Author Topic: Combat Skills Balance (needs to be achieved)  (Read 6792 times)


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Re: Combat Skills Balance (needs to be achieved)
« Reply #15 on: November 25, 2024, 01:19:03 am »
Yes I was showcasing peak TC against the hardest fight in the game on DOM, and what do you mean a crapload of specifically chosen feats? yes its a build. Also what do you mean 12 will and int, I think you mean 21 will and 8 int. And wow 3 bots, crazy.

Why would you go to black sea on DOM at lv12, wait till lv16 when you can get a 160q headband (yes its not hard), and TM will destroy all the bots with ease. Temporal distortion shits on bots lol. And why would I use fear or enrage when I can just kill them with neural overload. Don't think I specifically mentioned fear or enrage being strong because I don't use them even though they do work I just spam neural overload and everyone on my screen is dead.

I'm betting you tried TC on a hybrid build with crappy will (below 15) and everyone resisted your spells. Newsflash TC works the best on its own dedicated build it is not something you can slap onto any build and it will work.

You also have no idea what you are talking about relating to psi, just because psi needs a headband doesn't make it weak. Headbands are a core part of psi builds and they aren't particularly hard to acquire. Their crafting requirements are very soft.

If you compare using the thumper at an early level to a TC build which hard scales into the late game then sure of course nade launcher is stronger...

You are either a high tier shitposter or completely dellusional.

You do know I beat DOM without dying once on a TC/TM build right?, 3 con aswell. Saying it doesn't work is hilarious.

« Last Edit: November 25, 2024, 01:21:22 am by Eidein »


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Re: Combat Skills Balance (needs to be achieved)
« Reply #16 on: November 28, 2024, 01:00:52 pm »
Not everything needs to be always 'balanced'. When it is, you find yourself a boring, samey, WoW-like sludge of a game where every build can do everything with about the same degree of success and none of your choices matter much. The ranking in the first post is way off btw.

Deep Driller

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Re: Combat Skills Balance (needs to be achieved)
« Reply #17 on: November 29, 2024, 02:32:26 am »
Not everything needs to be always 'balanced'.

Not saying it should be in perfect balance so it'll never matter whether you pick one build over another. But there should be some... dunno, certain level of usability and brackets of some sort. So far the only brackets we have is an electrified floor/ladder (in one specific lication). I mean, when you miss 95% hit on an incapacitated target with Aimed Shot from your Phase Gun — it may be detrimental. If you miss one hit with 60% of hit from your LMG?.. you have like 10 ammo per burst, others will do the trick, and nothing to worry about. I could think of 5 more examples but you can deduce them yourself.

Again, the problems I stated above, may not need the solution — to keep things interesting, but the huge gap between certain kinds of weapons/skills is not a good thing. And that one sort of needs to be addressed.

Then again, whole Heavy Duty feel like it came out short and unfinished. I do see a couple of hints for another DLC but if we're to compare Expedition and HD — Expedition is like the third of the original, while HD is merely a 1/12th.


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Re: Combat Skills Balance (needs to be achieved)
« Reply #18 on: November 29, 2024, 09:50:10 pm »
I know what you mean, I just don't see it as a problem. This game follows the old-school design principles of the classic Fallouts and imm-sims: it lays down its tools before you and trusts you to make your choice and to make it work. Yeah, some tools are much better or situationally better than the others, so choose wisely. If you made a poor choice, restart and try again with the newly found knowledge and you'll do better. It's part of the fun. And once you've finished the game, you can go back and try something else. You may even try something outrageously suboptimal just to challenge yourself. This is how people've sunk thousands of hours into it.

Deep Driller

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Re: Combat Skills Balance (needs to be achieved)
« Reply #19 on: November 30, 2024, 04:42:31 am »
This game follows the old-school design principles of the classic Fallouts and imm-sims: it lays down its tools before you and trusts you to make your choice and to make it work.

Yeah, some tools are much better or situationally better than the others, so choose wisely.

It's different from Fallout 1/2/mods. Yes, I've beat them all as well.

In them, you could obtain top-tier armour and a few perks and cull enemies on sight with top tier weapons that were in every category. Miniguns, Launchers, Plasma Rifles, Power Fists, Supersledges, et cetera. It never mattered against who you're going, because Power Armour keeps you alive (for the most battles) and you can use as much Stimpaks per turn as you want.

Here you have to follow a certain pattern. No matter how good of a sharpshooter or a fist fighter you are — if you find an overwhelming group of enemies that can corner you easily or step into Crawler's lair — you have to have a good amount of combat drugs on you or trap the whole area.

It relies on battle tactics and you can't be a big-ass tank with even a Mind Cracker going against horde of Lunatics with your back open. They'll simply vaporize you from afar, while you'll be constantly stunned, dazed, frozen and under mental subversion.

Granted, armour with high resistance and 10+ Constitution and Will can save you from that and you can prevail through sheer HP pool, but then you can forget about having first turn, about good stealth, about dodge and evasion, about any DEX, AGI, PER, and INT check — because you're gonna invest all your points into STR, CON, and WILL.

Even then, a good critical from a couple of snipers will still get you killed. Or even Acid Hunters/a CAU unit.

Stealth characters have much easier living, but when they can't rely on their stealth, well, they are forced to hide and also use a shitton of combat drugs.

Those games are not the same. A couple of things they do have in common, but fight systems are barely alike, aside from turn-based mode.

And this is why having OP weapons that can obliterate everything without any effort from the player AND having builds that can shine only against certain enemies and only after you're leveled up and geared up fully — is the opposite of the balance.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2024, 09:11:03 am by Deep Driller »


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Re: Combat Skills Balance (needs to be achieved)
« Reply #20 on: November 30, 2024, 02:24:52 pm »
Honestly I think you are projecting your own skill issue onto the game, even without traps or drug spam most encounters can be approached any way you want.


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Re: Combat Skills Balance (needs to be achieved)
« Reply #21 on: December 01, 2024, 02:57:34 am »
I think I've been reasonable but I have to concur, this does seem to be a skill issue.

Deep Driller

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Re: Combat Skills Balance (needs to be achieved)
« Reply #22 on: December 01, 2024, 05:13:24 am »
this does seem to be a skill issue.


I was referring to DOMINATING. Of course, on Normal you can easily do most encounters while watching a movie on your second monitor.

Then again, you are constantly changing the topic:

1. Well, not everything should be balanced. — to which I partially agreed with.

2. But in OG Fallouts it were the same! — it wasn't.

3. Skill issue. — you lost the dispute and decided to attack.

It shows your lack of argument and specific notions. You just disagree with me, for no particular reason. While you couldn't prove your points, you decided to turn to eristics. I don't see this conversation going anywhere so I stop it.


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Re: Combat Skills Balance (needs to be achieved)
« Reply #23 on: December 01, 2024, 05:34:54 pm »
Well I enjoyed reading this thread, although it was just a waste of air, but I read a lot of interesting thoughts
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Re: Combat Skills Balance (needs to be achieved)
« Reply #24 on: December 01, 2024, 07:11:19 pm »
3 people say its a skill issue, must not be a skill issue.  8)

You have some pretty big misconceptions about the weapons and builds in this game, its very noticeable.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2024, 07:14:23 pm by Eidein »