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Messages - bushwhacker2k

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General / Re: Extremely Slow Saving/Loading
« on: May 26, 2013, 10:56:31 pm »
That would be in the late Junkyard.
It might take a bit longer at the very end, but it's really not much to write home about.

It's possible that it's partially because it's on my laptop, I'll check out how much quicker it is on my computer (in fact I may actually time it :D).

However, if load times progress with game progress, I expect to see some signifiant sources of boredom another 5 hours in, as soon as that content is available.

Yeah, this is the biggest worry for me, even if it's not a big issue for desktop-users at this point in the game. The save/load time DEFINITELY increases as one progresses into the game, which I'm surprised is so noticeable with how far I've gotten (not all that far).

It really makes me wonder what is actually increasing the time taken by so much.

General / Re: Respawning - Pickpocketing Inventories
« on: May 26, 2013, 10:50:02 pm »
Okay, so I know that some creatures respawn. I know that some things (mushrooms) respawn. I know that merchant inventories respawn.

Are there any plans to have character inventories respawn, for pickpocketing purposes, or is it planned for this to stay constant throughout the entirety of the game?
God I hope so.

In addition to the suspicion bar eventually depleting.

It would make sense, in both ways-

If a person regularly lost items in their pockets they'd get pretty suspicious, but if it happened a while ago then they'd logically forget.

I guess a process of increasing difficulty as more and more items are stolen? (in between respawns of course, the idea is that they didn't notice at the time)

But at the same time the suspicion BAR would reduce to nothing in between segments.

In this way it couldn't be super easily abused but it would continue to give some kind of payoff as the character plays the game and revisits areas.

Bugs / Re: Underrail Prevents Sound on Other Applications
« on: May 23, 2013, 07:25:25 pm »
Youtube stopped making sound for me, and the video player I used started a video but no sound was coming from it. When I alt+tabbed and restarted it it worked though...

Let me do a rain check on this, it could just be a one-time bug that popped up for reasons unrelated to Underrail. If I encounter it again I'll bring this topic back up. Thanks for the response.

Suggestions / Re: A List of Suggestions...
« on: May 23, 2013, 07:23:26 pm »
I suppose it's the sentry bots essentially stunning you for 3-4 turns in a row (given enough sentry bots)?

Yeah, I didn't encounter it elsewhere, it just occurred to me that you could very, very easily get stunlocked in certain situations. Certain character types would just get ganked if they accidentally had 2+ sentry bots stumble upon them.

I will say this: if you (the dev) wants to keep the game a little bit unforgiving in situations that are truly meant to be dangerous then I can just roll with it. The fact that each bot only had one flashbang made the situation a lot fairer than it would have otherwise been.

General / Re: The Purpose of Tradeskills
« on: May 23, 2013, 07:00:34 pm »
Okay, I'm planning on putting more info into this post, but as a preliminary to clarify something I clearly took for granted as a definition:

A tradeskill is a skill that is learned for providing a service or creating something (i.e. crafting), generally with the intention of providing for oneself, whether through self-sustaining means or through trade. This is what is meant when it is said that someone 'has a trade', they utilize a specific skill in this manner.

I'm not referring to mercantile, the skill speaks for itself in usefulness.


They actually do allow you to make a significant amount of extra money; f.Ex. having a decent tailoring skill allows you to turn the rathound hides you "find" early on into leather armours that you can sell for far more money.

Yes, I didn't add this in my earlier post (I should have) but the hides from Rathounds are the only reliable drop used in simplistic crafting. 20-30-40 tailoring actually does make some extra cash.

Raw materials are indeed incredibly rare, and it's not worth the money nor the skillpoints to try and create knives or hypos.

I'm glad someone agrees with me :D The items required just don't seem to drop reliably... I guess if I got enough of a certain crafting material I could buy the recipe then just buy the OTHER ingredients which might allow me to craft them at a fraction of the price... though I don't even know if that would be worthwhile.

But the more you want of an item slot, the more attractive crafting becomes. Metal Armours, for example, offer three support slots you can fill, and to my knowledge crafting is the only way to create a chemical pistol, for all the good it will do ya.

Right, when I made the original post I hadn't gotten to the point of really looking into Metal Armor... but now I see how ridiculously useful it would be to have it custom-made with melee-boosting enhancements. This and rare items definitely seem like they'd benefit from the ability to craft them. (not to mention crafting metal armor seems to be way cheaper than buying it)


   I never thought of crafting as a trade skill, although late in the game you make more money, if instead of selling some gun frames and barrels you could (if you have the blueprints and skill) sell guns instead and make more credits than selling those parts one by one.

Not to make any judgments of anyone else's playstyle, but- I really prefer not to horde items over long periods of time in the hope that they may become useful at some later date. I don't mean to say I won't hold onto items I intend to use but CAN'T use at the time. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't want to use tradeskills just to make a little extra cash way late game.

With my sneaky character, i craft my own traps and it is a very nice useful thing to have. I can decide
on the spot if i want one big dangerous mine or instead, lot of weak mines to place around. I also have access to better traps earlier on the game.

Yes! This actually seems to be by far the most useful function of tradeskills (as I refer to them), that is: grenades and mines. It seems to be relatively easy to get some ingredients and create explosives of a higher level than are even available otherwise.

With my Sledgehammer guy, i craft my own electroshock Sledgehammer that's usually much better than the ones for sale, specially with the power management feat that's always nice to have, and cheaper to get.

Yeah, specialized enhanced item types seem to be one of the main reasons to use tradeskills.

Crafting Health Hypos is hard because of the many components required and the rarity of some of them, yet
i find it quite useful to have. But much more useful is being to able psy boosters. Back when the recipe was only 3 psy mushrooms and a syringe i had my psy meter always full but now that you need 5 psy mushrooms i have much less psy boosters but i still find the ability of crafting them quite useful since syringes are cheap and psy mushrooms are free.

Yeah, I was hard on health hypos at first but it doesn't seem that bad presently. I'm actually coming across the materials as I play now. The jump from the demo on psi hypos (1 mindshroom -> 5 mindshrooms) made me flinch at first but with the respawning shrooms it seems totally viable.


Sorry for the long post, I was trying to find a way to collapse my responses using spoiler tags or something but I didn't find anything.

My conclusions are that tradeskills (once again, as I refer to them as) are good for:

  • Creating items in short supply (Grenades, Traps, Psi-Hypos... potentially Health Hypos/Crossbow Bolts)
  • Creating specialized gear (Shock-Sledgehammers, Enhanced Armor, etc.)
  • Getting SOME extra money (Tailoring rathound hides)

A last note I have to add, it pays to only really start tradeskilling after you're a bit into the game, it's too expensive at the beginning.

General / Re: Extremely Slow Saving/Loading
« on: May 23, 2013, 06:58:04 pm »
I don't.
Saving/loading is still way slow, but a level change with autosave hasn't taken more than 20 seconds, so far.

Okay, thanks for the reply. Just for additional confirmation, how far in the game is that character?

General / The Purpose of Tradeskills
« on: May 22, 2013, 12:54:18 am »
I'd been messing around with Tradeskills a bit, generally probing it and seeing how far I could go with it.

It seems like the main purpose of tradeskills is creating one-use items that might be in somewhat short-supply otherwise.

  • Creating weapons/armor with tradeskills is pretty expensive and given the lack of materials can be quite unviable.
  • It seems like, according to the Dev, that tradeskills are not for the purpose of making money.
  • Some items seem borderline worthless to invest in. Health hypos are far more easily bought than created.

What have been your experiences with the tradeskills? How focused are we really meant to make characters? Has anyone made any electronic items? Are more expensive item materials (gun-parts, etc.) ever found, or are they just bought, which seems to be more expensive than simply purchasing a premade gun?

I'm trying to wrap my head around what the intention/purpose of the tradeskills are. So far from my experience only grenades are a decent investment (not that I can aim with any accuracy with the things, despite my focus on the throwing skill).

General / Extremely Slow Saving/Loading
« on: May 22, 2013, 12:46:50 am »
I mentioned this in a different thread earlier, but it's becoming way too significant to ignore.

I used my brother's stop-watch function on his iPhone and quicksaving took 56.5 seconds and quickloading took 71 seconds.

I've only been playing with this character for a few hours. If there's ever going to be any kind of lengthy campaign (something I sincerely hope for, I love this style of game) this is going to be a major inconvenience.

Is anyone else having this issue?

Bugs / Underrail Prevents Sound on Other Applications
« on: May 22, 2013, 12:42:24 am »
While Underrail is running, several other applications I've been running have ceased producing sound. When I shut down Underrail and restarted the program it started functioning again.

General / Respawning - Pickpocketing Inventories
« on: May 22, 2013, 12:40:41 am »
Okay, so I know that some creatures respawn. I know that some things (mushrooms) respawn. I know that merchant inventories respawn.

Are there any plans to have character inventories respawn, for pickpocketing purposes, or is it planned for this to stay constant throughout the entirety of the game?

Suggestions / A List of Suggestions...
« on: May 22, 2013, 12:38:14 am »
I had a bunch of things compiled on a list and I'm not sure if I should make individual topics or not, so here I go-

1 - Health/Psi Hypos should have a syringe left over after use.

2 - Using a bandage should not break stealth.

3 - Using a computer should not break stealth.

4 - Even though I seem to be able to use things on myself by selecting them and then using my portrait, the icon gives the impression that the portrait isn't a viable target. The icon should probably change to reflect the viability.

5 - Incapacitation should have a temporary resulting immunity in the same fashion as stun does.

I want to establish that I'm not demanding any of this, just suggesting, and if anyone disagrees I'm totally open to discuss this.

General / Re: Ninja Looter
« on: May 22, 2013, 12:33:16 am »
Okay, I played a bit more and I must make sure. Is this only meant to be applicable at a moderate level? Even with a stealth coat and stealth boots, max agility and max stealth score, approaching from behind- I will still be spotted very, very quickly.

Can people tell me what level they are when doing this?

Suggestions / Re: Repeating Directions
« on: May 22, 2013, 12:30:16 am »
Maybe there should be an NPC called "Tour Guide" that will answer any and all questions about the starting area... that might be the easiest fix for the Dev.

It'd be an easy fix but it'd also be weird except for explaining certain basic processes of the game. I think just having the ability to re-ask an NPC what they requested of you earlier (in looking for specific details) would probably be a good way to deal with it, if not then an ability to recall conversations in your journal. If not even that then just have all specific details said added to your journal, I guess.

Suggestions / Re: Burst Trajectory
« on: May 22, 2013, 12:27:21 am »
There isn't that much calculation used when displaying AoE attack. It just highlights tiles within a given radius.

That's a shame. I hope you can get something in place at some point. It's very difficult to gauge the risk of a burst shot to allies without any clues. Don't grenades already do something similar? Can't you use a similar process for the burst>

Sounds like a good idea, I'd rather be able to gauge the danger to my allies than risk aggroing people through trial-and-error.

If you burst fire in someone's general direction you should be aware there is danger you might hit them. Knowing that someone's just out of the burst cone and that you're safe to burst would be kinda cheating. :P

That's kind of true, I just don't feel like I can accurately gauge whether or not I'll hit something. Instead of actually displaying an EXACT area of fire, could you list the distance and degree of fire from the enemy you target? I have no idea if it's a thin cone or a wide one, I'm totally clueless at this point.

Suggestions / Aggro Cooldown + Stealthy Reentry
« on: May 19, 2013, 06:37:59 am »
I accidentally aggro'd an Azurite (or w/e the name was) and because of my specialty (melee) and my current range I decided to high-tail it out of there.

I later returned, while stealthed, and the enemy IMMEDIATELY knew my position regardless of the fact that the aggro happened a while ago and I was hiding.

I think, first, that if you leave an area for a sufficient amount of time that the enemy should at least not immediately engage combat on reentry to the area. (TBH might already exist and I just came back too soon...)

Secondly, I think if I'm hiding he especially shouldn't get to immediately move.


I actually kind of understand why it would happen at first, because you wouldn't want stealthy players to abuse a hit-and-run tactic which, in one way, was previously allowed by opening a door, shooting and then closing the door (this was fixed by upping the AP cost of using doors).

But I definitely left the general area and later returned, so the enemy immediately noticing me was kinda weird.

Can I get a clarification as to whether or not there is a 'cooldown' period for aggro'd enemies?

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