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Messages - Toast

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General / Re: Curious about my builds viability
« on: December 23, 2015, 02:41:28 am »
What weapon do you see yourself specializing in? Typically people pick their stats based on their weapon of choice--sniper and assault rifles require 6-7 Strength, while pistols technically require none but there is at least one pretty nice pistol feat requiring 6. There are also certain Dex "sweet spots" that enable you to fire small weapons an extra time per round, which mean that going hard into Dex is recommended for SMG and pistol--take a look at the Dexterity page on the wiki. Perception is another one you may want quite high for certain feats. You were right to dump will since you are not using any psi or talking skills. There are no crafting feats that require more than 7 Int so technically you have a "wasted" point there, but it's not the end of the world.

 I recommend that you take a look at all of the feats and see what stats you will need for the ones you eventually want to take. Then decide whether your current build is close enough to what you want for you to keep going with this character. From what I see right now, I think you'd be best specializing in assault rifles since you have more Str than Dex, and not quite enough Perception to make use of some of the snipey feats. You also have enough Strength to wear riot armor with a shield, which is a decent choice for someone with no stealth skill--you'll be facing enemies head-on and will need to soak up damage rather than avoid it through maneuvering, so don't worry too much about the mobility loss, which is all the armor penalty does. Since you have 5 Con, consider Conditioning to help with this as well.

The end of Depot A is definitely a difficulty spike and I think most non-stealth builds probably struggle there. The enemies are simply very tough for what level you probably are at that point.

Bugs / Small visual glitches
« on: December 22, 2015, 06:10:36 pm »
...Excuse me, "features."  :P

The tutorial testing gauntlet has a row of security camera monitors in the first room. You can look at them, like all security monitors, but they do not show you anything in the small inset screen even though they reveal the "fog of war" on the map.

One strip of the wall in the player's room in SGS illuminates and de-illuminates oddly.

Bugs / Just a silly shelf
« on: December 22, 2015, 09:24:22 am »
This shelf in Depot A doesn't know it is a shelf.

General / Re: Can crossbow be the main weapon?
« on: December 21, 2015, 06:56:37 pm »
Oh yeah, those muggers are assholes.  :P  If you have good Perception and +detection goggles, you can sometimes see them coming right before they sneak up on you. Then hit the enter key to start combat and stun them before they get the drop on you.

General / Re: Fishing limit of 3 catches?
« on: December 21, 2015, 06:45:30 pm »
I'm far from understanding how the fishing mechanics really work, but I have noticed that moving from spot to spot on the shore of the larger bodies of water often results in being able to reel in more catches. Go maybe 15 squares from where you were before and try casting again, it often works.

As for the limit of casts per spot, I've noticed it often does seem to stop at 3 as you note, but not always. I have caught as many as 5 fish and 1 junk item in a spot before having to move.

Bugs / Re: Text errors in Persuasion option in Junkyard
« on: December 21, 2015, 06:36:27 pm »
Yes, because he says something to the effect of "nice try, you're wrong, it's five charons!" when you answer with the "wrong" five option.

General / Re: Can crossbow be the main weapon?
« on: December 21, 2015, 10:47:52 am »
Crossbows can be very powerful but their power is not in pure damage, it is in crowd control/debuffs. Use shock/fire/tranquilizer bolts to stun enemies or set them on fire, and they won't be shooting back at you. Combine crossbows with bear traps and stealth to immobilize melee foes while you shoot them from afar. Opportunist is a great early feat for a crossbow user which will increase the power of your shots against almost all crowd-controlled foes. Take a look at all of the crossbow, stealth, and trap feats and think about how they combine.

For enemies with thick armor, try acid or shock bolts to do non-mechanical damage, or just pull out a HE grenade.

Bugs / Text errors in Persuasion option in Junkyard
« on: December 21, 2015, 10:30:50 am »
When using Persuasion to convince Vince you already paid his fee, the text options are messed up. Presumably they are supposed to offer you the choice between [something], five, and ten charons, but instead "five" is repeated twice and "ten" is spelled "then." One of the "five" options results in successfully passing the challenge and one does not.

Bugs / Unreachable objects in SGS
« on: December 20, 2015, 05:15:42 pm »
The two small freezers in the storage room behind Big Bret cannot be looted, clicking on them results in the player model dancing around for a while before giving up:

Light switch in the server room below Ezra can't be used, player model can't reach it somehow:

General / Re: what counts as "firearms"?
« on: December 19, 2015, 06:40:22 pm »
Alas, the dream of firing a plasma pistol twice a turn is so far away.  :'( Thanks, though!

General / Re: what counts as "firearms"?
« on: December 19, 2015, 06:31:29 pm »
Well, the skill is called "Guns," and the Gunslinger feat in particular notes it "Reduces AP required to fire *pistols*" but "only applies to *firearms*," so I'm assuming there are some pistols which do not count as firearms?

General / what counts as "firearms"?
« on: December 19, 2015, 06:20:25 pm »
What counts as a firearm for the purposes of the Gunslinger and Gun Nut feats? Does it mean regular ballistic guns only, not energy weapons/chemical pistols? Or do energy weapons also count as firearms?

Bugs / Fire and Ice achievement counting player deaths
« on: December 19, 2015, 08:50:51 am »
I haven't touched Psi abilities at all, and yet the Fire and Ice achievement is at 4/50 on its counter. I have been killed about 4 times by psi beetles and human psi users, though, so I have to conclude that the achievement is counting player deaths along with player kills.

Suggestions / Player model skin tone
« on: December 12, 2015, 06:43:08 pm »
Hi folks, let me say I am really looking forward to the full release for this gem of a game. I'm playing the final alpha build; maybe this is something that's already been addressed for the final release, but if not, let me voice a hope that the player will be able to either choose or be assigned a skin tone other than white in the final version. It's great that there are a lot of dark-skinned portraits to choose from because not all of us want to be a pasty white guy in games.  :P But it's a little jarring to pick a dark-skinned portrait and start the game to find your character model is still a pasty white guy!

Since there are already dark-skinned character models in the game, it seems like you could either link them to the appropriate portraits or just let the player choose with a simple radio button in character creation. Just a small touch that would go a long way for immersion in the game.

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