the zoner from that one core city sewer fragment, and make it harder to move around snails without proper protective gear.
  • Plasma Sentries change into their turret form after attacking, changing form costs 0 ap- This would increase the damage output of these robots, and prevent easy escapes from the bots while they waste their turn entering and leaving the turret form.
  • Melee Bandit  gang members (Ironheads, Lurkers, and Lunatics) spawn with rathound or pig leather tabis- This lets these enemies more easily reach characters, and increases the attacks that knife bandits can make.
  • Give Knife Bandits (Lurkers, Lunatics) Expose Weakness- Knife bandits currently struggle to damage any enemy with decent tactical vests or stronger armor, and this change would make them a lot more dangerous to fight.
Boss Changes

These changes aim to make some boss encounters a bit more challenging.
  • Carnifex and Balor gain Thick Skull-These bosses currently can easily be defeated with dirty kick, cut-throat, and even a taser, and this would make it a lot harder to do that
  • Vanga, Frost, and Firecracker gain the Dominating boss modifiers, remove several of the lunatics on the upper level of the mall-These are the leaders of the Lunatics, but are currently just a slightly special lunatic Nuker, Freezer, and TCer. Giving them the boss health modifier makes them a bit scarier, but is slightly counterbalanced by removing a couple of lunatics from the horde on the second floor.
  • Balor Gains Truesight-He has a mechanical eye, so this makes sense.
  • Tchort Gets the Dominating Boss HP modifier, regens 200 hp per Mutagen Tank- A lot of builds can Take Tchort down in 1-2 turns, and he currently barely has more heath that Gubbins or Fatso at this difficulty, and even has less health than Jet Eater on Dominating. Now, instead of just rushing him down, players have to destroy the tanks and prepare for a long fight, which would also cause a lot more people to do the mutagen puzzle.

Native Raid Changes

This could have been a separate topic but it fits well enough here. After Defend the Island, each subsequent native raid should receive buffs based on each of the native chieftains. The buff can be prevented for future raids by killing the corresponding chieftain.
Raid 2- If Eldran is alive, in this raid and all subsequent raids enemies permanently gain 4 stacks of Warmed Up, which increases movement speed, healing recieved, and cold threshold, as well as providing immunity to chill.
Raid 3-If Baenkraster is alive, in this raid and all subsequent raids enemies gain bone armor, a buff that gives 10 bonus mechanical dt and 20% mechanical resistance.
Raid 4-If Oyensorm is alive, in this raid and all subsequent raids enemies gain Battle Trance, which increases all offensive and psionic skills by 50%, similar to buff that the faceless receive when attacking the Institute.
Final Raid-If Magnar is alive, all non-boss enemies receive a permanent Vitality Powder effect. Additionally, at the end of the battle an additional wave will spawn for each chieftain still alive, with Eldran leading a wave of 6 random krisfargers, Baenkraster leading a wave of 6 random Skaaders, Oyensorm leading a wave of 3 spaaters and 3 Oyetspaaters, and Magnar leading a wave of 3 Krisfarger, 3 Skaaders, and 3 Oyetspaaters.

General / Re: 16 TiChrome Tabi builds, possible nerf and discussion
« on: July 19, 2021, 06:17:27 pm »
Adrenaline gives on demand ability to kill more enemies now, when most of them are around and dangerous. It definitely should be used during prolonged fights. The fatigue turns won't really be toughter because there will be less enemies alive to harm you.

You can reduce grenades cooldown with Grenadier, LTI, you can alternate throwing damaging/flashbangs, you can consume medicine, there's plenty of opportunities to spend AP every turn instead of boinking.

Your a hammer build, not a grenade/TM build. Grenades and TM are a crutch, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they got nerfed along with tichrome hammers.

General / Re: 16 TiChrome Tabi builds, possible nerf and discussion
« on: July 19, 2021, 04:48:55 pm »
17 str is the breaking point for Balor’s hammer, so at 15 Str+ adrenaline you would use Balor’s over Tungsten. There are also some longer fights where fatigue can be dangerous (like native raids), so most of the time you won’t be under the effects of adrenaline. Grenades have cooldown, so while grenades are on cooldown Tichrome will usually get the extra attack unless you are suppressed or tackled.

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