[..]For those who just can't wait to get to explore the Black Sea themselves, here's a short video from the recent internal testing that we've done (this is NOT a trailer). It does contain some spoilers, though we tried to censor the important stuff, so be warned.
Anyway, that's it for now guys. Let us know what you think.
- = negative, + = positive
+ Awesome animated water effects! Had to zoom in and rewind multiple times just to look at the beauty you created.
- Shotgun SFX should be one big BAM! Not this weak, automatic rifle sound thingy. This way its "MEH!.." and not satisfying at all.

+ Electric attack SFX (monsters) is much better for example than your "shotgun"
- "Rock Blasting through" sound (ends with rocks falling) is very loud and frightening, tone it down PLS.
+ New graphics is surprisingly nice!
- At elevator the text is nice green, but your dialog selection option BG highlight should be toned down or be something else, like a low opacity green color BG or a much more faint orange w. low opacity!
- Handmaiden attack physical feedback: you should have "player character-hit" animations. Player character standing there like a rock, while he is being hit by the Handmaiden takes away from immersion! Even fallout had hit-hurt-reel-back animations.
- Single shotgun sound is also weak, if that's what is shot during Handmaiden battle.
+ Very nice room illumination effect when the machine is turned on and it switches on the lighting.
- Gun + grenade explosion sounds are weak overall. They should have that "OOMPH!" Review the awesome DOOM 1 or DOOM 2 sounds please from the DOS/4GW Extender era!
I you want your weapons to really sound good and have an "OOMPH!", I can make your sound effects go BOOM, if you agree to send me your current ones - even if you send just one
weapon sound file to try me out:
PM me.
Here is my sound effects portfolio for OpenXCOM.
+ Nice Jet Ski graphics and sound effects!