That is not the question I made however. What I asked was. If they are not buying the specific item, then you can't just go and trade it for something else right?.. It's not about being able to trade or not but rather, if the merchant won't buy it cause he doesn't buys that type of stuff or has already reached the limit of that type of stuff that he buys, then he wont trade either because he doesn't needs the item? That's the question. Although it's kinda pointless cause evn trading I'd never be able to sell all the excess stuff that I'd get, it does at least satisfies some intellectual curiosity.
Sorry for misunderstanding. It's only on rare occassions that I can't trade things with the vendors and get the things I want because I don't exhaust their limit every time I return to town.
As for the systems. You may feel like both this and the previous was wrong, but the previous actually didn't got you as much money as the current one. It also didn't drive some people crazy by not being able to sell all the loot. Though yes, some people prefer the new one cause to them it feels more realistic to have to leave stuff behind though to me it feels like it wastes my time. I went there for nothing as a reward... Pretty much the same reason I kept saying that the vault in the SGS was bad. it is time wasted for no rewards inside. Now there is some form of reward if you play on oddity but if not it's a waste of time... Even then it kinda is a waste of time cause you hit the level cap way before you reach the end of the current content.
I didn't notice a difference in the amount of money gained with the old and the new system, and for the rest of the paragraph, you've already said that and I understand what you mean as I've already said, I just don't see that as a problem because we have different playstyles and means of play.
Still it's possible to please everyone. All you need is an option to remove all carry weights and merchant buying limits. Those who like to play with those, play with them, those who do don't like them, play without them. And everybody is happy. If you want to go even further because having options is good. You can add options that you select at the beggining of the campaign to say, have merchants buy things cheaper and sell at more expensive prices. Have less drops. Things like that... think of it as ratehr than have a difficulty setting that goes from easy to hard. You have adjustable settings over several paramenters.
That would be great but I don't expect Styg to go that far cause that's more development time and thus more money that needs to be invested into the game. I'm not sure how having a customisable difficulty setting would actually impact on the development schedule. Some simple things like disable this or that I'm sure it's dirty quick to do. things like making merchants buy cheaper and sell higher is also something very easy to code and very quick. But certain difficulty settings might not be as simple and quick... but hey, it's not something to dismiss.
I agree, options are nice. But it all boils down to whether compromising the vision for the sake of having different options is a good thing in this case. As a content creator and as someone who have gone through a few playtest sessions with testers for my own game, there are some things that you just can't change because the systems and mechanics are mandatory for the atmosphere to be preserved, even if a a number of people disagree, artistic integrity and all. I don't know about Styg and co but they have been persistent with the changes and I'm confident to say that it's for good reasons. If the current way the economy works is for the sake of building a certain type of realism and also used as a tool to establish the harshness of Underrail then I'm all for it. I just have to adapt to it.
To give an example: Dark Souls, that game have a steep difficulty curve and unforgiving combat, not for the sake of being hard because that was never the goal of the combat system, but it was created to establish a certain type of atmosphere. I don't really like Dark Souls because of that so I just didn't continue playing it after a certain point, my loss I guess.
But who knows they might add options for this kind of thing later on in Underrail, I don't know. But if they don't then I'm ok with that, it's their game after all. I just don't know if going on about it again and again is going to change anything.