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Messages - Zalpha

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You know I thought about this too, my take was it's a feat, if your accuracy to the target is very high (exceeding 100%) then the amount of extra precision is multiplied by a certain factor, and used as the chance for you to penetrate the main target and deal damage to the target behind it, it could be interesting.

I've been shilling this 'excess precision' mechanic before because it provides you with some reason to use bipods and scopes, instead of forgetting about them completely once you have access to advanced scopes and smart modules.

Kind of a slim chance of it getting added though, since sniper rifles are already very powerful.

Very cool idea about the over precision concept.

I agree sniper rifles are really powerful but they don't have much in perks or game mechanics as other weapons. Pistols can be bought down to 4AP? I think per shot - at least a very low AP cost and used with a tactical vest + shield. Assault Rifles and SMGs have burst damage - although it has been nerfted. Sniper don't have much else going for them than high damage (sure kill?) and possible 2 shots per turn, that alone is fantastic but would it really give you an unfair advantage that would unbalance the game if lining up opponents did extra damage? I don't think so but I am not that savvy about game balance. It wont necessarily kill them unless a critical hit I think.

I think it would be hard to line up opponents, maybe if you are surround by melee foes it might be possible with using movement each turn.

I don't know, it is just an idea.

Maybe it would be better as a perk then. (What if it was a effect of penetration ammo instead? Special bullets - AP ammo?).

General / Re: Winter Vacation 2018-2019
« on: December 29, 2018, 05:41:08 pm »
It is good you guys are taking a brake, enjoy the rest and see you next year.

Happy new years while am at it!

I love Underrail and looking forward to the next expansion. I do not want the game end there and hope they will be working on a second expansion (DLC).

(Use ctrl + middle mouse scroll to zoom in and out of the website to view the full images - due to their large size).

I got inspired by the new expansion and a BioShock concept art I saw a long time ago.

As you can see isometric view and underwater theme look awesome together.

I believe it is possible for the game to create an underwater environment for players to explore but there would need to be a lot of new additions added into the game, for example new weapons types each weapon category that will work underwater (future aqua-tech) and the ability to dive down/navigate under water.

With the current expansion we got something like this.

Now we could get something like this in the second expansion.

With new equipment types.

It isn't that hard to fake an underwater look and create the feel and theme, I believe it can be done with the game engine.

I think it would look something like this.

This is just an idea and there are many ways it could be implemented.

I have not planned it all out but just came up with the concept and thought I would share it.

What are your thoughts on it?

My idea is that sniper rifles bullets travel through targets and do half damage to the second target (enemy no.2), and quarter damage to the next (enemy no.3), and one eighth to next (enemy no.4) and so on.

This would make lining up shots a cool play style for a sniper rifle users and would easier to do while in stealth mode.

It is possible but more likely that the following bullet penetration into enemy targets will not kill them off but it would provide some little advantage to the player and be a cool fun game mechanic.

It could be added as a perk skill/passive but I think it could be a nice default mechanic for Sniper Rifle weapons.

Maybe make it that it loses this effect/mechanic if targeting or hitting a shielded enemy as the bullets moment is halted/slowed.

Builds / Re: How to make sniper rifles work?
« on: December 29, 2018, 03:55:46 pm »
How amazing is this: I had an idea for sniper rifles and came here to post it here on this site only to find this thread.

My idea is that sniper rifles bullets travel through targets and do half damage to the second target (enemy no.2), and quarter damage to the next (enemy no.3), and one eighth to next (enemy no.4) and so on.

This would make lining up shots a cool play style for a sniper and would be made easier while stealthed.

It is possible but unlikely that the following shots will kill of enemies unless you got a critical hit but it would provide some advantage and be a cool fun game mechanic.

It could be added as a perk but I think it could be a nice default mechanic for weapon.

Immersion killing and off putting, I find myself surprised that I feel like this as it just a game and unrealistic to begin with.

Other games they will either comment on doing that or refuse to talk to you until you are dressed.

 Also want to see how far in the game I can get playing the game unarmored and in my underwear.

Suggestions / Drop a grenade through an air vent opening
« on: December 12, 2018, 11:56:54 am »
Drop a grenade through an air vent opening form inside an air duct to the outside of the air vent (don't think you should be throwing in grenades inside an air vent but I think you can do that anyway so maybe it shouldn't be limited to the direction you do this).

It could be an extra option to the look through or move through options.

It could be a perk.

It could be made that when you drop the grenade through the air vent, once it explodes you immediately jump through the air vent opening to the other side after it detonates. This is to sort of balance it out as you would then be in combat and not able to get back into the air duct to do it again. Why else drop a grenade through an air vent if not to kill what is on the other side – it isn’t guaranteed that everything in the rooms dies from that one grenade.

There could also be a range penalty implied that you do not throw it into the middle of the room but just outside the air duct (so a sort of half damage explosive range).

My post is only posting half a message... I have to keep editing it to try and get it to post the whole post message.

General / Re: I wish I had more skill points
« on: December 11, 2018, 02:05:37 pm »
Er ... while it's flattering to see my excel table being reference ... you are reading it wrong.

The numbers are component quality - not the actually crafting skill(s) required to use the component. You need to scroll down to "Crafting & component reference part V" of my guide and I listed all the individual max skill(s) requirements.

How embarrassing... I thought the extra numbers (the ones with the double numbers - extra next to the ones provided are the skill requirement need, maybe I should delete this post. Thanks for making that wonderful tutorial and sharing all that info. Thank you to everyone else who replied (I forgot about the base crafting bench). This wasn't a well thought I post, I just made it because I wanted to an extra tree like the ones I have mentioned, as all my builds end up feeling/seeming the same if I go for crafting.

General / I wish I had more skill points
« on: December 10, 2018, 09:39:52 am »
I wish I had more skill points...

Not considering the expansion but the base game. I often find myself wishing I had more points to put into just one skill tree. I wish I had just 135 more skill points. I can’t be the only one right? Why does it have to be this way, surely it wouldn’t ruin the game?

I want to be able to take things like persuasion, intimidation, throwing, traps or a dodge skill. I find the game isn’t as fun for me if I don’t take the crafting skills, the game just isn’t the same amount of fun if you can’t craft. To craft you can’t just take Mechanics but will need to branch out into other skills. It ends up becoming focus that I want to put points into everything crafting.

For those that think you only need a few points into crafting - you can for basic stuff it isn’t necessarily so if want to make the best end tier stuff (and that is where the real fun is)… to be able to craft the best you need efficient skill of about +110 or 130 or more (up to 196 that I know of).

A graph showing the highest level of skill requirement.

I want to be able to experience more of the game than I can currently.

Suggestions / Shops restocked notification
« on: December 09, 2018, 01:14:48 pm »
Just like the Zone Control icon there could be another icon that is a $ symbol and it is low lighted whenever you make a purchase but once the in game time for the last shop you purchased from is rest the icon will light up again notifying you that you can go shopping again (with a quick simple glance at it). Shopping (Buying and Selling) is a major part of the game with a lot time wasted by either waiting too long or going back too soon to check if they have restocked. I think this would make everyone who plays the games' experience a lot better.

I like the idea of being offered a new skill that cannot be got in the game. The idea is that you met a guy like you do the other trainers and they tell you they can teach you how to swim. So you say “Teach me” and the dive into the water and then swim out and as they start to return get pulled under the water by something (and maybe the water goes red) or a huge fish mouth covers over them from below and they disappear as they are swallowed whole. Seems like a lot extra work of animations but I think it would be funny if it was included in the new expansion.

Suggestions / A comprehensive guide in the game
« on: December 05, 2018, 04:34:51 pm »
I often open this player guide and browse the wiki to learn more and make sure I don

Suggestions / New item: Miners Lamp
« on: November 23, 2018, 04:11:39 pm »

I always have trouble dealing with Crawlers, they are so annoying and resource draining when exploring tunnels. So I came up with this alternative idea on how to deal with them.

A new place-able item called the Miner's Lamp can be placed on the floor in any spot as a light source. It is suited for the use in cave tunnels. After being placed it can later be moved to a different location when and where needed. They offer greater light radius than flares and don

General / Re: Expedition release date.
« on: November 23, 2018, 03:30:10 pm »
So there is the answer I was looking for, I got the game but didn't want to start over if the expansion was going to be released in December. At least I can now play it over the holidays without worrying about starting over half way.

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