Well epili. If you can run with that and not take damage you must be incredibly good because with 5 str, 5 con, in fact mostly everything at 5 and 13 will while using a carrier vest (which is at least better than leather armor) I was getting owned time and time again in Depot A, savescumming a lot to get through it.
Attack them from outside vision range? Yeah right. No spell of mine even had the range to attack them from outside their visual range. Once I got in their visual range they moved almost into melee and that is at maximum ranges.
Let's talk about situations where you cannot do that. Sure you can try the stand around the corner, iniciate combat and move into LoS and start casting. The only problem is that you are not likelly to even kill a single enemy in the first round and more often than not you have 4+ enemies and only 2 CC abillities that you can throw in a single round, after that only 1 CC per round until electrokinesis is out of cooldown... Really I was only ever semi safe against humans when I LoC + bilocation them and then cast the force wall to prevent from being attacked while they died to the illusions. Even then if a sniper survived and could get a shot on me it would usually oneshot me anyway, even with 5 con, even with a carrier vest.
Now your build is definitly not up to spec against robot. You have one good spell, the rest are not that damaging. they can help but they won't do much and your spell has a cooldown. Sure you can use EMP grenades and savescum as much as you like until you start hitting and between the two of them, maybe it is enough, But you shouldn't have to relly on savescumming to get through a situation. If you have a crossbow with special bolts however, you are much safer.
So I need a secondary weapon and stealth makes a huge difference too to get the right engagement angle on the enemy.
Also you listed 11 different skills. While yes, eventually you'll stop needing to up some skills and can start getting other ones. At the begining and for possibly over half your leveling time you cannot do this so you are stuck for at least the first half of the game with 8 skill. 3 of them go into psi, 2 of them into loot related stuff and probably you want another weapon and sneak. In my experience it is needed.
So no, I don't think psi characters are easy mode, I've had far more success and easy gameplay with the character I had made that used assault and sniper rifles with grenades as a secondary weapon as well as being able to craft grenades... Yes, you could get mk5 easily back then, I realise this, but it's still going to be a lot easier to roll outthis way than it is with a psi character. The difference between the both of them was not small at all, it was abismal. my sniper I never really cared, I steamrolled everything without taking any damage. In fact the only time I died was when I got distracted and a sniper one shot me after the gang showdown in the junkyard. I wasn't expecting to be an enemy there, was unning around without stealth and it got the jump on me and oneshot me.