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Suggestions / Difficulties (Hard/DOMINATING and misc)
« on: June 17, 2024, 08:55:42 pm »
In this topic, I present both realistic suggestions that should be relatively easy to implement, and not so much.

*These suggestions, in my opinion, could complement the game nicely. I understand that I may not understand Styg's ideas in some places.

- Hard should have same boss NPC health modifier like DOMINATING or at least 200%. Bosses will feel more like bosses in a way.
- Set DOMINATING NPC skill modifier setting to 100%. To make builds more viable. Dodge/Evasion for example, already not much useful stats, on DOM they become useless if not upgraded to the absolute max.
- Disable the ability to go to another zone on DOMINATING or set it cost to 60 AP. In many situations, this will force you to change tactics.
- On DOMINATING remove bear traps from the sale of some merchants, and reduce their number to 1-2 per cycle for others merchants. This change alone will make difficulty truly DOMINATING.
To complement this change make bear trap blueprints only spawn in some places after beating Depot A.
Also remove molotov cocktail from sales before beating Depot A and make incendiary grenade craft request more gasoline/magnesium/napalm.
- On Hard/DOM make ammo much more scarce/expensive. This will encourage you to craft the bullets yourself or consider their availability into account if you don't have crafting skills.

- Hard/DOM bosses should have their unique oddities, 1-2XP worth. This will make them more, special.
- On DOMINATING in some groups of humanoid enemies, sometimes there must be one with armor-piercing bullets. This will add extra priority in some fights.

- Rename Easy difficulty to "Hopper" or "Pipeworker".
- Rename Normal difficulty to "As intended", because it is as intended.
- Rename Hard difficulty to "Hardcore".
This will make them sound more "special".

Also talk about your thoughts about difficulties. It will be interesting to read/discuss.

Suggestions / Core City House and Phreak hideout
« on: December 11, 2022, 10:15:09 am »
Right now Core City House is just money dump, especially second floor, it would be cool to have more interactions with it and have an alternative.

Here's list of suggestion for Core City House:
-Workbenches. Give them the opportunity to repair all items in the inventory with their help, so that you don't need to repair every item individually. Cost can be "uses" that you buy from Jyles or something else, scrap for example.
-Bedroom. The opportunity to sleep for +15% out of combat/stealth movement speed buff for 15 min.
-Study. The opportunity to "study???" for -10% psi cost reduction buff for 10 min. Maybe something different related to "?sTudy???".
-Gym. +1 strength or +40 evasion/dodge buff for 10 min. You can only choose one thing.
You can have only two House buffs.
-Kitchen. Abillity to cook cave hopper meat.
-Give the opportunity to settle Dude in Core City House, pls pls pls. Just like, uhh, move him to the basement :) :) :) >:(

Add Phreak hideout reward as an alternative to Core City House, so that you'll have less reasons to side with fat asses. You can't improve it, but it already has:
-Electronic/mechanic workbenches with +10% bonus to their respective technology skills and you can't repair items on them.
-Bed, same as in Core City House, you'll recive out of combat/stealth movement speed buff, but only +10% instead of 15.

Suggestions / Crafting components upgrade
« on: November 24, 2022, 07:02:02 am »
This is more for the Infusion than for the original game.

The ability to improve the crafting component, this can be obtained after completing some quest or some other way. Like workbench or something.

I'll explain with an example:
We have a quality 40 component A that we want to improve. To do this, the system will require a component B with quality in the range from (component A - 10) to (component A + 5) and some payment. The payment can be just charons or quality of Super Steel Plates, or whatever. If the requirements are met, then component A will be improved with additional 20-30 quality points. This way you can improve the component only to a certain value, 130 for example. Then you get the opportunity to "InFuSE" component and you can do it only once, just like with leather. "InFuSiOn" will give component additional quality points in range 5-20, this range can be increased in a similar way as Super Steel Plates and Super Steel Refining Data.

This can have some more restrictions ofc, like impossibility to "inFuSe" component with quality above 140 or those that you didn't previously improve on workbench, or whatever.

Suggestions / Boots and tabis MP and MS
« on: October 29, 2022, 06:18:10 pm »
Boots now give 50% movement speed and 100% movement points from the tabis current value. Same with tabis but 100% for movement speed and 50% for movement points.

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