I need to learn to insert quotes ^^.
What I'm suggesting is: don't get married to a single weapon. Well-crafted Amplified Plasma Pistol has a tremendous crit potential (allowing you to use Critical Power properly) and can be used as a good opener in many "spirited negotiations". 
Anyway, I see your points about using a plasma pistol. I've read somewhere that a Chem/Energy pistols build can be very strong. Despite having played hundreds of hours to Underrail, I still tend to specialize my characters (AR Tincan, full PSI...) but reading about Versatility or hybrid characters is giving me a lot of ideas to have even more fun with this awesome game.
You can go "pure chem" with Critical Power and Sharpshooter, but I'm not sure how effective this will be. Cooked Shot seems to be the main advantage over traditional firearms, but it deals normal (non-critical, yeah?) damage.
If you want to use primarily chemical weapons, Sharpshooter+Critical Power is not useful in my opinion.
You need to move around a lot, so Sharpshooter is of limited value. Much utility from the acid gun lies in entangling, moving and hiding out of sight, and returning to fire next round. No Sharpshooter bonus then. Same thing if you want to use Ambush, then you often need to move a bit to a dark tile.
Critical Power just seems like a waste with no other bonuses to critical damage.
About Sharpshooter/Critical Power for a pure Chemical Pistols build, i am not too sure about it anymore thanks to everyone answering here. I understand that Chemical Pistols build are about making damages overtime, thanks to Mad Chemist, Gas Grenades, Traps...
To Bruno, you're saying that you need to be able to move fast with this build. I plan to use Sprint to help me with that but what is your opinion about Hit and Run ? On a side note, I plan to use something like 7 or 8 points on Agility (the latter if i go for Uncanny Dodge).
I am getting there. I will probably post one or two builds soon for you to comment on, if you want.
Edit :
One build i am thinking about :
https://underrail.info/build/?HgMHCgULAwfCoEgAAB4AUFNQKEHCoMKgwqAtAAAAAAAAAEwnOWEwFk7CkVZZRxkmwoUdwrXCpiTioowD4qKWBeKonALisrsF378It seems counter-intuitive with pistols but I went for low Dexterity and high Perception. I feel like i need to sacrifice too much points in Dexterity to reduce the action points cost of Chemical Pistols. I'll shot less but do a lot more damages. Blitz, Point Shot and putting 5 spezialisation points in Cook Shot : Action Point Cost are supposed to compensate for my low Dexterity. Having 10 points in Agility and Hit and Run give a lot of mobility.