Author Topic: Better mutation for player character  (Read 684 times)


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Better mutation for player character
« on: October 12, 2023, 06:22:17 pm »
I'd like to be able to mutate better. Namely:

- i'd like to retain ability to use jet skis after mutation, seeing there are muties riding 'em in abandoned water facility just fine;
- i'd like to remain able to use psi abilities, provided i was able to prior to mutation, seeing there is a strong mutant able to use 'em in the game;
- i'd like to remain able to use crafting skills, provided i had some prior to mutation, seeing Booth who does just fine doing fine hand work - tatooes;
- i'd like to remain able to use grenades and other throwables, provided i had some Throwing skill prior to mutation.

And i'd love to be able to choose between various types of mutation, by injecting certain mutagen sequences into mutagen tanks in Deep Caverns and then mutating there into something different than "default" D5 mutagen produces. In particular, i'd love to see mutations which do not force player character to always wear claws for weapons, and mutations which produce body armor with various armor penalty and defenses - some as low as 30% armor penalty, others close to 90%. There are certain feats impossible to use or becoming inefficient when it's one and the same 50% body armor after mutation.

Seeing how it's still possible to be stealthy, and even develop Agility to 7+ hard points while mutated, hence also getting (or even retaining) Interloper feat and its specialization if any, we can reach lots of places in the game where it'd normally be impossible to fight into, like Your House in Core City with its crafting benches. Seeing how it's still possible to use the Juice and travel through Rifts after mutation as well, even more places could be reached. But being unable to do things listed above totally ruins lots of possible gameplay after mutation - which could be whole new "chapter" of the game, when we go to all the various places (not just the most like we can now) and fight or sneak our way into areas which previously were always non-hostile, and/or simply doing it in this new - mutant - form with its mighty different (to any regular build) abilities and features.
our lifestyles, mores, institutions, patterns of interaction, values, and expectations are shaped by a cultural heritage that was formed in a time when carrying capacity exceeded the human load. (c) William R. Catton, Jr


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Re: Better mutation for player character
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2023, 01:03:35 am »
- i'd like to retain ability to use jet skis after mutation, seeing there are muties riding 'em in abandoned water facility just fine;

Muties maybe riding jet skis. Certainly not Mutants.

- i'd like to remain able to use crafting skills, provided i had some prior to mutation, seeing Booth who does just fine doing fine hand work - tatooes;

No idea how u craft with giant crab like claws. Once again the booth guy was a Mutie. Not a Mutant.

- i'd like to remain able to use grenades and other throwables

How do u pull a pin with crab claws.


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Re: Better mutation for player character
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2023, 04:53:29 am »
Muties ride, yes. So i meant mutating into a mutie and not into a mutant, at least as an option. See, why exactly should we always be "badly" mutated, i.e. a "mutant" - and never "partially" mutated, i.e. a mutie? Them muties / mutants both exist due to exposure to biocorp mutagens, i read. So why player character can be one but not the other - eludes me. I'd even be total fine if there would be some super-tricky puzzle to make a particularly long and rare-to-find-required-bits-for mutagen - say after beating Tchort - which would mutate player character same way Wyatt mutated, i.e. the intended way - getting benefits without losing anything and keeping humanlike looks.

Booth got no giant crab claws, yes. Grenade pins, can possibly use teeth and/or tentacles, dunno. Anyhow, i said i'd like an option not to have 'em claws, above.

P.S. And yes, i know asking for these extra options for a largely very niche part of the game - mutant gameplay is clearly not the main thing. I know chances to see this added into the game are remote to say the least. But i'd really like it and if nobody asks for it, chances get even smaller. Had to do it. ;)
our lifestyles, mores, institutions, patterns of interaction, values, and expectations are shaped by a cultural heritage that was formed in a time when carrying capacity exceeded the human load. (c) William R. Catton, Jr


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Re: Better mutation for player character
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2023, 07:27:01 am »
The only purpose of player becoming mutant is to unlock mutant questline. It is extremely unlikely it will be expanded in much detail as it would require a significant amount of changes and mutant questline already has its own overarching story.
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