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Messages - Barry

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 18
Bugs / Stealth mode cooldown goes back to 10 seconds when reloading
« on: April 10, 2022, 03:32:49 pm »
Is it intentional? Because stealth mode is a conventional ability and thus can also get affected by things like Limited Temporal Increment.

Suggestions / Confusing the Exiled Mutie Guard using Advatongue
« on: April 10, 2022, 02:53:19 am »
I think it would be a nice addition to be able to get past him by saying a jumbled set of Advatongue words if you learned enough phrases from Norman Hack, similarly to how you can confuse him with Intelligence.

Suggestions / Mercy-killing Dr. Mason without gaining Body Horror
« on: April 09, 2022, 02:52:58 pm »
I have been playing a psi character when I did the Lemurian Health Center which makes the Body Horror feat a detriment (it only increases critical chance with non-psi weapons but offers a significant resolve debuff), there should be an option to kill him without gaining it. I assumed that resisting Man with enough Will would send it in instead to do the job but I haven't heard any hitting noises.

If TM stops being a freezy breezy hybrid squeezy school then it definitely needs a lot more buffs to make it worth investing. Properly built for it can do devastating damage but some of its abilities suck and it has no area of effect option unless you count Continuum Ripple, which is a weak feat. Not to mention that Stasis works the same on the enemies as it does on you AKA expires on the start of their turn.

Suggestions / Re: Buff DOMINATING
« on: April 07, 2022, 10:12:55 pm »
Dominating requires a huge dose of meta-knowledge as well as knowledge of how to increase your damage number in an effective manner. Its biggest challenge by far is the number bloat which I think also makes the difficulty a tedious pain in the ass when you suddenly have to gear your build for enough damage to kill those bosses before they kill you.

Damn. Anyway thanks

The only way I know of to tell him is by joining the Praetorians, is there any alternative?

Telekinetic Proxy doesn't have much synergy with the rest of the psychokinetic psi abilities (the only abilities it works with are Force Emission, Telekinetic Punch and Implosion), especially with Electrokinesis, which is why I think it'd be cool if Electrokinesis could jump to the proxy with the unique interaction of Electrokinesis not losing power when it jumps to and from the proxy, so you can still use it against single targets as if there were multiple.

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #3: Real-time 3D Models
« on: April 05, 2022, 08:11:00 pm »
It's been almost 2 years already? Shit... Is there an upcoming devlog?

Bugs / Begin Combat cooldown does not scale with game speed
« on: April 05, 2022, 02:55:34 pm »
It's the same ~10 second cooldown regardless of the game's speed

Suggestions / Re: Enable CACS usage for pure Unarmed
« on: April 04, 2022, 01:30:40 am »
You telling me I can beat people equipped with metal armor to death, literally beat industrial robots to scrap, wrestle crawlers and yell so loud I make everyone terrified of my mere autistic presence, survive 20 gunshots with leather armor and dodge 100, but my fists are too weak to have a coated film of capacitor cellophane and to not explode.

Pipeworkers, all of you. Let me place firecrackers AND the CACS, I'll take the damage. These fists can brawl God and the only reason I won't beat Six to death is because Styg won't let me.
Most based forum post in the last 6 months tbh
Also because the forums have an average of 3 posts a day

General / Re: The Bot Situation
« on: April 03, 2022, 06:17:27 pm »
Sounds like the software worked pretty well, haven't seen a bot post that wasn't already made

Suggestions / Re: Jyles should clean up dead burglars
« on: April 03, 2022, 06:11:57 pm »
So I paid attention to this a little further and it's only remains that vanish and not any other sort of corpse. My bad!

This is a bot

The first time I have ever seen a two-headed mutant was during this playthrough after almost 700 hours in the game. Way too rare, they should be a guaranteed spawn, although I seriously suggest they should be post-Depot A only because fighting the equivalent of a hunchback mutant when you're at best level 9 is too painful even for DOMINATING.

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