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Messages - slyguy65

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General / Finally a real review of this game.
« on: November 27, 2020, 05:50:03 pm »

No vague sseth nonsense, just straight up real talk.

INB4 sycophants REE

Builds / Re: An Average Explanation of Outstanding Psi Builds
« on: June 24, 2020, 04:14:33 pm »
I do not recommend advanced psi empathy for light/medium armored mages.
On paper it sounds ok, but in practice it is not worth it IMO.

With the health cut I feel like I am back in the early game where everything would chunk the shit out of me. And the only pay off I can feel is the fact that I don't need to use psi boosters as much....when I already had a 100+ to burn so ya....

The benefit is limited by your action points in all honesty. Even WITH psi acceleration AND the feat for that. Sure you feel like you aren't running out of psi every other turn as easily but its just not worth it. With the philosophy + psi headband crafting feat it felt fine. With advanced psi, it feels like I have a good amount of psi which is...fine, but the cost of being 1HKO with my armor that made me feel like a tank just before the feat is NOT worth the trade off.

Suggestions / Re: Add a "shopping list" + merchant tweaks
« on: June 24, 2020, 03:48:09 pm »
Alright. After playing to nearly the end of the game. I am 100% calling anyone trying to object or argue the idea that long distance communication is not a thing or possible or appropriate for underrail. Is completely, and utterly full of shit.

1. Tchort has two quests where you are literally given a 2 way comm device.
"WelL AkTUallY itS oNLY ShoRt DIstANce"
YES YOU ARE RIGHT! BUT GUESS WHAT FUCKO! In the dialogue it makes explicit mention of how he COULD procure a long range radio but doesn't have the time. CHECK MATE!

2. The entire DLC. Ya, they just straight up have a comm device the entire DLC. The fact people were calling the idea of having two way communication not possible in the first few replies, either didn't play the DLC or are just well, idiots.
"THaT techNoloGY ISn'T AcceSSIble iIn SouTH UndErrAIL"
Ok, so now we made progress, it went from being non existent to possible but not plausible, ok, ok.

At the last stretch of the game, you come across an old sidequest NPC. Guess fucking what she has to say. She says a bunch of stuff, but point is. She explicitly says that she "contacted tanner" meaning long distance two way communication is not only available in south underrail but SOUTH GATE STATION, YOUR HOME HAS ACCESS TO IT!

Honestly. At this point the only people who are against the ability to contact merchants via some sort of comms device are just masochists who object to any possible form of quality of life when pragmatically and lore wise it makes fucking sense and should be a thing.

General / Re: Psi crab coak is not worth it.
« on: June 21, 2020, 05:52:32 pm »
You dont need 5 str to hold the weapon, just to attack with it without penalty. 

Psicrab is for mages who want as much defense as possible, or for people going up against coil spiders without the tesla armor.  If that's not you, stick to the psi beetle carapace.  Actually, now that I think about it, you could get really good electricity AND heat protection with a galvanic antithermic psi crab vest.  So it would be great for burning shores for instance.

Ive been conditioned by games that red text and the word "requirements" means no go. Ill just chalk it up to another "you should have this insider info" moment the game likes to have.

Secondly, I agree with what you are saying. However that is kind of my point with calling it "not worth it". I don't think its useless by any means. However I don't have high strength, even WITH rathound feat I get easily encumbered if I loot stuff. The fact people actively encourage cheating in the game at least in regards to carry capacity tells me balance is an issue.
For reference to "encouraging cheating"

Psi crab is just too damn heavy, and you lose all movement, its overly punishing for how niche it is. Coil spiders I think I only encountered two times in the eniter game? I haven't finished institute of chort since I read that doing so triggers an abrupt "point of no return" so maybe there are more areas.

Either way, generally speaking, gear; especially unique gear, is so hyper niche in its usage. I have no issue with this, however couple it with the very limiting carry capacity for psi players and you have frustration. I would in fact use/carry the psi crab vest around with me, if it weren't so similar to my psi beetle coat that gives me a fair bit of movement mixed with tabi boots.

I am speaking as a first time player on normal who is already fed up with the tedium that carry capacity and merchant mechanics bring. Having to go back to my "armor" stash to switch out armors is something I am not going to do, and will instead choose the best "all rounder". Which psi crab seems like it should be the "upgrade" to psi beetle given its blue rarity name and similar properties, however its not since the trade off is what I can only call obnoxious in comparison.

General / Re: Damn you sseth you played me like a damn fiddle.
« on: June 21, 2020, 05:00:11 pm »
Indeed, and here I was almost about to do coop outworld with a buddy even though he was at least more honest about the obvious cancer that game has. So I guess he is improving. Either way, it honestly does feel like he over sold the game; or atleast the DLC, saying how it "broke him". I think I understand now after playing for 150 hours. Though the DLC is not what broke me, it was the tedium the game pretends not to recognize but clearly has (merchants/loot/bad design on some things). The DLC was actually very hum drum and by the books, it was literally exactly what one would expect. Again I was REALLY surprised there was no big set piece when it felt very easily set up. Maybe due to lack of time or budget. Would be nice if the dev chimed in on the near anti climactic ending of the DLC but oh well.

General / Re: Psi crab coak is not worth it.
« on: June 21, 2020, 04:52:37 pm »
Perhaps I should clarify. REGEN psi crab feels not worth it.

I am not trying to be a tank that can't move at all since I need all my AP to mage cast. The 85-95% burden and sheer weight is totally counter to what a "mid range" armor type should be.

I can't use riot or heavy armors cause 3 STR. So when I get a nice tactical vest that I CAN wear, it just says "lol fuck you no moving around". Seems overly punishing, its just more practical to stick with a psi beetle regen vest with blast or kevlar. Also, elec damage seems beyond useless. Unless the faceless or something does electric damage I don't see the point, since the only electric damage I see being dished out is "energy" damage. So ya, seems pointless i.e not worth the 0 movement points.

Speaking on psi related gear, why the hell does the only psi weapons (native staves) require 5 fucking strength? In this game, that punishes hybrids and empowers pure builds. Why? Why do that? A mage isn't supposed to have strength. This mixed with the overly heavy and restrictive psi crab vest makes me think its just poorly balance gameplay wise.

General / Damn you sseth you played me like a damn fiddle.
« on: June 21, 2020, 03:56:43 pm »
So, I legit bought this game due to the hype and intrigue built up by that youtube video.
Now, after beating the DLC, all I can say is, what a fucking snake oil salesman.
The main story is vastly more interesting than the DLC, the DLC is so straight forward its laughable. You go, get the thing either give it to the people who want it as planned, or sell/give it to a faction you like. No big set piece or anything.

Its literally just a warhammer 40k STC, that's it. Being a pretty big lore nerd for 40k this was such a let down. Compared to the faceless, and trchort. A simple STC clone was meh. Not to mention the giant serpent is never shown, and the shadowlith was so underwhelming it literally only messes with you in that single room. Maybe if that shadowlith had say made you rush out of the station, then perhaps cause the giant serpent to go crazy requiring some multistage boss fight. That would have been epic. But nah, it was just a LOST level cloud monster that chases you out of a room cause you stole some warhammer 40k fan fiction. I feel straight up hoodwinked not gana lie.

I was REALLY expecting the giant serpent to have an "occulus" type moment with how the sub is all black screen, expecting it to reveal the scale of the serpent by unveiling it in a similar way occulus did in the main game. It felt so set up to do that but nah.

General / Psi crab coak is not worth it.
« on: June 21, 2020, 01:25:19 am »
The insane armor penalty is not with the extra resistances as well as the measly 2 psi extra regen. Not to mention the base weight of it just makes carrying stuff more of a hassle.

For all the lurkers out there here how you do it:
1) Befriend Yngwar at A10 (need to have 8 int i guess) and get right symbol
2) Talk to Ferryman about this and get information about body part of the dead man that you want to search (also Yngwar can have this information too)
3) Go to G12

At the end of each path the is 4 mechanisms. One of which contain the crank you need to get to right corpse (it have RMB context menu with "remove crank"). Get it.
After that you need to find right mechanism: refer to the symbol that you've got from Yngwar (it usually at the left side of an "ark" of mechanism). Attach crank to it, activate, and interact with the corpse.

i think its 9 INT for Rune Sketch

So uh, how the fuck is someone without the rune symbol supposed to figure this shit out?
The fact it starts spawning unkillable enemies on what I can only assume a hidden timer is just utter ridiculous.
No one likes playing a game with hidden rules. The fact I have had to internet search so much fucking nonsense for this game is honestly telling.

And not its not "telling" to how dumb I am. So I am cutting that off at the pass now since I know forums are echo chambers and don't like criticism. However the shit this game pulls is downright obnoxious and needs addressed.

General / Re: Stealing from Ray's Shop
« on: June 17, 2020, 09:50:44 pm »
Expedition quests pay very, very well. You can also sell jetski parts for ludicrous charons

That last part is what I was assuming with the DLC, which is cool, however people still say how ridiculously overpriced the top tier skis are, decimator? I think it was. Seems everything that is a bitch to get/deal with is always ended with "not worth it".

General / Re: Energy shields
« on: June 17, 2020, 09:33:45 pm »
400 Very high shield with only 200 capacity is pointless since at max it can absorb 200 right?


Thanks, I hate it.

General / Wait is the DLC just "The Gauntlet" on a massive scale???
« on: June 17, 2020, 09:32:38 pm »
I am just now realizing that aegis at least has a hidden timer counting down. Just like the fucking gauntlet (i.e the most cancerous thing in this game).

So you are telling me, people can end up spending 10s of hours playing this DLC and still fail...just because they aren't beating some hidden fucking TIMER?!?!

I just read this

And ya, everything there, yes to it. Why? Why can't we restock? Why are we forced into some invisible timer, in a setting LITERALLY MEANT TO BE EXPLORED AND TAKEN IN??? The contradiction is, palpable.

I get dealing with limited resources...but the main hub in underrail is just down the road, its where they pick you up for god sakes. Why the hell would you be stuck in the black sea with ZERO ways to resupply or fight against the timer? I swear, this game, I like it, but if I had to sum it up in one word, it would be obnoxious. One hundred percent. Obnoxious.

Someone had to make a program for a puzzle for some indie

I am not even going to bother with the puzzle in all honesty. The fact the instructions are multiple "next" buttons long is what kills any interest, if you want to make a convoluted puzzle that is overly complex, requiring pages of instructions, at the very least have those pages of instructions be easier to read/reference.

General / Re: Stealing from Ray's Shop
« on: June 17, 2020, 03:50:06 pm »
It took me around 50-60 hours to get 10+k coins.

 ??? Uhhhhh, you're doing something very wrong if Charons are that hard for you to come by.

Ya its called I wipe the merchants out every restock with one expensive sale.
The reason it takes so long is cause im waiting on them to get more damn money.
Also I spent maybe 10k on the house (crafting/one security upgrade and all floors renovated) before checking the wiki to realize even the security system was pointless...SO you know, great feeling to have to check the wiki for every decision or anything involving choice/money since the game has a lot of "LOL fuck you" moments. Or just down right "out of left field" moments. I don't like being scammed, the decor, sure, its decor, but the multiple levels of renovating and the security system being pointless (unless its used in the point of no return) then ya, dumb.

Also I am basing this off vanilla underrail I only started expedition so if there is some huge revenue that opens up then ok.
I would say its not a stretch to say the average player has around 8-15k coins when they start the expedition soooooo unless you want to give out some kind of "secret" that nets you tens of thousands of coins easily; aside from the obvious mercantile point investment or some min max drivel I am calling you out.

General / Re: Stealing from Ray's Shop
« on: June 17, 2020, 03:48:49 am »
Seems to me that dev does not want you to be able to steal...even though he makes the prices absolutely ridiculous. Everything is double what it should be if you ask me. Unless you can start making bookoo bucks by selling capture jetskis or something the asking price is fucking absurd. It took me around 50-60 hours to get 10+k coins. Then this DLC says "LOL FUCK YOU" its just obnoxious.

If there is anyway to legit steal from that shop let me know cause this whole thread seems like the only time it was done was via some glitch or something.

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